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Nat seems to be following Carla’s footsteps weigh wise, not good for a young girl who hasn’t even had children (which some women blame for their consequential weight gain).

I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
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“Maybe I put the scales in the wrong place on the floor”.

Fuck, how uneven is your floor if moving them makes 4lb difference? I weigh the same on my scales wherever they are.

Oh wait... do you mean they were too far from the side for you to hold onto and push down a bit...
Carla next week
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Grab your handbag with both hands and hold it under your chin.....'ooooooh' ...someone shouldn't have been smart last week and - just to annoy the Tattle folk - 'lose' three and half pounds. We knew it was going to come back (well actually it never really went away ...did it?) with a vengence.! CJ is the type of woman that you do not want to sit beside on the bus - you know that lady - all moany and big Saddo type! (maybe it's being Mrs M so much's rubbing off!) Also - I have the number of a good workman who could maybe look at that uneven floor :rolleyes: STILL editing the weigh in .... why???

Also - for those of you who still don't know who Josh (Joshie) is ... here is a very VERY inappropriate video - mmmmm - really Carla - this is funny to you? #gross (around 1.50 min in - keep watching - the awkwardness is astounding !

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You beat me to it Arty - I'm getting the word plateau tatooed on my quite large stomach. Dear Lord...I've heard more about her 'cycle' than my own - TOOOOOOOOOOOOMUCHINFORMATION - you are an older woman and you do.not.need. to share EVERYTHING about your body to the's just not cool. Here's a challenge for next weight in Carla dear .... keep the video running AS YOU STEP ON THE SCALE - cut-editing every single time you step on the scale and guess what??? Wow - 2 lbs off amazing ...yeah right :) !! If she is eating 1824 calories on what I see on the screen then I must be on a daily intake of 372 ... I think last time I weighed myself I was the weight of a toddler...wise up woman!
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Those bloody leggings! She has them plastered across her Instagram (telling us they were gifted of course due to the thousands of orders placed by her more suggestible fans). They look like toddler pyjamas.
Why did you make me go look at her Instagram? 😭

It meant I saw these delightful images.

Are these type of pictures for people with certain fetishes? Why else would you put this kind of thing on the internet?
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It didn’t when I watched it this morning, glad Carla is still reading here and took my advice 😉

Better be safe than sorry

oh wait, I’ve seen it.

Don’t worry Steven, I’m out tonight for my corporate Christmas party, one that I don’t have to pay for the food and drink myself (and any other beg friends and hangers-on).

I’ve also received my Christmas bonus already (kerching!) and been out on two client funded events in the last two weeks... and not had to put my hand in my pocket once!

As long as you had a lovely time meeting up with your reseller mates, don’t you worry about us here on Tattle with your incorrect stereotypical view 😂
Was mrs m there, or was she stuck in a charity shop foaming at the mouth because the staff would not give her a discount. Life's hard for the online E beggers. I guess lexx and her lips were the star of the show along with carla's shitty leggings. What with mrs m's painted craggy old face and lexx and her fillers, we girls are gonna have to fight hard for a seat next to the gorgeous Nic, from nic and andrea. They should call it e beggers unite, if you can't get it free, then sell the shit to the viewers.
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I wonder if - Josh - she will - Josh - keep the - Josh - video rolling -Josh - this week - Josh - when weighing in - Josh - without editing!!? Bets are on that she EDITS before the weigh appears - 3lb off for sure this week .....

