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I watched Kazza for the first time. Is it me or is she so weird? The monotone voice and how she speaks to her mother, very strange. Incredibly boring.
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Just a footnote, I know she cares about the welfare of that dog rescue, we all care about animals, but does she have to run to those viewers and ask them to open their purses yet again! They buy her leggings, pay her vet fees, send her gifts, give em a break at Christmas. You're not the BBC news, people do find out about things all on their own and help when they choose to. She could have just donated to them and left her viewers out of it, they have family to buy presents for.
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Chatty Member
poor me.jpg

'' I have to work 90 millionity hours & be separated from those that love me and those I love including nat & my dogs and fresh costco cream cakes . Please Donate generously to my 'Gofund MEEE' All you Vulnerable subs as a I won't now be in your lives as much and my Mum might miss going to Church. Please Donate so I can stay at home . Actually I'm Not too sure I'll last beyond the probation period as I'm an arrogant A hole , but if I don't I'll still keep the gofund me money and never mention it again . In the meantime you can buy me a Koffeee always welcome And Always Expected ''
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I enjoy watching her videos for the entertainment of seeing her surprise at putting on weight after eating huge amounts all week. Perhaps it’s time to drop the daily calories limit a bit? Just an idea…..
God don’t mention dropping the calories she’ll go into meltdown 😂
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LEXX is only 42?!?!?! No way she is under 50.
I watched 10 mins of the DITL this morning and she looks like a Les Dawson character (with Ste Green beanie).

The keto diet is terrible for you long term - fine if you want to lose weight quickly for a particular event but generally nutrient poor and way too high in saturated fat. She looks unhealthy. The two of them together is like some kind of government public health warning. I hate it when adults claim that they 'can't' drink water.
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Chatty Member
I wish she would sort out her front teeth, they need cleaning properly.
Is she on the fish and chip diet? She just eats crap and loses half a pound. She can't eat a single meal without rewarding herself with something sweet after. Mind you, her daughter who eats copious amounts of crap can't be helping, their house must be filled with sugar laden shit. She buys her son massive giant bars of chocolate, she thinks cause he is slim he's healthy. None of them have a clue, but if they wish their mother to still be alive in ten years time, being over 19 stone is morbidly obese still, they all need a lifestyle change.
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Bella's mummy

VIP Member
True Dat .

If it wasn't for lockdown and pubs shutting would she have lost the all that weight in first 6- 9 months , I don't think so.

Poor love needs to give her head a wobble. She's Only fooling herself.

True .

Something seems to happen to these tubers when they get a tiny bit of attention. Can you imagine if they were actually famous , they'd be throwing strops left and right . Talentless bints who think they're all that and a slice of cake 🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰
Totally agree with you about You Tubers. I'm also on the Faye Jay thread and she has become so up her own arse. She seems to think its funny to live in a shithole, not wash her kids uniforms properly, call people dickheads etc.
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She has a nerve to say the disabled boy in the charity shop should be in the back of the shop not by the till... isn't her own son disabled??! How about every time she eats out she sits outside the building with a bag over her head to avoid showing her shit stained teeth putting customers off their food!!! She is a bad mouthed nasty MOODY woman in real life, dont be fooled by her stupid waffle act and fake grin!
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Chatty Member
I know, never seen her anything like it, she almost had her hands together like a prayer. It is upsetting, these rescue centres do a lot of good work, but save your tears for the entire planet and the billions of animals slaughtered every day for food. In holland they put pigs in pens and they cannot even turn around, they kick and beat them. All animals feel fear and pain, it's like people love their cats and dogs and then shut their eyes to the rest of the world.
As for the ads for stuff, all the youtubers are at it, every single video they post, you can guarantee there will be an ad for crappy sites like cherrryz. Does anyone know who Sharon is? She sent carla and lexx a huge box of advent gifts, does she know that the viewers are just money symbols. Vlogmas is just a contrived, pre-recorded advert induced christmas rip off from start to finish!
Can't wait for mrs m's crisp tasting video, two morbidly obese fatties who would not know a healthy piece of food if you paid them advising their viewers what shit to eat with their singularly perfect taste buds!
It's just laughable, mrs m and her beauty tips, she said "you should buy it whether you need it or not" to which someone responded on the mrs m forum, "There speaks the consumeristic twat" so utterly true!

I know, I was wondering too. Cannot believe the amount of effort and money she has blown on what looked like a spoilt oversized 5 year old surrounded by all her advents opening them one by one. I couldn't accept that stuff, I'd refuse to give out my address. From business websites etc, yes I would, but not from the general public, some of them lonely and not all there mentally.


Taking advantage of Vulnerable people is such a wicked character trait. No amount of (filmed) donating to Charities can erase that fact. She is manipulative beyond words.

Don't come at me with excuses for her, there are none.

And yes I sometimes watch her videos because she's so shockingly Greedy & manipulative on a public platform, but she believes she's so clever because of her humour and great way with words. Any attention must have gone to her head and because she's so deluded that makes for great entertainment.

Sorry for shouting, but These are such important points you've made (amongst many many other great points on both here and bucket woman thread ) .

**Points made more eloquently than I ever could . Thank you.
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Chatty Member
Hi hun. Why do you have to thank people publicly? Why open parcels on youtube which just encourages competitive giving? Why not say don't send me anything? Why not suggest people send a fiver to a local charity instead?
So many options.
Buy my mugs, buy my lockdown buddies, buy my eBay stuff - I'll auction it live, buy some Cherryz poundland shit, buy some bracelets, buy some over priced jewellery, buy some glasses, buy some leggings, buy a bloody balti dish, buy more Cherryz shit. It's my birthday. Its Nat's birthday. It's Christmas. Here is my Kofi. Never expected. Always appreciated.

