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Ripley Rose Kat

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It's interesting that she is loosing followers though, I wonder if a lot of them are former fans like us or just people who are bored of her content?

Her content on Instagram is very dull and her stories are just generally quotes, boomerangs with her eyes closed, Edgar, coffee or passive aggressive answers to Q and A's, last time I checked.

I would have loved to have heard her audition stories or seeing her showing how she improves herself but she won't. She doesn't have any desire to improve herself because she's so delusional that she get by on her voice alone.

I think Carrie has a lot of competition nowadays with MT content and she really needs to change if she wants to see numbers increase. I highly doubt she will though.

Like I said before, it absolutely does bother her seeing dropping figures.

If you say something doesn't bother you and bring it up the way she does, she's lying.
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I appreciate that when she's in a show that she keeps perhaps later hours than people who work regular daytime jobs, but can she stop acting like 8.30am is massively early?? Especially when during lockdown she could wake up earlier but...doesn't. Note that Oliver never uses his job as an excuse.
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I think she needs a bucket for every time she dropped Micheal Balls name into the video last night! Hard eye roll! And how disingenuous did she sound when saying and Micheal is just the nicest man ever while she clutches her chest! Ugh that was the worst video of hers I’ve seen in a while!
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I think it also speaks volumes about how she sees people. Comparing Pete to JD doesn't even make any sense. JD isn't a very complex character in my opinion (compared to other characters in film and tv etc.). He is also a complete psychopath 😅

Carrie has always been very black and white about "good" and "bad" people which is so damaging when it comes to relationships, and I think her describing Pete as JD really shows that.
just like her insistence that Gryffindor = Good, Slytherin = Bad. (Side note: she has no Gryffindor characteristics at all)
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Ouch, just looked on social blade. She's loosing more followers than she is gaining and is now officially below 500k.

I've been looking at her Twitter and she seems to be struggling quite badly at the moment with her anxiety and mental health. (Whatever your opinion is on Carrie, no one deserves to struggle with that)

I'm kind of surprised Oliver is leaving her alone if she's struggling the way she is. If my partner is like that, I either take him with me or stay so I know he's okay.

I'm not suggesting anything, I just find that awfully strange.
She always used to lose it and be at her worst when it came to twitter rants about haters and being quite passive aggressive when Oli was away on tours for work. On GG people used to say without Oli around that is when she starts looking a GG and here and spirals.
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I did GCSE music in 2005 and we had to be grade 5 standard on our selected instruments. I was learning my grade 5 piano at the time and that was sufficient. I think they generally expected people to already know how to read music if they were doing it at GCSE level. I was doing my grade 5 in singing at the time which allowed me sing on another students composition. Sometimes I think Carrie is lying about not being able to read music- I think she probably can but she can’t sight sing- it’s incredibly difficult, tbh not many people can actually do it. People have thought I could sight sing before, I can’t, I just know how to read music. Reading music isn’t just about knowing the notes, it’s learning about how recognise intervals, key changes, rests etc. Give a piece of sheet music and I could teach myself to play it because I can read it. An exceptional sightreader doesn’t need to practice, they can just play it with the music in front of them, or sing it in the correct key at the correct pacing with no accompaniment. The fact that she had a twitter argument with a graduate questioning why some professionals don’t know how to read music was a massive face palm moment for me and probably the whole theatre industry. A professional musical actress in the West End fighting *with a drama school graduate* on TWITTER about not being able to read music! Does that not scream MAJOR RED FLAG!
Pretty much my exact take on this! I’m around your age too and can’t see how she would have done GCSE music without even a basic understanding of notation...? You have to compose pieces as part of the coursework!

I learnt to read music very young as I’m from a musical family so maybe I am biased, but if you have even the most vague interest in music, the curriculum even before GCSE includes learning to identify pitch, rests, time signatures, note values, incidentals (flats and sharps) etc... you’d have to be actively trying NOT to take it in to not retain the knowledge, especially if you were having any additional music lessons (including singing) on the side.

I agree that Carrie is most likely equating ‘reading music’ with being able to sight-read it, which are not the same thing and I don’t think even the graduate whose sweeping statement tweet set all this off was implying that was his expectation of all performers!
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The impression her attitude towards Pete gives off in that video is that she was interested in Oliver and Pete could sense it and was uncomfortable about it. Then she was perhaps gaslighting him that he was paranoid and it’s “just her job” all the while taunting him and toying with him, not to mention publicly humiliating him. If true, a much more cruel and heartless version of how she toys with her followers. Just my personal guess.

I think you hit the nail on the head here.