((((we know what you're doing :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:}}}}
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The reasons for the possible weight gain, too much salt intake (does she have a box a week?) water retention (AGAIN) faulty scales reading perhaps due to COVID. You’ve eaten too much again you dozy mare. Oh and don’t tell her what to’s HER channel 😂
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Suggestion for next thread. ‘Carla Jenkins don’t be a prat, burn that fat’
I feel for her as I understand food addiction and staying basically on course for 2 years is quite a feat. I wish she'd open her mind to the fact that counting calories are only half the battle, and that she'd feel a lot less tired/hungry/craving sweet food If she'd replace all those cardboard individually wrapped " food " items and synthetically sweetened soft drinks with real whole foods and water based drinks.
Those sugar cravings go away within days once you stop eating it.
So agree with you! I also agree with her viewers, it IS those meals out, she kind of proved it on her last what did I eat, that baked potato with cheese and chicken, unbelievably high calories. She obviously socialises over food, perhaps she could compromise. She will have breakfast, then lunch and then another meal out later. It's of course her choice, I basically think paying for a breakfast is stupid and a total waste of money. It is nice eating out and you get to chat of course, but money wise and diet wise, it won't do you any favours, unless of course everyone else pays for your meal and you actually read the menu and quit ordering items with cheese in it.
If only life were that simple. I am more sympathetic to her now esp after seeing natalie buy that giant rocky road cookie, if she wants to destroy her teeth some more, then it's her own fault not her mothers. I think they both need help, positive friends who will support them in life, but as we al know by now, will carla even listen, stubborn as hell. Lexx has learned an enormous amount about low carb diet, she has educated herself, same as with her jewellery business, she earns a lot because she has learned a craft, she can identify gold, silver, gem stones etc. If carla researched like lexx she would find out that low carb is the key diet for everyone.
That said, it's not easy shifting a lifetime's habits onto new habits. Again, society, eff off with the crap you keep trying to kill us with. Would natalie have walked out with a great big plastic dish of just sugar for 7 quid, nah, they lure you in with giant cakes and treats, the brain says gimme gimme, the rest of your body says I can't tolerate all this sugar and fats, but the eye sees what it wants and the brain takes over.
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Carla and Caroline - two Alpha females - who won't even give each other time to be funny ...because they are talking AT each other all the time. Watch the video ... when Caroline is talking ... you can almost see the smirk on Carla's face thinking of the funny thing SHE is going to say next. They never listen to one another - sooooo awkward. If this is a real friendship ... I'm a generic meatball :) ...Of course Carla just had to give a mention to her 'friend' Josh during the vlog! (weirdness at it's best!). I have friends of different ages too Carla ...but the difference between you and me is that I don't embarrass them with sexual innuendos like you do - we do have lots of video evidence of this over the past couple of years ... eg Waffle No 62 ... quote 'Josh is my toyboy lover...we do incredibly rude things 24/7' - question Carla - do you really that is appropriate for an old doll to a young gay man? Nah ... it isn't! grow.up.woman.
Absolutely spot on observation Ms Scales!! I think THEY think that they're worthy of a tv show like Gogglebox, they're so 'naturally ' funny, they sit like the Two Ronnies side by side and it is cringingly embarrassing. Also totally agree about the friendship dynamics with younger guys, would she like a fifty off year old man talking to Nat and referencing an imaginary relationship? No, didn't think so! Roll on the holidays, I need a good second hand embarrassment vlog. Wonder if she's going to invite Lexx up to watch the JS documentary, now that would be Gogglebox worthy. 😡
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Ohhh....Carla let yourself down by saying the word truncated this morning - ha... just evidence that you had read Tattle in the past week when that word was mentioned!

Definition of truncated....cut short (just like you did when you stepped on the scale this week - cut short the video - adjusted accordingly and started filming !!)

Maybe you'd read this article ....
Calibrate the scale to weigh less
If you own a digital weighing scale, you might be aware that it needs to be calibrated routinely to show accurate results. When not appropriately calibrated or for a long time, it starts showing faulty weight readings. You can calibrate the scale by opting for keeping five pounds as a zero reading to see a change in your weight. Likewise, you can calibrate it accordingly to weigh less. So if you want to use this scale the next time when someone is around, you can use this trick, but make sure to calibrate it properly after you have weighed yourself.

