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Chatty Member
She seems to thinks it's cute to say he was coming to the hen party!!
It's not cute you stupid's weird. And the clue is in the name!
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Chatty Member
Yes, I thought exactly the same. She looks so much heavier, her face is really full and she has a real middle aged look about her.
I have been saying that for months. The filters she is using on her phone have her looking 25 years younger and 20 pounds lighter. There is no way she looks in person like she does on her instagram post. The amount of alcohol and food this women inhales is catching up with her. I am not body shaming her- I am latin with a full figure so I embrace a full body- but I am also not making my instagram pictures having me look thinner.

I was in London last week and thought about CS and how she could be there in that amazing city being herself and leading a normal life close to.friends and family. Instead she is stuck in the desert promoting dog food!!
It's amazing that she thinks she can single handly be the break out star of Dubai. In her delusional world she is the social status of Dubai. I can not wait to these women come after her. This isn't going to be like LOL where people were afraid to say anything to her. It looks like some of these women are ready to take her and her fake arse toyboy on
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
Roundup from instagram
Yes exactly, you can see the difference between Nina Ali and CS. That's what I tried to say here but someone was shooting me down insisting Nina Ali was the same. I have followed Nina Ali for quite a while and they strictly have nothing in common except the show.
I have a friend that is friends with her, I should ask her to ask what she thinks of IQ27 😂
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So many of the media promo's are using CS old photos from her ladies of london days. Are they worried that people won't recognise her now as the CS from LOL, as she looks dramatically different now with all the poor cosmetic work and the massive lips/
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
This is the article Joan

Another article to read which will make you laugh out loud! She says "I don't know where I got it, but you can get it sitting on the toilet, for God's sake, so grow up"
Also, she was taking antibiotics - which, unless she had a chest infection - won't work against Covid, which is a virus . Bless her, if she'd a brain she'd be dangerous
Omg thank you for that! I have no words besides saying this woman is disgusting and despicable.. And I say that because of her rapport with her children.. OK granted one of the boys was there to celebrate (totally possible the other one wants his own B-day)... What bugs the fu*k out of me is that I can (and many) see is she doesn't give a fukc of her kids and all this is for Instagram show
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Chatty Member
Makes you wonder why they are planning a baby. Backpacking in Bali while pregnant at 46? Just no. She treats Sergio like men her age treat their trophy wives. It’s all so odd.
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Patsy Fritatas

Well-known member
Okay now that she has a job IQ27, how about you go find a job? You love the ghost hotel - why not see if the are hiring? For all that is good in the world- leave this woman alone and don't ruin her with your immature behavior.

Clearly these two clowns but who is this?

It is funny they have her in a long flowing ballgown instead of a more fitted gowns like the other girls have on. You can see she has aged - as I don't know the age of the other women but the look younger then she does.
I think they have her in that gown because she is clearly the main cast member. Like a queen if you like as all her fans have been saying on her posts. She's also right in the middle of the line up so I'd say she is going to be most important cast member. Age is just a number. Hamazing!
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
I cant bring myself to listen. She is trying so hard to make herself relevant. Why would they care who she's married to lol
Exactly! She also says that when she met him he lied about his age 😁. Oh and she also says when asked if they will have a baby "we actually have a baby boy on ice" 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
Never known them both so Quiet
5 HOURS & Nothing Posted 🤷🏻‍♀️😱
Well from her last story they ARE at Ghost Tacky Hotel (I recognized the lounge chair). How utterly embarrassing to have a surprise at a freebie hotel.. Unless it's a pit stop to somewhere else...who knows with these 2. Or maybe looking for an alternative place for Instagram and plotting together 😂😂
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I think it is still Ramadan, so if the party is at ghost hotel they won't be allowed any music, maybe partying at home with the haamazing view of a wasteland.
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Chatty Member
Okay, rubber lips did IQ27 dress you again? I think my 19 year old niece is wearing that same thing. The amount of different filters these two clowns are now using to make themselves look good is now laughable. No wonder when Dirty Juan post the two pictures of her that we all said she looked horrible - he must have forgotten the damn filter. That is exactly what he is looking at every day. EWWWW- I mean take all the makeup, hair extensions, and filters away and this women is just another average middle age looking women. OMG her podcast from this week was just a joke. You all know I am the only loser that listens to it. She goes on for 30 minutes talking about how important she is, how she has a huge team to keep her going, how she knows so many famous people, how she is a famous podcaster - the list was endless. So I am thinking she is really feeling pretty insecure if she has to rant for 30 minutes about how wonderful her life is. I don't think I can bring myself to watching her and her poolboy when this show comes out.

Old Mother Hubbard springs to mind 😱😱
Who told her that she has a great figure that can wear stuff like this. I see a normal middle age women, with very skinny legs, no curves, a tummy that looks like a Ninja Turtle shell and walks like a penguin.

They seriously think people are going to believe this just happened by chance
So bloody staged 🤦‍♀️
View attachment 1294212
Now that’s the definition of “desperate for attention”
I don't know what bothers me more- seeing her laying in bed with the filter that makes her look cute with the oversized glassses or Dirty Juan doing that suggestive dance that is meant for anyone but his wife. Is their a reason that she can't sit in a chair like a normal person does and film? Just asking.

Here it is!!
See this is what happens when Mr. MBA forgets to put the filter on when taking pictures. Or maybe he wanted to show us what he has to look at every day.
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Chatty Member
Here's where they ended up today
What is with this guy Dubai Miquel? He is just straight up weird looking. This guy is a CEO of Cosmesurgio and he acts like a groupie following rubber lips around town for every free event that serves alcohol. I don't get it- how many CEO of a health care industry hang out with D list reality people ( can't call them stars) especially these two.

This Twit makes my skin creep 🥴
What a slimey, up his own arse, moron
View attachment 1283690
That is so disgusting................ewwwwww
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VIP Member
He really gives me the ick ! he gets sleazier looking by the day, probably the fake tan and teeth whitening, CS lips have deflated a bit at least, so she by the time they do some press, she might look at bit better than she has up to this.
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Chatty Member
Here we go with comment 3001!
Thanks for setting us up!! There is a new netflix series about bitcoin and crptocurrency- and what a fraud it is. Not sure the title but it is definetly the scheme that IQ27 and his band of merry thugs are into.

It was a short amount of time that people could make money and then it dropped in the stockmarket. They are saying it is for people that want to get rich quick without doing the work it takes to make money. Wow, does this remind us of someone.
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Joan on Third

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Chatty Member
OH yes right I forgot to mention that.. The guy is so thirsty to be on camera that he has no problem going to a bacherlorette party of his wife! Either that or he was afraid there would be Chippendale guys dancing on her 😂😂
He'd rather they were dancing on him😅🤢
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
Those messages are sad. Yes he is a teenage boy but still, in what ways does she think it is helpful to share them with 500k people. She will say he doesn't have social media so won't see them but even so, that isn't the point really is it.
Not even a teenager as he's 12 so he's technically still a child. She's vile and am truly disgusted by her, this is really low. I wish I could comment on her story but I can't ugh
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