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Chatty Member
Of course Carrie knows better than her editor. I don’t know why I’m even surprised anymore that she picked examples that show other people looking stupid and uncultured about the glorious world of theatre. Heaven forbid she retells a story that forces her to laugh at herself about something she did wrong. She really is verging on becoming insufferable.
She also overexplained ALL of those points to try and sound like an expert but it just makes HER look dumb for turning a standard concept into something special. Of course her biggest and first one is stage door as well :LOL:
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I wonder if Carrie's actually read what JK wrote or if she's just going off what she's been told. It's hardly a very feminist take to imply that Harry Potter isn't JK Rowlings and to play down what she's done. If Carrie has an issue with what was said then she needs to own it and stop fence sitting. There was an interesting documentary on the Tavistock clinic that was worth a watch at least.

I don't think her 'it's something that needs to be talked about point' is very genuine either, especially given she's already told people that don't agree with her to unfollow/ not talk to her about it. Given that the UK has seen a 4000% (yes that's thousand) increase in teenage girls identifying as trans it is definitely something that needs to be looked into, not because no one can be trans, but because teenage girls are incredibly susceptible to social contagion.
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Photo on the left looks like someone I would want to say hi to and get to know. The one on ten right I'd cross the road to avoid (the duck pout alone is enough)

The problem is, and this isnt just aimed at Carrie, but influencers/social media stars think they are above everything and mostly have no self awareness. I hate the term 'haters' as now anyone who disagrees with someone is a hater and these social media stars think they can do no wrong. No, you're putting yourself out there, trying to influence people and their lives, you absolutely should (and should expect) to be questioned on things you put out there. Great leaders (that's what influencers are trying to be) lead by example so it is very important to be authentic otherwise people will eventually pick up on it. Too many of them think it's just posting a photo for likes or advertising. They don't get the bigger picture and issues. The public shouldnt just blindly follow people, after all some of them promote (at best) pointless or (at worst) dangerous products/lifestyles.

You want to try and be an online influence, fine, go for it. BUT you have got to expect to be questioned and challenged. You're no better than anyone else.

Also, comments can be invaluable from a business perspective. Views dropping off? not growing your following? maybe listen to what people are saying and consider maybe you are in the wrong

One final thing lol. deleting comments and blocking people to control the narrative just because people disagree with you is what dictators and Donald trump do...
I distinctly remember watching a video of Carrie’s where she literally says: “Don’t comment on a post without expecting some feedback. If you want to talk into an empty void, invest in a journal.” Why can’t she follow her own advice? Why is she surprised by the people that merely disagree with her? Why is she spending precious hours of the day to obsess over this?? Does anyone else remember that video?
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Notable moments:
31:40 - 'If you end this guest spot you end this relationship' 'oh.. alright. I don't love you that much anyway'
32:33 - 'you're tidying there but you never tidy here'
34:48 - 'he is a very very good looking guy'
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Totally agree. She's a victim of her self made fate. She's brought this on herself.

I think she knows that a lot of the "hate" is valid and as such, she grinds her feet into the ground further - as such appearing a hell of a lot worse.

I still stand by opinion that if it wasn't for Oliver and his 10am every day routine, she'd have knocked the Good Evening, World vids on the head weeks ago!
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Plus, she got some criticism for being cast as Veronica while everything I saw about Olivia in the role was really positive.

She hates her understudies as it is, and was so funny about not wanting to congratulate Olivia. I can't imagine she wanted to give Olivia much of a chance to outshine her in a role that was 'hers'.
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Cameron wants to bring in the scaled back touring version as it's cheaper to run and less royalties to original creative team, and now the key creatives (director, set designer and choreographer) have all died he has the opportunity

ALW tweeted a couple weeks ago he was fighting to bring the original back. as ALW is creator and part producer cameron cant just do what he wants like he does with les mis. I suspect alw has said it's all or nothing. will have to see if they can reach an agreement to bring it back in some form. But Phantom as we know it has closed for good. Phantom is (or was) the highest grossing piece of entertainment in the world so if that cant survive who knows what the future holds.
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Yep. I’d even say there’s no “arguably” about it. Sam Barks is definitely the bigger star here. She held her own wonderfully against all A-list Hollywood actors in the movie and even sang at the oscars. Carrie is practically unknown outside the UK.
Also mackintosh dug in his heels and said he wouldn't hand over the rights to the movie if Sam wasn't allowed to play eponine, the director wanted Taylor swift. Can't imagine that happening for Carrie

Yeah she is practically unknown outside the UK, I asked a family friend who is training for Broadway and is very big on musicals and has sung with Sierra bogges (I think that's how you spell her name 😅) the original little mermaid on Broadway, I told him that I saw her in heathers and he was like 'who?!'
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Her middle range is just horrid. And ‘I’m a bad Cinderella’ is the lamest thing I’ve ever heard 😂
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Chatty Member
To me it seems as though her body confidence is part of her whole “not like other girls” schtick. I don’t think she’s truly comfortable in her skin. I’m not suggesting that there’s anything wrong with the size she is - just that I don’t think she embraces it as much as she claims
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Well that depends if you are talking about the books or the films, which she does not specify in her post. If there were any questions regarding the filming she was consulted. She over saw the casting of the characters, and who would direct and produce it. My best friend was very high up in the production of the films and she had a lot to do with them. Carrie talks out of her arse, and is very ill informed on a lot. She's also not that well liked or respected in the London Theatre community.
I'm absolutely not questioning that Carrie talks out her arse and is not well liked. I'm here to gossip about her and am critical about many things about her. I just think JK Rowling is no more qualified than Carrie to comment on the issues she has been commenting on and it's completely fair game to disagree and criticise her for it in the same way we do with Carrie. She's not immune to that.