Seeing the dog's dinner sitting on the cooker along with her own was yuck ...but nothing surprises me about that kitchen. I wonder how the floor is ... :sick::sick::sick::sick::sick:

Folks....put it in your diary for next Thursday ....when perhaps we shall see her actually stepping onto those digital scales WITHOUT THE EDIT (I love using capitals!) #truncated
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View attachment 1170924 ..... Well ....well... well - during her 2.16 min 'What I ate' video today - old CJ mentioned Josh FOUR times - honestly ...have you a problem woman?? It's very telling that she took her mum out to Josh's mums place (literally a few hours after devouring a HUGH fry up) - wondering if she gets her lunch as a freebie or discounted?? This along with the old chestnut that she churns up that she is eating a lot because it's 'the time of the month' !!! Come one Carla ...who are you trying to kid ...? Also ...please don't say that again sounds lame and we don't really need to hear your woman-of-a-certain-age - personal details every.single.week.:sick: Whatever happened to keeping some things private? A little bit of decorum please (noun ... behaviour in keeping with good taste and propriety).

PS. poor Josh
if I were Joshy's mum rather than employ her I'd be issuing a restraining order! Tell you what, she's so backtracking to her subs after telling them off last week, it's back to the, 'look how pleasant I can be when I drop a few pound's mode. Her time of the month happens every three days, I'm contacting the Guinness book of Records as we speak😂 oh Carla do give it a rest you're nearly 50!
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This morning was a this will be quick and then she proceeded to tell us for five minutes why she is so wick at staying off the rubbish food choices. Another packet of biscuits, who actually does that? I also suffer with SAD, I got a lightbox instead of a Toby breakfast. The puddings continue and a first meal of the day being a chicken and rib meal😮 Carla stop fooling yourself that you're eating normally, you are not, Sundays meals were wild, no voiceovers of course. I'd be booking a counselling session forthwith. No point in buying vegetables and having multiple meals out, self destruct mode at the moment.
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So lucky to be able to throw £20+ at a mere lunch, only to come home and to have another plate of food and another sweet, and that lunch was definitely more than it said on the menu. Carla herself admitted that fact last week, calories are guessed but it depends who is preparing them at the end of the day. Of course twenty quid is pittance to the Richard Branson of reselling, by my reckoning she now has at least six streams of income, EBay, YouTube, two part time jobs, whatever she gets off Nat for bills etc and gifts from companies and superfans😂 Pity it didn't stretch to a collaboration with Colgate...
Yeh the little "here's what calories I used on the left and heres the calories are what i had left", is one massive lie from start to finish. I notice she only started being "under" calories since people called her out and on here too. Now all of a sudden she has calories "left" whatever that means, this is a compettion in her head I think, it's not reality. She has ZERO calories left cause she should be on around 1.600 a day and not having to slowly wean herself to that number cause ickle wickle carla might throw a fit and eat all the cake!
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When did Vlogmas become just opening Advent Calendar every day? Just like Christmas it seems Vlogmas has lots its true meaning.

It used to be something vloggers did for Christmas, basically vlogging every day in December (anyone remember Organised Like Jen / My Housewife Life?). It was about putting the decorations up, going to Christmas markets, wrapping presents, getting stressed lol, a daily dose of someone’s real life that you could maybe relate to

When did it become about just opening advent calendars? Just a lazy video a day (most probably pre-recorded in the space of one day) showing more unnecessary consumeristic waste.

Christmas has become commercial enough, without this new unnecessary trend (“tradition”).

Over on the Mrs M thread someone mentioned Fawn Figures it Out and I watched one of her videos (never heard of her before) and in it she showed over £700 worth of advent calendars that she was going to open “because that’s what vlogmas is about”. Where did she get that idea from? When did that become what vlogmas is about? Who made it so?

No wonder YouTube are cracking down on monetising videos that are “overly consumeristic”. Their platform has become one massive advertisement. I don’t mean the youtube ads themselves but all these money grabbing youtubers making videos showing the freebies they’ve got and sharing the link & discount code.

