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How are we nearly at the end of another thread already???

(That's a rhetorical question of course, the answer is "because Carrie's the gift that keeps giving")
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I'm starting to think it's the glasses that don't suit her and make her look older/frumpier, she looks great here!
Regardless, in her speech she really should have just said thank you for the oppurtunitys, I think she must also be aware it's a popularity contest. Genuinely so sad they ask for follower count, but in a way I'm happy it got that Hannah the role in Heathers she is really lovely and talented.


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Ripley Rose Kat

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Has carrie decided to create an account to defend herself?? Bit suspicious as the accounts are very similar to the previous one that got deleted and this is the only forum they've commented on? 🤔🤔🤔🤔 also, Beth is a character in WOTW??? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

Or I am just very bored and reading into this 😆
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Carries reposts about Ukraine dotted in between story reposts about her pr packages for her book make me feel sick. Like girl now is not the time to repost everytime someone receives the packages your team send out.
I absolutely hate that from anyone. It's tacky and shallow.

If you're going to post about an important topic, only post that and wait 24 hours until it expires to then post more frivolous things.

Scattering important things amongst selfies and ads makes you seem disingenuous, performative and that you don't really care
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Get your harem pants out girls. We’re going to Thailand!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
As much as this made me laugh, I think it would do her the world of good to have an Eat, Pray, Love moment. She’s got the resources, why not travel and expand her horizons beyond Disney? I’m also fully preparing myself for her being a late stage ‘gap yaar’ w*nker though…
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Chatty Member
She looks really nice in the promo—her hair looks lovely like that. And now that I’ve said my nice thing… ‘An open book’ is hilarious as a title because what else could she possibly share that she hasn’t already shared 😂 I suppose it’s nice to hear her sing but what is she going to talk about and who is going to be interested in that??
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If I were an actor I don't think I'd do stage door tbh, seems exhausting. But I wouldn't bang on about it constantly.
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Chatty Member
OMG the passive aggressive messaging towards Oliver in this post! So deeply unprofessional.
Came running here after seeing this! Ngl I find this relationship, or ex relationship so interesting. Because from what we’ve seen of them online and all the passive aggressive subbing Carrie has done since they’ve broken up, you can kinda draw multiple conclusions.

My take on this is not too dissimilar to what I’ve always thought of them as a couple since watching their daily videos together during lockdown. I don’t see either Carrie or Oliver as malicious people with ill intention during their relationship. I always saw them as two fundamentally incompatible people who clung together for various less than ideal reasons. For Carrie she is someone who cannot bear to be single no matter what. I don’t think she feels like a full and valid person unless she is coupled up. And she’s a hopeless romantic type who would’ve loved the optics of being in a ‘west end power couple’ type thing - I think she was very invested in Oliver being her ‘end game’ so to speak. And this would’ve put her in a somewhat vulnerable position.

She enjoyed her uni style experience during Addams and all the flirting/friends with benefits stuff with Oliver, he’s conventionally handsome and talented in their respective field. Plus her relationship at that time seemed a bit stale and it was clear Carrie saw herself as leagues above Pete. From Oliver’s perspective I think he also enjoyed the exciting uni style element of their dynamic too, and was Definitely very into the sudden influx of social media/stage door attention that he got from being a regular feature in her show vlogs.

I think Carrie was much more excited by Oliver than he was with her. And I don’t think the convenience of being in a relationship with her (big social media following, a place to stay rent free in London while he auditions/does shows on and off the west end) was at all lost on him. But I do think he sincerely cared for her, she was just never The One in his eyes. And Carrie like many people before her who are hopeless romantic types and who are in a relationship with someone who never quite felt the same intensity, she would’ve most likely poured a lot of love and energy into him trying to compensate.

One of my favourite examples of this was when Oliver made the standard ‘boyfriend of Carrie yearly pilgrimage’ to DisneyWorld and was just .. not into it much? Didn’t he and Carrie end up spending a lot of time just hanging in the hotel? Pete would never have dared hahaha, nor do I think Carrie would’ve ever accepted that. And I think it’s a solid metaphor for their whole relationship. And now Carrie is sat there on the other side of 5 years realising this. It doesn’t make Oliver a villain, ultimately most people have experienced an unbalanced relationship where we were more into the other person than vice versa. It’s a humbling experience and it can leave you embittered and angry for awhile.

