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I get that! People have said it’s terrible but I’m asking what more you’re hoping to achieve through Tattle? It’s a wild accusation to level at people ,if you have any evidence then it’s on you to act personally.
people on the thread can only show their disgust at her and nothing more..
(That’s what I’m talking about)
I agree. I came on this thread because I felt embarrassed that I had bought into the Carla cult and came to realise that I was being taken for a ride. I think her recent behaviour has shown a lack of taste, judgement and empathy with the victims of a terrible predator. Anything more than that and the poster had better have some actual evidence (liking Lolita is not evidence at all - it's a recognised work of literature). I don't have time for all the insinuation and competitive outrage so I'll just leave it here. This is not a Mrs M style flounce though ;)
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You also seem to be miss understanding their motive
With respect, you can't possibly know the person's motive. Carla has described the situation in very emotive language like 'attacking' and used an aggressive tone but these are not fact or necessarily a true representation. She has painted herself as the victim in what, on the face of it, was just some clumsily delivered advice. Hardly character assassination.
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What I don't understand if Carla is the weights she's claiming why Nutracheck gives a completely different calorie total ,at 2000 calories on Nutracheck that would be a maintaintence amount ,not set to lose lbs, the average person is recommended that amount not someone Carlas size looking to lose the weight.That will be her downfall she consumes too many highly processed sugary calories that won't keep her full and make her consume more.
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This woman should be a politician! She's never wrong, even if she was she'd never admit it, even if she admitted it, she'd never apologise. Stubborn to the point of embarrassing, I'd rather live in a van than spend a day in Carla's house, tbh I'd rather do anything than spend a day in a house with damp dogs, cooking odours and musty ebay purchases! Hand me the Domestos. 3lb on? Think yourself lucky or thank your editing yet again. 😂😂😂 #wereontoyou #proteinbarsrule #pancakegate #mollysnosehasitsowninstagram #hermiddlenameisboris
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Thought she said she was keeping herself away from everyone in the house because of her having Covid, she’s sat next to Nat on the sofa..doesn’t Nat work in care?
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The 'Be Kind' phrase is now being used by everyone, you're still allowed to have different views without being OTT hateful! Carla herself can be very cutting and sarcastic not only to those who dare to question her but even to her own fiends! Poor Josh and another young male reseller have had to put up with her rude behaviour. It works both ways, she can give it, but certainly cannot take it!
Some of the nastiest individuals I know use that be kind bullshit! It’s usually aimed at women, and often the purpose is trying to shut down valid opinion
This is so true . Many occassions have laid bare her nastiness .

This is a woman who, along with caroline Mrs m (during a Vlog )made it very clear that she had no time to those with learning disabilities. 'They ' should be kept in the back of the charity shop Not on the tills !!!!! Much merriment was had as they both tried to contain their laughter in recalling the event.
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Oh do shut up defending the money grubber . You're an arse Licker these days since she called you out and you made a grovelling apology!
Geez there's some grumpy bugga's on here !
Everyone's entitled to their opinions, it doesn't all have to be negative for the sake of it 😂
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Quote of the day, 'Nat is very VERY fussy about food', insert clip of giant pizza Rocky road cookie, 48 cans of Red Bull and undetermined source of meatballs, oh Carla you are a hoot sometimes!😂😂😂
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oh dear lol, I just watched snippet of carla's new "I eat what I like, I accidentally may lose the odd pound or two "diet" and one of her viewers, oh lol I'm still laughing, is asking her for diet tips lmaooo. She quickly explains she is not an expert, you got that right!
She is not doing any vids for jan but she is uploading her calorie crush to be made accountable, ie she is using her viewers to lose weight. Wish she would kindly go away and have the willpower to do it alone and not because she is scared of losing face, that way she might actually realise she needs to eat healthier foods, change her reeses and pepsi habits for the rest of her life, not for the current week that she thinks her viewers are watching.
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Hope I can join in (waves)
I used to really like Carla and the videos she made from inside her car! I think somewhere along the line she realised she could make money churning out the videos - Carla tries on awful clothes, Carla dyes her eyebrows, Carla cleans out her cupboards etc and it all changed. Everything has to be monetised. It's like her terrible Newton Abbot 'friend' who decided to sell a spreadsheet of what brands to resell to followers which was such shameless money grabbing. These things change all the time and of course that info is out there available to anyone for free.
I have tried to watch her lives with Lexx (who is so edgy she is in her 40s and still lives with her mother) but they bring out the worse in each other and it tries way too hard to be outrageous (fails). Lexx dresses like a Japanese school girl and wanks a lot but is definitely more Mrs Slocombe.

I think for me the final straw has been Carla asking for money. Take the buddy incident (no insurance?) she said something along the lines of 'people have asked if they can do a gofundme but you guys are way too generous and it would end up going crazy but the link to my kofi (?) is below the video and you can contribute there if you want' She knows that people will give. When you think about it, Buddy is her 30yo son's dog who has sod all expenses because he lives in a van (I imagine the neighbours are delighted). To ask for money (yes Carla you didn't explicitly ask for money but you did it all the same) and then show yourself eating out, getting presents you definitely don't need ( a bicycle ffs) and still buying plastic tat from B&M is showing contempt for people whose lives are also a struggle. Where's the accountability? I watch from time to time because it is car crash tv. I don't watch the Bucket woman at all. Take some heart from that Carla - you are still not as annoying as her.