Stealth advertising at its worst. And totally against advertising standards.😒
Exactly. They are so up themselves we are all meant to run out and buy on their recommendation. Judging by fawns face, all the make up in the world can't buy her inner health. Apparently she chats too and is interesting???
Don't bother being healthy, put on some blush and pretend you have a glow from inside, slather foundation over your skin blocking it's pores cause heaven forbid you might have a bit of eneven skin tone. These people stare in the mirror for hours slapping on layers of makeup and still don't know themselves. Please don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with a little make up to enhance, but it's pretty obvious what it becomes to some people, a mask. Then they put the camera at an angle so they look slimmer and younger. No wonder teens are so screwed up, they don't know what to be, real or fake.
It could be worse, tg fawn does not do botox or lip fillers. big massive giant swollen damaged lips that someone shoves great big needles in cause some women want to look permanently sexual for men, to me it looks like a vagina lol
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Bunch of bananas are about 60p. That’s one nutritious snack per day for less than 10p in a biodegradable wrapper

Or a £1.29 protein bar of nutrient deficient fake sugar and chocolate in a plastic wrapper


Oh... and she fed her dogs chocolate chip pancakes

With chocolate being poisonous for dogs
It's because she thinks it will go off before she gets the chance to eat it, which is understandable, sometimes if the fruit is not that fresh in the first place it can go off, but alll you do is you buy very fresh fruit, keep it in the fridge, it lasts several days. which gives you plenty of time to eat it. What gets me by the time she's finished complaining about how much fruit is, she will have eaten a 7 pound rocky road cookie, bought a meal out every day & bought protein bars at 1.50 a pop and yep, fruits too expensive! I reckon her mind has not budged in years. She will have ignored anyone good advice and still drank her pepsi's ate rubbish etc. This is very difficult for her, she's had to change or admit that her diet was dreadful.
Another one who won't be told what to do is caroline mrs m, she refuses to change her diet big time. After a couple of attempts a slimming she has taken back control from the docs and decided not to get down to a healthier weight. I do suspect mrs m's nutrition is much better, or was, carla has stepped up to the challenge albeit with some complaints. Mrs m has a lot of visceral fat, which is not that healthy, don't really see her as ever wanting to change, she thinks she knows it all.
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See the meet up is being used to blame for the massive fry up this morning with the hashtags out in force! #anyexcuse #abowlofporridgewouldbebetter #illblameanyonebutmyself #greasyfoodrulez #raweggslookyummy #theweighinwillbehilarious #isjoshthere? #whydoessheusehashtags? These meet ups are always so embarrassing looking everyone being chummy but secretly hating each others eBay finds/sales😂
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Well done Carla ... you actually managed to mention your obsession 'Josh' in two videos in one day (how he made it into the What I Eat in a Day video - who know? )- do you get commission ? Hey! here's a cool idea - instead of videoing all you eat for seven separate videos - why not try your best this week to KEEP THE VIDEO RUNNING AS YOU STEP ONTO THE SCALE (caps for effect! :) ) Task for Thursday's weigh in - DO NOT JUMP EDIT ... of course you will not - we all now know why my dear! :) :) Film it as you step on ...NO EDIT... do it to annoy us ...and then we can believe that there's no twiddling going on. Go ...on... you know you want to ...but we know you won't in a million years! Bets anyone???
Perhaps she should weigh herself completely naked with nothing on but her ming the mercilless painted eyebrows and a bowl of steamed veg carefully balanced on her arse. That would give her viewers a nice weekly uplift in their padded cells.
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I buy fruit once a week for the rest of the week and it doesn’t go off.

Usually buy apples, bananas, grapes, blueberries and then other fruit when it’s in season like peaches, pears,,strawberries etc.

Apples, grapes and blueberries last beyond A week. The softer fruits have shorter lifespan but bought on Saturday they are eaten by Wednesday.

I’m still confused why, as a single woman who only shops for herself, she has to go food shopping nearly every day.

What was the bullsh*t about needing a bottle of water from Tesco for the dog? She couldn’t fill up a bottle at her mum’s before she left? She then ended up somehow looking at the reduced section and somehow buying a pack of reduced chocolate chip pancakes “for the dogs” which she ate three of.

She has a food addiction
Definate food addiction going on and yeh choc very toxic, not sure why she gave it to her dogs, strange.
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