Also, I know I'm on delicate ground with this so I want to clarify that I know relationships are very complex and a victim doesn't always have to fit a certain mould to be valid. But I find it harder to believe that Pete was some terrible, violent "JD-like" abuser when we see how horribly Carrie acted towards him and how she was always so patronising as if she was trying to wind him up. If someone had a tendency to flip out and get angry would you really try so hard to constantly antagonize them?
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In the theatre often actors will try to maintain the same hair colour/style of hair to match their headshots, as sometimes when you walk into an audition as a redhead but they've been expecting a blonde from your headshot it can throw them. I think it's pretty silly as most productions wig their actors, but there are also exceptions to every rule with actors who change their hair all the time! When you're on contract with a show there is usually a clause that says you can't change your hair/look without consulting the creative team first in case it may change the integrity of the vision of the show.
If you are in a show where your real hair is being used (not a wig) dyeing or cutting your hair is a big no-no. Every time she has done Les Mis they have used a mixture of wigs, hair pieces and her real hair so she wouldn’t have been allowed to. I think Addams is the only time she has worn a wig for the whole show so she may have been allowed to then, but other than that Chitty was her own hair, Heathers was her own hair, looks like Cinderella may be her own hair too, unless they change the look closer to the time. I think she did ask the Les Mis team for permission to cut her hair when she was getting ready to donate it, but they wouldn’t let her. My guess is they didn’t want to change the look of her Eponine when she had already being playing the part for 2 years. Wigs are amazing but it’s possible they would have struggled to match her real hair perfectly considering her hair was up in pincurls for the majority of the first half of the show. She cut her hair between Les Mis and Chitty to donate it and originally was given a wig to play Truly but they decided against it and used her shorter locks instead. Her hair had grown out a bit more by Addams and was longer again when she started rehearsals for Heathers. Then the Heathers team asked her if she was willing to cut her hair for Veronica and by then she had enough hair to donate again. *I recently binged watched all her theatre vlogs, that’s why this information is still in my head lol
I don’t think she has ever dyed it though. She’s always gone on about being brown eyes and blonde hair, and a lot of natural blondes turn dirty blonde, light brown with age. Actors always have the chance to play with their hair a little between jobs, but a lot of actors will stay fairly neutral just in case they need to cut it or dye it for a role. A friend of mine had her hair cut for a tv show set in the 60s and they gave her a fringe. She kept that fringe for about 5 years. She also got her hair cut into a short bob for a tv show set in the 30s. It’s more of a long bob now! Because of lockdown she’s actually dyed her hair blue, she wanted to do it for the longest time and lockdown seemed their perfect time because no jobs were stopping her from doing it!
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I think she speaks like whoever she’s frequently around. So she often speaks like either her boyfriends or her best friend of the month.
The thing is Oliver has actually come across really well during their lockdown videos whereas Carrie is still very much Carrie.
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The reason she thinks her hair looked so good is because whoever did her hair actually scrunched out the styling products so it looked more like her natural blonde and her curls are actually springy, unlike when she does her own hair and it just looks wet and weighed down. As a fellow curly girl it drives me crazy that she NEVER SCRUNCHES OUT THE PRODUCT ARGHHH!
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Essentially the two characters have a loving relationship but they then break up. The bottom two pictures are at the end of the movie and 5 years later when they see each other again but are no longer together.

it’s just a sad film ending people are being hyperbolic about, I wouldn’t read into her liking it!
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Look at her making out she's the only one unable to return to Les mis, people from Phantom are in the same boat but they're not making a fucking fuss
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She seems concerned at being 'unemployed'... and maybe she's realising she could have actively done more of what other MT performers have done during lockdown for revenue.... I don't know.

Guess 2020 has took it's toll on everyone. Carrie is no exception when it comes to being down and anxious.
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Not a fan of the music if that's the best bit they chose to promote it. Too shouty.
Can’t believe this is the one time I’d have to say Carrie’s singing is okay but the song is just bad. The lyrics, the melody, the arrangement.. they’re just all.. bad, no other ways to say it. There’s nothing interesting or witty or catchy at all in there. It’s actually amazing how spectacularly meh it is.
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She's wrote how many books and still doesn't know to back up her work?
It amazes me when these ‘authors’ don’t back up their work. How stupid can they get? They’re either lying just for the dramatics, sympathy and content orrrr they really are that thick!
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why is she and others calling her a Disney princess? she isnt. playing Cinderella doesnt make you a disney princess when it's not disney. Especially in a production that has little to do with the source material let alone the Disney movie.
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Good morning #139 (1min:05s) - why is she always making her boyfriends try to name Santa's reindeer from some film/song (?), then making fun of them when they can't do it perfectly? Not everyone has consumed the same pop culture as others...and memorised it. I can't find the one where she did it to Pete - it's possible it was on his channel, so he deleted it along with all his older videos.
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