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Chatty Member
Manifestation boards!?!? Go viral?!?! Is this 2007? It is so embarrassingly infantile. He has no intelligence and definitely no prospect of any sort of high earning career. Imagine having to tag your bedsheets! Her TIkToks (that he creates and posts) and the multiple negative comments are just tragic. Someone step in and help this woman please.
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The sofa is at such an angle i just want to straighten it out lol
It’s the worst interior design I’ve ever seen & that Monroe is so done now it’s boring as hell. She’s the most disrespectful woman towards his family ever.
He’s in it for the followers for sure & everything they do is a freebie as they tag everything along the way as it’s part of the deal, for Dubai standards they’re pretty poor or they’d be living in a place with far more privacy.
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I do think it is Ozempic to be honest, (maybe she has stopped it for the holidays), but she has the classic look of muscle wastage.

Her legs and arms look like a very old woman's, she has no muscle tone at all, despite the workouts she was doing, if it was from workouts alone she would be nicely toned. Muscle loss, along with the fat loss, is one of the main downsides of using Ozempic.

She is really trying to pretend she is 25 years younger than she is, with all that partying, guess the white stuff is helping her to keep going.
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She thinks we are all jealous of her loving Manchild and we are stuck in loveless marriages 🙄
A podcast clip of her saying "Men are the cherry, not the cake. He makes my life better - until he doesn't. If Sergio and I get to the end it will be wonderful, if we don't I wish him well" 😮 then - because he's in earshot, as usual - she backtracks and says " but knowing us we'll be together til death do us part" 🤷‍♂️
What woman, only two years into a marriage, thinks like that! She's so far removed from reality it's actually pathetic. She needs some sort of serious therapy.
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Honestly he is such a douche crying because she is going on a trip for a few days and her for filming it does she not get that he is obsessed with her and well she isn’t that’s for sure! More like just stuck with him!! Could you imagine the temper tantrum if she ditched him he would be nasty really nasty you can tell now will she do it for the show and airtime she should do it regardless….
I get the feeling he’s been told to keep his distance from filming this time, wonder if he’ll gatecrash this trip like he did before? Hopefully Caroline is taking it more seriously this time and the reaction to her last season was a wake up call. Housewife money is decent, she’d be a fool to lose it because of the toddler she married..
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OMG guys, the house decor gets worse !!

He posted a video of their pool titled 'When you transform your backyard into Mykonos', yeah a bathtub in Mykonos.

They (he) really are delusional, i have to say I cringe for him he is such an idiot.
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Just listened to it. Thank you! She is constantly stumbling on her words with Umm, And, You know? What's that about for someone who is constantly on pod casts talking, it must buy her a bit of time to create a fictional event of what really happened :D
Exactly! She couldn't lie straight in bed! "Im building a house, I've bought a house, Sergio and I have bought a house " "Miami style mansion" "on the water"😅 AKA a man made stream in the middle of the road!!
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That drone story is still up and the only one she didn’t tag the hotel in feel tempted to send it to them and get them in trouble ha then they might have to pay for there holiday for violating rules!
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Lots of questions about Caroline's absence during his families visit, His sister keeps popping in with support for him.

