Caroline Stanbury #6 Real Housewives of Dubai

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She's delusional.. Just because she went to the boys sports day she thinks she's now Mother of the Year! We should give her a medal for that.
Wow CS, you spent HALF AN AFTERNOON with them in months and you feel you've done your duty??
Her idiotic whiney man child of a husband is the one and only she makes time for and that's it. He has taken over her life and the day her kids will be older and so will she, they won't take care of her in her golden years. IQ28 will be long gone because as the years go by, there will be less and less endorsements coming in. They are already thinning out now so future looks pretty grim. It's not a RHODubai salary that will sustain her.
Am glad they are getting a massage after an exhausting couple of hours at the boys sports well deserved 🙄
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She's delusional.. Just because she went to the boys sports day she thinks she's now Mother of the Year! We should give her a medal for that.
Wow CS, you spent HALF AN AFTERNOON with them in months and you feel you've done your duty??
Her idiotic whiney man child of a husband is the one and only she makes time for and that's it. He has taken over her life and the day her kids will be older and so will she, they won't take care of her in her golden years. IQ28 will be long gone because as the years go by, there will be less and less endorsements coming in. They are already thinning out now so future looks pretty grim. It's not a RHODubai salary that will sustain her.
Am glad they are getting a massage after an exhausting couple of hours at the boys sports well deserved 🙄
Agree entirely, and she's proud to state that she's an embarrassment 🤦‍♀️ there's no self awareness there at all. She's a tragic figure and deserves everything that's coming to her.
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She's delusional.. Just because she went to the boys sports day she thinks she's now Mother of the Year! We should give her a medal for that.
Wow CS, you spent HALF AN AFTERNOON with them in months and you feel you've done your duty??
Her idiotic whiney man child of a husband is the one and only she makes time for and that's it. He has taken over her life and the day her kids will be older and so will she, they won't take care of her in her golden years. IQ28 will be long gone because as the years go by, there will be less and less endorsements coming in. They are already thinning out now so future looks pretty grim. It's not a RHODubai salary that will sustain her.
Am glad they are getting a massage after an exhausting couple of hours at the boys sports well deserved 🙄
Awww, poor Barbielips overexerted herself by going to her son's game. Imagine, how hard it must be to get out of bed and go to a game. What a frekin joke these two are. She wouldn't know what it means to put herself out for her children like the majority of us do on a daily basis without drivers, cooks, housekeepers and endless other support this lady has. What is with the massage they have to have at least once a week? I guess laying in that bed 23 hours can lead to back pain! She is just horrible!

Agree entirely, and she's proud to state that she's an embarrassment 🤦‍♀️ there's no self awareness there at all. She's a tragic figure and deserves everything that's coming to her.
I love what you said - She is a tragic figure...........that sums her up perfectly!!

Aww the poor things. Two days out partying then off to the boys sports days has left them in need of another massage. Only thing to note is manchild has tagged the Company where you type a reply on their stories so it can't be seen, never mind manchild I am sure they are just so happy that you have another freebie.
CS was moaning that the boys said she was embarrassing. She turned upto sports day in a pair of super short shorts. You could see another Mum in se so had staff carry it to the car. He really is so up himself. He loves to have his followers believe he is loaded and very successful. The reality is so far from his lies. I bet they are currently scrounging for lots of freebies for the new house. That will be his job now-Chief scrounger
Can you imagine this unemployed, latin lazy loser, grifter of a scumbag has the audacity to think he is too good to carrry a picnic basket to the car just makes my stomach turn. This joker has not two dimes to rub together and he is acting like he has staff to wait on him. I can't imagine how the staff must feel listening and watching him walk around that house barking orders. OMG- that just burns me up! In actuality Cem is paying for that punk to have housestaff for him to mooch off of. He is really full of himself now and I think that is why she went on the tirade on her podcast about her friends and family complaining. They are absolutely sick of watching him live off of Cem's money knowing he contributes nothing to the household. How could he? He has no job? I don't think there are too many people in Dubai and London that don't know what this joker is all about.

Aww the poor things. Two days out partying then off to the boys sports days has left them in need of another massage. Only thing to note is manchild has tagged the Company where you type a reply on their stories so it can't be seen, never mind manchild I am sure they are just so happy that you have another freebie.
CS was moaning that the boys said she was embarrassing. She turned upto sports day in a pair of super short shorts. You could see another Mum in a T shirt and cropped trousers. That's probably why they were embarrassed. Manchild couldn't be arsed to carry a picnic bag to the car from their ouse so had staff carry it to the car. He really is so up himself. He loves to have his followers believe he is loaded and very successful. The reality is so far from his lies. I bet they are currently scrounging for lots of freebies for the new house. That will be his job now-Chief scrounger
My heart goes out to those kids when they see Bonnie and Clyde walk across the field to watch them play. Poor kid- that would be enough for the kid to quit the team. Barbielips stuffed into her clothes that are 5 sizes to small and meant for women in their 20's with figures that the clothes are made for and Dirty Juan with his fake rolex and cheap gold jewelry! I am shocked assbrain doesn't try to coach or go in the field and play.
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Just when you think Barbielips podcast can't get any worse- well she dropped another one today. This nutjob has a speaker on that wrote a book on something (don't even remember what it was about) and barbielips just interrupted and spoke for the majority of the podcast. I love how she makes every conversation about her and her wonderful life. The funniest part was she said she was going to write a book? Imagine her writing a book about her life. Beside the fact nobody would buy it- what would she possibly write that she hasn't already told everyone a million times. Her podcast today was as boring as watching paint dry and for the life of me I can only remember a couple things she said. But here is one thing I do remember- she said that she isn't that much in to Dirty Juan 28 (what does that mean?) but of course ( she said those exact words) he is into her. That he just lovers her so much but she can live with our without him. Who the hell says that about their husband of less then one year? She also said that she is thinking about being a relationship/divorce counselor and to let her know if we think she would be good at it. First of all here in the states you have to have a license to dowl out advice. It would be a injustice if that nitwit started giving advice to any a vulnerable person who would find their way to her podcast. She of course blames every thing she has messed up in her life on the fact she went to boarding school. On both podcast from this week and last she says she can't remember how old she is. No joke- she keeps saying I am 45 or am I 46. Kid you not- she either lies so much about her age or she is so dumb the women that can't remember how old she is. what a joke!!!!!!