I also think it's possible to separate your personal opinions of an individual with your opinions of their work. You don't have to want to be friends with someone to like their books.
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Tbh what's the point in her doing the Heathers Q&A when she does a new Q&A every hour of the day on her own insta. Also if she did a Heathers Q&A she wouldn't be allowed to be as passive aggressive and smarmy, so it probably doesn't appeal to her!
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On her story she said it was stressful and scary personal stuff. To me, scary insinuates something health related. Hopefully that's not the case and she's just being dramatic.

It's really weird and childish to vaguepost like that when you have so many followers who are of course going to speculate and want to know. She's very attention seeking.
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Carrie is the type of woman that is a chameleon when it comes to her men. She becomes them, all incorporates their tastes etc
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And whenever she's films herself buying something from a shop she sounds so overly nice that it just comes off fake and patronising (super high loud voice and over annunciation). I've worked in customer service for 5 years and you can tell straight away when someone is being insincere. It's very irritating.
100% and I wonder if that's why some of us pick up on stuff vloggers do and say and others dont. if you work in customer service and with the public you develop a sixth sense on peoples behaviour and get good at reading people.
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I took gcse music in 2006 (so similar era to Carrie) and there was people who couldn’t read music and were allowed to take the course(they did however have to do a few lunchtime/after school sessions for basics). These people were singers and guitarists. It may however depend on the exam board requirements. I went on to take an a-level in music technology and again there was students with little or no ability to read music(again these were mostly guitarist who self using tabs and again those who couldn’t had to take extra sessions). It is surprising that given she went to a private school she wasn’t taught at least the bare minimum.
I did GCSE music in 2005 and we had to be grade 5 standard on our selected instruments. I was learning my grade 5 piano at the time and that was sufficient. I think they generally expected people to already know how to read music if they were doing it at GCSE level. I was doing my grade 5 in singing at the time which allowed me sing on another students composition. Sometimes I think Carrie is lying about not being able to read music- I think she probably can but she can’t sight sing- it’s incredibly difficult, tbh not many people can actually do it. People have thought I could sight sing before, I can’t, I just know how to read music. Reading music isn’t just about knowing the notes, it’s learning about how recognise intervals, key changes, rests etc. Give a piece of sheet music and I could teach myself to play it because I can read it. An exceptional sightreader doesn’t need to practice, they can just play it with the music in front of them, or sing it in the correct key at the correct pacing with no accompaniment. The fact that she had a twitter argument with a graduate questioning why some professionals don’t know how to read music was a massive face palm moment for me and probably the whole theatre industry. A professional musical actress in the West End fighting *with a drama school graduate* on TWITTER about not being able to read music! Does that not scream MAJOR RED FLAG!
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Ripley Rose Kat

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I’ve just hit the Addams Family vlogs so I’m seeing where she started to change. Carrie has admitted that Addams was a kind of university experience for her, away from home, drinking more etc. The reason it didn’t happen on Chitty was probably because it was a younger show with kids involved. Addams- all adult cast, sexually charged show (kissing Oliver in practically every scene), it was also the show that she fell for Oliver. It’s obvious from the rehearsal vlogs that she was attracted to Oliver- hanging and draping over him a lot. There was at least emotional cheating involved, whether Carrie wants to admit to that or not. Both Carrie and Oliver broke up with their respective partners so they weren’t dragging their partners along. The fact that Carrie essentially said they were friends with benefits to begin with (they didn’t go official until about a year after Addams probably to skew the overlap) but she admits they were ‘dating’ for about a year before the announcement and that it started while they were doing Addams.
Then she went into another adult sexually charged show- Heathers. There is a whole number dedicated to Veronica sleeping with JD. She admits it’s the sexiest she has felt on stage. In those 2 shows she did grow up and change a lot.
I’ll admit I’m a very different person since I went to university. I drank the most I ever drank at uni, didn’t drink at all before uni now I appreciate a g&t, glass of white and champagne. At the age of 30, I am the most confident I’ve ever been and feel the most me I’ve ever felt in my life.
I can’t hate on Carrie for ‘growing up’ because it happens to all of us. But it seems her brain and attitude have grown at different rates. She probably feels more grown up inside but at the same time there are certain things she never experienced and can’t grow from. She said on her stories that she’s getting Facebook lessons from Louise Pentland. I don’t watch or follow Louise so I don’t know how qualified she is to do that, but it’s a start. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, she needs social media training. If she hasn’t got a manager, she needs to get one and all social media posts need to go through them. Tbh Colleen Ballinger needs a social media manager too because hers are a mess as well. The Miranda twitter fiasco is a great example of how horrible things can go wrong. At least Carrie is not getting young fans to tweet for her and sharing personal details with them via dms. (Yes, I have a lot of opinions about Colleen!)
Back to Carrie, I actually loved her hair as it was when she did Addams. It was just below her shoulders as was a great length on her. Short enough to maintain but still long enough to be creative with.
Ps- I’ve also realised that she talks differently now, anybody else noticed that?
Oh I completely agree, I am absolutely not the same person I was at 18 now I'm 29.

I'm not expecting Carrie to stay the same and she will grow and change.

I don't dislike her for changing, I think it's more the attitude and ego that came around the Addams time that's never really left.

She is very snippy and rude now. I don't like the way she speaks to some people like she's talking down to them. She comes across as a bit of a know it all and acts like she's smarter than them.

I equally loved her hair in Addams too! It was lovely!
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