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Did you see her comments on Bethenny Frankels Instagram? I didn’t catch what was said but Bethenny was defending her daughter, she does seem a great young lady given the awful hatred between her parents and having access to that money and lifestyle.
Hirons jumps in about her kids and defending them, she’ll come for you if you say a word wrong about them and all this. She proceeded to keep commenting in the posts, and arguing with anyone that slightly had a different take. I know my Mother would die for me, but I’ve never had to hear her say it! Something you can protest too much! Then all the fans telling her how amazing she is being this type of Mum 🤯.

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Well I went on the Freaks page but after Caroline “buy my kits” Hirons waded in with it’s “only” £3 a month to view everything in the app, I had to close the page else I’d have posted…

”It’s a bit much saying it’s ‘only’ £3 a month when you own a huge Georgian mansion in Somerset AND a property in London. You seem to have lost sight of how much harder things are for a lot of people now but you still like to make out you’re ‘one of us.’ Still let us not forget Skincare IS Merch. When are you flogging the next kit again? April? Kerching, kerching!”

Ah, I feel better now I’ve got that out of my system! 😜😆

One Freak said even someone on Universal Credit could afford £3 a month. 🙄
The amount of brown nosers on that group is embarrassing. One even thanked Hirons for her “respectful“ reply! 😮
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I wouldn't normally expect someone to not talk about something they've got a passion for such as the gym, just because followers might be triggered, but seeing as Hirons had a go at wordle for the answer being 'GRIEF' when she was recently bereaved, I think she's completely fair game for being called out for it!
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Imho she’s missed the boat. Had she launched her skin care range 4 years ago, as we were entering the pandemic, she’d have cleaned up. She was at her peak then. I, and many others, were still in blissful ignorance of her true nature. I really enjoyed her Lives at the start of lockdown.
Hell, I’d have bought her entire range back then. 😳 She had a captive audience because we had to mostly buy online.
So much has happened in those 4 years and as I said, I think she’s missed the boat.
Absolutely. Also, peoples spending habits have changed and there's so many affordable products that actually work. If people are going to spend that much they want to be assured that the products are from a reputable brand. Despite Hirons skincare 'expert' dismissing Trinny as being only involved in fashion, Trinny is a recognisable name and brand (love her or loathe her). Hirons and skin rocks (especially) are not. Beyond the freaks, most people won't have a clue who she is

And yeah this is going to sound snobby but I'd imagine that someone who goes into Liberty with money to spend is not going to be attracted to her product range

Hirons got too greedy, simple as that. She could have done what Sali Hughes did and released a budget to mid level range in Superdrug. The freaks would have lapped that up and non freaks might be more likely to take a shot at an affordable range

Instead she foolishly went for the luxury market
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I really feel like she’s constantly spoiling for a fight these days. Apart from the other advantages mentioned about remote work there is also a housing crisis and rents are through the roof. Not many young people will be able to afford to move to Central London with what she’s paying. Meaning that her jobs are only open to those living at home or those wealthy enough

I know that her mentality is that she was able to work and move to London when she was younger but the world has changed now. It was possible to live in cities as a young person earning a relatively low salary but that’s out of the question now for places like London
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Parody VoiceOver to the Ava video

Please take pictures of my vacuous pointless daughter for her Instagram. She has loads of anxiety and she has had an awful year cause her granny died but then I blamed it on the NHS but I don’t blame on the NHS cause I love nurses LOL I’m now a gym bunny did you know that I’m a gym bunny have I mentioned that I go to the gym? Also have I mentioned that my daughter has absolutely no purpose in life but she wants to be in Instagram influencer. LOL. I love skincare buy flannels, don’t use face wipes

I also hate Trinny, but you know I’m much better than her and don’t hate me because I’m actually quite a nice person did I mention I also have ADHD and I do loads of things for people with skin cancer. Oh my God oh amazing love you

skin rocks. Buy my overpriced kits


I hate trinny
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Did anyone see Nadine Baggotts post about the women she respects the most in the skin care industry? She mentioned 9 women and Caroline wasn’t amongst them
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She gets more unpleasant with each passing day. The world has changed, not all jobs require you to be in the office. Honestly she must be an absolute nightmare to work for, the type of boss that tries to pretend everyone is a family but then who turns on you at the slightest thing
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Congratulations to @yessenia_d for the thread title.

We only started the last thread on 25th Jan so it must be the quickest Hirons thread we’ve ever had.

Previous thread here:

Quick recap:

Hirons released her next kit called the “Ruth’s old house doesn’t heat itself” kit just in time for January’s payday. “Run don’t walk” she cried “Not as many produced”. There are still a “handful” 🙄 of kits languishing in her warehouse in time for this February’s payday!

She released 2 expensive acids in Trinny (but apparently Hirons did it first) yellow. The “gentle” acid so soothing on the skin that it melted a plastic bottle!