You know all her videos in tedious detail. What have I missed?
I still cannot fathom how Happyland, just being a viewer like the rest of us can dissect a question and know EXACTLY what the reasons are? Who mentioned address, who mentioned saying thank you??? Either you have second sight and know absolutely everything about this stranger on YouTube or you really like the sound if your own voice and your answers are rubbish, or MAYBE you do know more than you're letting on😎 whatever the truth I still find them hilarious and not in a good way, more a creepy way!

Please pay my vets bill 😭😿😭
...and use my ten affiliate links because none of you know where to buy your own eBay supplies, and I may as well have a cut...
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VIP Member
Well Carla your bloody diet gets better! A big piece of cake at the cafe, a fruit scone and to top it off a Cadbury Easter egg ffs. Just a suggestion, STOP the “what I’ve eaten today” vlogs, they’re an embarrassment and make you look a total prat. Incidentally, any bets on what will fall out first, her bleeding fringe which she never stops yanking or her manky front teeth.
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...and the Oscars for 'Best Actress in a supporting role' and 'Best Editing of a weigh-in' goes to Ms Jenkins - I think we've all been well and truly slapped this week! Honestly - how she can even keep a straight face? Although... did you notice she was on her best behaviour from last week - after the 'it's my channel and I can do what the hell I want on it' as she smiles at her minions. I agree with preciousstone ... it's the arrogance ... she is so fake. It's exactly the same when she does the award-winning 'friendship' vlogs with old Mrs C - totally fake. Ms Jenkins would be the first to ridicule anyone for acting up and it's amazing that she doesn't have the capacity for authenticity. Listen for the fake laughing when she's being very loud (and inappropriate) at the next reseller meet up ... she cannot be herself ...why? i love watching those around her who almost raise their eyes to heaven when she starts her joke telling (awkward). Just be at least honest with yourself dear ...we will not lose any sleep over your water retention ...!!
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I don't care. It's very strange behaviour. Thanks for the love though. It means a lot.
It's not caffeine addiction. There's caffeine in full fat Pepsi. It's the artificial sweeteners. Anything sugar free is terrible for a person especially when consumed in large quantities. Google aspartame. Often linked to migraines amongst other things.
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Chatty Member
I don’t get this woman at all. I would never waste money on those rubbish expensive protein bars but she’d sooner eat them than a healthy piece of fruit. And those packs of pepsi max and red bull they bought at Costco! God knows what her and Nat’s innards are like. Surely she knows how unhealthy these drinks are?
caffeine saturated drinks, nats knackered hence the state of her room caffeine keeping her going. My eldest son went through this at college, but not in his mid to late 20's, she's like a teenager. Knckered out on massively high sugar constant snacks quick energy, not long lasting, carla's habits changing meanwhile her daughter seems to be on a mission to be as unhealthy as possible. most of those protein bars are a gimmick, may as well have a mars bar, dairy is protein.
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Well-known member
I feel for her as I understand food addiction and staying basically on course for 2 years is quite a feat. I wish she'd open her mind to the fact that counting calories are only half the battle, and that she'd feel a lot less tired/hungry/craving sweet food If she'd replace all those cardboard individually wrapped " food " items and synthetically sweetened soft drinks with real whole foods and water based drinks.
Those sugar cravings go away within days once you stop eating it.
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Chatty Member
Is this morning's live a joke? It looks like a carer (Josh) taking his two elderly aunts out for a massive breakfast! The hugs are actually making me feel a bit ill, and Lexx looks totally high on something. Is she actually 42? Looks older but acts 12! She thinks she's so funny, not! Does Carla EVER stop playing with her hair, it's wild to watch live! Oh, there's the coke again, at breakfast?? Aren't you glad you're not sitting beside them in the Toby?
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Chatty Member
Exactly that!

Oh the fringe!! don't get me started. The amount of faffing about she does with it.
WHY does she feel the need to mention it all the time? we don't care but you'll bring it to everyone's attention and now we are looking at how much you faff with your fringe.
Just don't mention it.
It does seem to be a self-conscious thing absolutely. Plus if you're going to keep dying your heard dark/dark red then of course your greys are going to show throw so much quicker as is your white stripe.
Either embrace the grey, go lighter or shut the fuck up!
Wish she'd buy an electric hair trimmer, and soon!

Just watched the waffle, also have painted my door, so am going to watch it dry....will probably prove more interesting...
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She's falling down a deep hole if she's going to keep reading here and referring to 'elsewhere' on EVERY video!!!
she's literally doing it to wind you all up, its so obvious now

People did try to give advice in the past and were swiftly shut down. It's all very weird.
i don't blame her, some of the 'advice' isn't advice its just people thinking they know better like those who keep telling her to lower her calories when she doesn't need to and has explained 3 times now why that is. they still don't listen and tell her she's wrong 😂
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Well-known member
My plea....Dear youtube, can you rename "vlogmas" "SHITEMAS" thank you
I'm getting so fed up with the "Spend spend spend " vloggers I came across this lovely vlog that actually does real life/ family/ Christmas normal stuff. Has anyone watched " This little wonderful life" ?
Sorry, it's a bit off topic....
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