😂😂😂 They really know how to hang with the best of the best 😂😂😂.
Meanwhile, I checked my friends stories in Dubai and literally none are at a party..just trick or treating with the kids. Speaking of which, Cem posted a story about one of the boys ready to one parent should do.. Clearly not CS because it's more important to go to a party with a bunch of wannabes. I didn't even see any of her "close friends" at this party.
As @spotonlurker said, anybody could attend.. Kind of like the Hochstein Halloween parties in Miami

These two morans have FOMO (fear of missing out) they wouldn't miss a get together or party if it was on Christmas Day! I mean I think these two are out trying desperately to find new friends with money. I think based on her prior podcast alot of her friends in Dubai with money have really had enough of their freeloaders. I would imagine these are the couple we all know that never pass up a free party, vacation or dinner. The problem with them is they don't have the money or home to return the favor. I have friends that are just like them with going to every party and expensive vacation but they are living on credit cards and loans. She is out there scouting for anybody that may be new in Dubai.
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Awww, poor Barbielips overexerted herself by going to her son's game. Imagine, how hard it must be to get out of bed and go to a game. What a frekin joke these two are. She wouldn't know what it means to put herself out for her children like the majority of us do on a daily basis without drivers, cooks, housekeepers and endless other support this lady has. What is with the massage they have to have at least once a week? I guess laying in that bed 23 hours can lead to back pain! She is just horrible!

I love what you said - She is a tragic figure...........that sums her up perfectly!!

Can you imagine this unemployed, latin lazy loser, grifter of a scumbag has the audacity to think he is too good to carrry a picnic basket to the car just makes my stomach turn. This joker has not two dimes to rub together and he is acting like he has staff to wait on him. I can't imagine how the staff must feel listening and watching him walk around that house barking orders. OMG- that just burns me up! In actuality Cem is paying for that punk to have housestaff for him to mooch off of. He is really full of himself now and I think that is why she went on the tirade on her podcast about her friends and family complaining. They are absolutely sick of watching him live off of Cem's money knowing he contributes nothing to the household. How could he? He has no job? I don't think there are too many people in Dubai and London that don't know what this joker is all about.

My heart goes out to those kids when they see Bonnie and Clyde walk across the field to watch them play. Poor kid- that would be enough for the kid to quit the team. Barbielips stuffed into her clothes that are 5 sizes to small and meant for women in their 20's with figures that the clothes are made for and Dirty Juan with his fake rolex and cheap gold jewelry! I am shocked assbrain doesn't try to coach or go in the field and play.
Don't give her ideas! She'll be putting that on her "laminated" 😱 vision board as her next manifestation! 🥴
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So quick recap of yesterday's stories for the ones that missed them (I just watched them 🙄) :

Exhibit a) : visiting their "dream house"/town house which still looks like a mess but that idiot IQ posts "new house is looking better".. OK if you say so 😂

Exhibit b's) : a "fashion show" in the middle of the desert where, besides the wait staff, only women are present..but of course the mega worker ultra successful guy in Real "State", crypto and marketing just HAD to be there..she even said on the story "Sergio is on a girls trip..again". Doesn't she have any self awareness like wtf. I'd go bonkers but clearly he's one of the "girls" 💅

Exhibit c) : she's in bed in her pyjamas with full on makeup..ugh I'd hate to see the condition of those pillows every morning.


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I asked my other half why would a husband go to girls events… he said he’s either needy, jealous or has trust issues.
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She may not be a prize but she (and her ex husband) are funding a ‘luxury lifestyle’ for this pointless lazy young man. The way he poses with her and am the other ‘influencers’. SMH. Baby’s room? She will be an absolute fool to have a baby with this man who is earning nothing and has no future prospects. She always calls it ‘my’ house which is interesting. Sergio is insecure for sure and so he should be!!
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Comments on that post are hilarious. They aren’t wearing LV, it’s some local designer. Especially the comment that said “if LV didn’t dress you for the event, you’re no one.” Not surprisingly it’s been deleted. 😂🤣😂
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What the hell has manchild got on😂🤣😂🤣
That is hysterical, who suggested he wear that, look at the expression on his face !!! , was he going for the moody, sexy look, totally overlooking his get up :D:D !

Had to check out that post for the comments, why are there so many people telling them they look hot, the emperors new clothes spring to mind.
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That is hysterical, who suggested he wear that, look at the expression on his face !!! , was he going for the moody, sexy look, totally overlooking his get up :D:D !

Had to check out that post for the comments, why are there so many people telling them they look hot, the emperors new clothes spring to mind.
It looks like a 12yr olds first attempt at sewing without a pattern and using the wrong fabrics. Then someone threw the outfits at them and they got dressed in the dark 🥴🥴
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She looks like she is wearing the shrunken outfit of Dr. Evil
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