Skin cancer is her latest campaign/rant - all the sweeter because she can trash Liz Earle for her stance on sunscreen whilst forgiving Davinia Taylor for her “opinion”. Hypocrite Hirons conveniently fails to disclose that she “forgot” her sunscreen whilst on (a very rare, first one in 40 years) holiday to Italy and subsequently was sun burnt. Sunburn is one of the causes of skin cancer.

She continues to appear to copy Trinny and on Monday her cheap classy looking products will be sold in Libertys. She will be there on launch day to whip up a frenzy with The Freaks who have already started camping outside the store shouting “Take all our money Caroline! You’re just like one of us!”

Gym boasts and walking to the gym Insta stories continue.

She’s just had her hair coloured again. Now there’s a colour she could trademark “Hirons nicotine straw like yellow.” 😜

Hirons engagement with the Freaks has zero correlation to her flogging anything. It is purely coincidental that she posts much more on the group leading up to kit and new product and store launches. 🙄

Have I missed anything?

(I still think this should go in the Influencer section but I’m not sure if it’s allowed or others may not find it so I’ve grudgingly put it under gurus again)
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I remember Ruth saying how thick the walls are in her old house, the room’s are also large and airy so it must be hugely expensive to heat during the colder weather . Jim’s probably in charge of the coal fires and woebetide him if they die out.
Jimderella! 😆
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Jelly Bean

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i’m sorry but this is such bollocks. plus it’s the male sperm that determines the baby’s sex so maybe she should redo biology
Omg is she serious with this? 😮
Yogurt and lots of sex and you're more likely to have a girl?
So she's allowed to be Billy Big Balls and shouting about science when it's skincare, but actual human reproduction and it's down to salt or dairy.
How does she explain cultures where dairy is not a big thing, or people are vegans, but still have girls? But of course it happened to her so therefore must be a fact.
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I cannot remember when I last watched a full live, apart from ten to fifteen minutes here and there

Using emotional blackmail against the people that have afforded her the lifestyle she now has will backfire eventually. She's an embarrassment. I'm not sure whether she's lost the plot with all these releases or she's deluded enough to think there's a viable market for all her shit

Hirons should be paying her staff well, I'd imagine their fingers are worked to the bone for their salary and "amazing" benefits. I'm with @Rowling Hirons has too many staff for the size of business she has. She employs young, inexperienced and enthusiastic people with what I'd imagine to be promises of a fantastic career and it being anything but
I had a quick look and the salaries she has advertised didn’t look that competitive to me

£28k in central London requiring at least 2 years experience and the benefits are private healthcare, holiday allocation and free face cream?! I doubt she’d be happy with her kids taking a job at that rate
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She is not remotely a model in any way, shape or form
Caroline is honestly a terrible parent. Sorry not sorry. She talks a big game about work ethic but all of her adult children seem to scrounge off her. One seems to be a full time 1975 groupie. Another is a wannabe Andrew Tate ‘life coach’. And Ava, well we all know what she’s like
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Jelly Bean

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And most of her teams jobs seem to be computer based anyway - so why isn't it possible to wfh?
I've long thought her bellowing 'who's that going off home then? Byeee!' as she peers through the door during a live was passive aggressive and aimed to let them know she's still working as they slope off 'early'.
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Her 'inclusion' of people with disabilities as the only reason for someone WFH is based on her own bigotry, assuming 'disability' means a poor soul in a wheelchair, unable to even push themselves into the next room. Which is just patronising all round.

The one big reason to allow WFH for roles where it is appropriate is because remote working is the single greatest invention for those with caring responsibilities ie women. For a woman who likes to trill about supporting women, by banning WFH for her entire team she's effectively cutting out recruiting any women with young children or aging parents - employees who might need time off to take someone else for medical appointments, who might need to start at 9.15 after the school run or slip off between 3 and 4pm, but who are likely to be more loyal and dedicated to an employer who enables them to balance their lives.

But she doesn't want that - she wants cheap young people with no other demands on their time, so she can make them work as late as she wants and screech at them to bring her tea every five minutes. And while we're on that topic, who the fuck is expected nowadays to bring their boss cups of tea? It's demeaning, no one does this anymore.

At heart she's really just a 1970s middle aged chauvinist man in a bad wig.

Can you tell she's fucked me off too? 😂
You've put this so well, I had the exact same thought yesterday but couldn't be arsed to type it out into a sensible rant, so thank you for being my voice!

To just totally undermine the question by calling it a "BS request" really pissed me off too. I have adhd and I can't cope with 5 days a week in the office as I get overwhelmed and it means I have no remaining energy left to spend time with my partner, family etc. so I work 99% remotely. She's a fucking moron.
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LiMiTeD NuMbEr! Come and get them! 🥳

*CH looks sheepishly at rows and rows of overstocked aisles at the warehouse*
She’ll be down Peckham Market at the weekend selling the “last few” kits out of a suitcase at the back of her yellow three wheeler van! 😜
Look, she’s already waiting in the back with her Trinny yellow hoodie and her neon pink top!
(apologies for my terrible editing skills, I only have iPad photo editing!) 😳

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