I think for Carrie it will be far easier to paint Oliver as some cold unfeeling narcissist than accept he was just never that into her. That she was in a slightly half hearted lack lustre relationship borne mostly out of convenience. I found it telling when he came to see her at the London Marathon and she kept saying ‘I love you’ over and over and he didn’t say it back. He still came to see her because he cares for her, but certainly by that point (and imo the entire time) he didn’t love her. And now with the benefit of hindsight I can imagine she’s looking back on their time together and cringing a bit. And as others have noted, Oliver is leaving this relationship having gained a lot and his career on the up. Carrie is leaving this relationship in almost the exact opposite circumstances.
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She is really pushing this Ivano and her narrative.
I also think she’s trying to make it look like she’s living her best life, like look at all the people around me who like me and I have so many friends and I’m doing all these amazing things. Also, I feel like she doesn’t know how to live her life off social media, and she needs to. Not everything needs to be put on social media, it’s great too take breaks from social media and I think it’s great for your mental health also. She needs to realize that.
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I do find her language of “my ex left me” strange…shouldn’t it be “my ex broke up with me” or “my ex and I went our separate ways” he’s always been allowed to leave Carrie, you did not own Oliver 😅 I get being sad, but something about how she wrote that threw me.
Long time lurker here. I don’t find it weird. I think she had been seeing herself from a personal perspective as part of a power duo and almost wanted to be owned by him, certainly couldn’t envisage herself single. She has been so desperately head over heels with him, far more than he ever was with her. Her validation is to be loved and suddenly while she was (overbearingly) giving it her all he wants to end it for whatever reason and she never saw it coming. Remember back at the marathon when she was shouting I love you and olly was like whatever, it was awkward then. She desperately wants to be line Tom and Gi who have been together since the year dot and are strong, her mum and dad are still together, strong loving relationships are all she’s ever known and what she deeply covets but she can’t make them work.

She needs to be single for a bit and to understand that she doesn’t need to be in a relationship to be validated.
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hello12234 said
I am seeing a lot of incredibly mean comments on here last night/today. Let’s remember that Carrie is incredibly heart broken and last night she had to see Oliver for likely the first time since they broke up. I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve been in a situation before where I’ve had to be in the same room as someone I still loved but who had broken up with me, and it was one of the most painful experiences. I think she looked great, and her words onstage were well intended. Let’s give her kudos for getting through the evening without having an emotional meltdown. It must have been hard and painful. Let’s remember she’s a human with feelings.

If only Carrie herself remembered that in her dealings with people
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Not going into why I find the whole “Be Kind” thing annoying for various reasons but what would be bullying is if we all went on Twitter or insta or said it to her in person. We aren’t, if anyone who’s a fan of hers or knows her or hell even Carrie herself came to read this thread, that would be their choice and they would have to deal with the consequences of that. If you don’t like what’s said on here, you can respectfully disagree without tone policing and none of us are paid to be here we can leave at any time.

If you’re that offended by people not liking Carrie’s hair which btw I have no strong opinions on personally, it’s her personality i can’t stand, there’s an exit browser button right there and you can click it and not read anymore.

That was decidedly more rant-y than I intended 😂
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If she is behind the new accounts commenting on here, it's pretty sad. Yesterday should've been a happy time for her, yet she's reading gossip sites and posting IG stories trying to correct the 2 people on twitter who said her speech was shit

When is she going to realise that not everyone will like everything you do. Everyone is allowed an opinion. It's not like we are going out of our way to voice our opinions on carries IG or Twitter. Her fans can speak about her on there and we can speak about her on here
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I can’t believe she won over nominees like Samantha Barks. It’s not fair when her obsessive fans skew everything in her favour.
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Her hair looks really nice, the colour suits her.
Her quote wasn't the best and she will get flack for it, but in that industry she isn't "normal sized" like everyone keeps making out. Anyone else that size in theatre would not be getting lead roles, partly because roles go to either size 8-10's or the roles made for "bigger" women would go to those who are a few sizes bigger than that. Actors of her size would struggle to get lead roles IMO because they are "inbetween", not slim and not plus sized. She is heavier than what would usually be cast, that was highlighted in Heathers and when you see her next to female castmates she is curvier than them.

In normal life yes she is a normal size (16 at least not a 10-12 unless that's someone from the US saying that?), but it's important to have women of everyday sized portrayed in the media when the majority are slimmer. I don't think she should be shat on for not being bigger and therefore must not struggle with it in the theatre. She has other privelages, white and middle class and generally quite pretty, that have helped her get lead roles but without those at her weight she probably would struggle to land them. (Plus the lack of any actual training).
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It's working for Six, might as well do the same, except worse.
The thing for Six though is that they're all visibly having a ball. If you watch the megasixes (especially the 1st west end cast), they're straight-up partying and just having a whale of a time. Cinderella just stops dead when Cinders comes on and it's really jarring.
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Just so everyone can see the full post Carrie had shared on her story… ironic isn’t it? Number 2, 5 and 6 are particularly funny in the context. She shares this trying to get back at Oliver when it’s clear to see she’s actually quite toxic if we read this post thinking about her. I honestly want to hear the full breakup story at this point just so we can see just how far Carrie will go to be the victim.
How ironic 😂😂😂 nothing about that says Oliver. It all screams Carrie
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