She finally joined them for dinner, but she looks none too enamoured, you can tell she would prefer to be anywhere else. I really do think she is getting tired/bored of him.
She has her air pods in at dinner!!!!
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I only have myself to blame for the loss of brain cells after listening to these two ramblings. Welp, good ole' Sergayo has certainly settled into his new lifestyle and being a fool for the world to see is absolutely fine for him as long as he gets those free trips, samples meals, social circles and enjoying Cem's money that helps him get it all. He can't shut up long enough for her to get a sentence in during this podcast but I am down for it because he spills the tea. This weasel that hopped on the money train had no problem telling listeners that he urinated in a bathtub because they had no toilet in their new home. (Maybe wait until the house was ready to be lived in before you move in - jerk face) and he ran around the house nude looking for a toilet. (wonder if Cem's kid's were home while he was doing this) Here are some good tea he felt was okay to share with listeners: they argued and she threw all his clothes in the pool on one vacation; he decorated her room with champs and those damn balloons and she locked him out of the room for 3 hours and drank all the champs because they had argued; he threw her a party and none of her 52 friends offered to help him do anything; sex life is heading down the tubes (hmm, no more hanging from chandelier barbielips); people in the resort are looking at the two of them like they are clowns; they tried to invite any of their friends to join them in the maldives at the ritz and not one friend said yes; he will not let her go anywhere without him because he isn't missing out on anything; she is finally helping him with her kids because she used to have him running all 3 kids around; her house is set up like a hotel just like they like it_(so much for a family home kids): all of a sudden there is no talk about this baby that he was so insistent on having) Okay, I have rambled enough my peeps!
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Everytime I see Sergio’s mum being filmed she looks pissed off. I don’t blame her.
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Just when you all think I can't write any more long novels- here I go again!! Up and Adam podcaster has these two fools doing a live interview. You can't even imagine how cringe worthy it is........I couldn't watch anymore. Here I go: This dude Adam is so fake telling them that the crowds stormed them at Bravocon and how did they handle the massive crowds? Well, you know Dirty Juan ears perked right up on that. But I couldn't take my eyes of of Barbielips new hairdo. I guess she had no money to have it done but damn gurlll put it up in a bun and call it a day. Its flat with bangs and looks like a 50 year old women trying to look like a 21. Dirty Juan spoke the entire time answered most of the questions and you could just see the smoke coming out of barbielips ears but she kept up the theme of loving couple. She thought she was going to walk onto RHOD and continue the breakout star she had from lol and it didn't happen. So she has made up with all the girls now and that way she hopes to not be made fun of. But the whole time Dirty Juan is answering the questions- like he is the star. I can't wait for the show to be aired and he starts getting the comments he did last year. It just warms my heart.
They posted a video that they filmed before moving into Michael's house. They bragged again about her "most expensive: bags being transported to MIchael's and how much money they have spent in the past year with renting and the new house.. She said that she refused to rent another place for 6 months or until the house was ready she would rather put her friend out by showing up with her annoying husband, 3 dogs and all her crap! But she threw a couple good zingers at him. Sergayo was filming her like he does and she said why is it that as soon as I do something for myself you have to come and film me- he does his ususal oh........honeeee i loveee you and she said leave me alone. I like that Barbielips keep up that attitude. But here was the best- they are walking through the airport and she said to him - you look like an idiot. She said why did you have to do a tanning session last night you look foolish. Then she said why did you say people are staring at you because the recognize you -they are looking at you because you look like a clown. OMG- it was beautiful. Of course he turned the camera off and stopped filming.
Yes they are filming and I guess CS realized that Chanel was the actual breakout star in S1 so she put aside her animosity towards her. CS and IQ28 attended Lesa's Coachella themed birthday party (which was filmed) so I guess CS put aside her animosity towards her aside as well. From the comments on Twitter for S1, you could clearly see that the viewers favored Lesa and Chanel. Smart move from CS then.
One other thing I noticed is that CS is upping her looks for this Season's filming : different hairdo's and makeup looks each time (and a little more fashion..which in her case is not easy as she has such cheap and horrid taste). I guess she took it from Dorit's playbook in RHOBH who has a different hair and makeup style each different scene.
So this week is apparently the big move to the small concrete-semi- detached-neighbors-all-over-peering-inside "house". You can bet it will be filmed just like I predicted a few weeks ago.
Their content for IG for the Carroll's Home is beyond pathetic...filming the ugly color car to walking in the "house" to zooming to the tree to zooming to the guest toilet to zooming to the kitchen to zooming to the living room..every single post.. Go check it out you'll see what I mean 😂
I love how you write Joan. I just watched the absolute disaster of the filming of the concrete condo! It's astounding that Barbielips has allowed herself to be made a fool by this guy. She has sunk so low. I am sure she is not employable because no one wants to have to deal with him. The filming shots angles that give the appearance of a much larger space then there is. But more disturbing to me is the fact they are laying out the kid's rooms, closets where all her purses and any other expenses may be housed, also shows the way you can get in and out of the home- I mean are they nuts putting all that on social media? It's a very dangerous thing to do in this world we are living. That house is meant for a young couple that are starting out and to be used as a stepping stone. Hell, we all remember our first homes. I said it before she has champagne taste on a beer budget. Hell, if they have to put a bathtub in the bedroom to get more space that's bad. The size of the bedrooms are small- the laundry room is so narrow and small. To think she had such a lovely home and family with Cem to this trashy in your face fake lifestyle with this fast talking nobody. Dirty Juan is really a scary character the more he shows himself. He has not desire to work and his main objective is to use her for all he can get.
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He is a user and a slacker !

He played on her insecurities of getting older, her mid life crises, which also happened to coincide with her being unhappy in her marriage, you can see how she was flattered believing that a young one like him was interested in her, and for a while she was like the cat that got the cream.

Even just from their faux interactions that they put on SM you can totally see that there is very little emotional or physical connection between them, and that was very obvious long before she ever disclosed that they have a sexless marriage.

That filter glitch is so funny, of all places for it to occur when she is having a facial treatment in a clinic :D:D . It certainly looks bad for the clinic that their brand 'ambassador' needs to use filters during their treatment.
Decided to have a look at St. Regis Maldives website in case I ever get the chance to visit, although I would not be getting it for free like them.

First page is this 'No Drones Police', and what is Sergayo doing, Flying a drone ! They absolutely have no regards for anyone, videoing staff outside their villa, staff and guests in the restaurant.

What a sell out from such an exclusive resort, comping idiots like them just for SM and allowing them to disturb your paying guests and flout the rules.


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She is 100% taking O O Ozempic! You certainly CAN drink on it. She looks haggard.

Just a polite suggestion to stop calling her Barbie Lips as Barbie is cool this summer and Barbie to me is perfect and pretty. CS lips are like a rubber lilo you buy at the beach for 10e or some cheap supermarket sausages.
Plus she would LOVE to be Barbie or be called Barbie lips. More like Michelin tyre lips.

All her content is stupid walking 1,2,3 and posing. The dufuss can’t even edit it properly. The vids always start with them standing still then saying “go” and they start walking. The cringe o meter has broken at this point.
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Joan on Third

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I'm dumbfounded of that story she posted about him crying because she's leaving..he's really just a child but most importantly has a real mental problem to be separated from her. So to resolve that, he immediately goes running to see his Mommy from is this all normal for CS? Doesn't she see this idiot has severe separation anxiety and to fill that void, he goes running to his real Mom.
The tears are also because he wasn't allowed on the what does he do?? He goes and has a blow up picture of himself so she can take with her!! Wtf!! He literally said on the video she doesn't know yet but he's still going on the trip.. Unbelievable and she goes along with it and takes his blowup picture on the trip.
I'm sorry but there is nothing REMOTELY appealing with his attitude, certainly not someone you want to have s*x with. It's sad she doesn't have a friend that can open her eyes to this pathetic just can't stay like this for years and she accepts it..I don't see it anyway
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