Apologies for first post essay. Must try harder!
As a generalisation and this applies to most youtubers, when people see they can monetise on YouTube and get paid to show things (Yes I know Carla hasn't) I think they lose touch with who they set out to be when they first started and it becomes an "keep the people happy and earn a buck along the way".

No buddy was not insured due to health/age. I think that the owners of the dog who attacked him did originally offer to pay half but when she went round with the bill was told to get lost.

And to make a connection with your "giving" remark. Some members may recall the time that a gentleman viewer started sending her cash, literally notes in the post. I think she was embarrassed and gave the first lot to charity/food bank but the person kept sending more and saying its for her. Bless her I do think she was very embarrassed buy that and by the fact it was to be opened live, and quite clearly didn't want that happening.

Her bicycle was from her mum and if she's bought it with every good intention of helping her with fitness/weight then I'm glad :)

As for Hyacinth with her spreadsheets and Patreon, no wonder she won't get a job when she can make money off of sitting around all day saying its too hot.

Lexx, well... an acquired taste I think :)
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Calories on those restaurant meals are a complete guesstimate. So ultimately she hasn’t got a clue what she’s consuming. Over the years she has progressed from being a quite down to earth likeable person to an arrogant know it all who positively hates criticism. No wonder she’s friends with the Bucket woman.
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Well Carla your bloody diet gets better! A big piece of cake at the cafe, a fruit scone and to top it off a Cadbury Easter egg ffs. Just a suggestion, STOP the “what I’ve eaten today” vlogs, they’re an embarrassment and make you look a total prat. Incidentally, any bets on what will fall out first, her bleeding fringe which she never stops yanking or her manky front teeth.

Lets hope it's not both at the same time, else she'll be begging for donations, just like she did with the poor dog.
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Carla’s house clean (due to visitors arriving for her birthday) was an eye opener. She says she hates cleaning. That is bloody obvious with the amount of mess and dirt she surrounds herself with. I’d be ashamed to let anyone see all that filth she cleaned up. God knows when she last did any cleaning. Yuk!

Don’t forget how many times she mentions her bloody roots!
I really would not have put that on Youtube at all. I'd have just cleaned my house and sat down with myself and had a good talking to!

I can't cope with the number of times she comments and touches her hair. There really is no need. Clearly, she's very self-conscious of it. Why doesn't she just grow her fringe out if it's that much of a stress. she can still hide her massive forehead (her words not mine!) with a side sweep. I wish she would just understand that NO-ONE is that bothered about her hair.

PS: Just about to watch the weekly. wish me luck!
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she doesn't claim any and has addressed this a few times as it pops up every few months, she's stated before she could be eligible for some, but its not worth the faf trying to sort it all out. When your income is so up and down, they don't like it and usually end up asking for a load back if you go over one month, so its often not worth the time or effort trying to sort it out.

the only 'benefits' she has is she lives in a council house so pays lower rent

also she doesn't have any mobility issues now, she had some pre weight loss which she admitted was mostly down to her size, now she's lost weight she's saying things are much more manageable and she can do a lot more (think this was discussed in a diet video a few weeks back)

she's got a Q&A post for questions on her community post tab for anyone wanting to ask anything
Boy, old Happyland knows an AWFUL lot about Carla's private life doesn't she? #superfan #undercover

I think we've all seen that Carla and her weird groupies are not fans of different opinions nor free speech.
This shows the subs up in their true colours! No one is permitted to have a different point of view in Carlaland! Otherwise the 'Carlites' will come after you and force you to eat huge breakfasts as a punishment 😂 Of course Carla loves this kind of response, makes her feel wanted - and note she's still reading comments while on her holidays (when she's not photographing her feet of course!) Who was the idiot commenter who said she was a single mum with two kids?!!! 25 and 30 omg 😂😂😂
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John Lewis was totally the wrong shop for Carla to do a ‘Caroline Inspired’ “come shop with me”. I associate Carla with Home Bargains and B&M and the like... but not with John Lewis.

I guess Caroline has the monopoly on M&S and Matalan so what shops does that leave Carla?

Next... Carla walks around Harrods.
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Hi.. Long time lurker.. When is she gonna realise that it's all the sugar in her diet that is holding her back.. I'm a big girl and I was addicted to sugar, until I gave it up 6 weeks ago... but even I would struggle with the amount of sugar that she eats in a day.
I also wonder how she can give accurate calories when she eats out ??
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I thought they were odd but watchable but now the more and more I watch the both of them they do seem quiet nasty underneath id hate to have been at school with them put it this way
I reckon they were both quite mouses at school, they’re only mouthy now because they think they’re YouTube famous and have an army of fans to jump on anyone who dares criticise. Makes them feel hard 😆

Lexx is a total weirdo. Anyone who enjoys reading about mass murderers and talking about sex all the time is not the full ticket. She and that Money Mental fella are two peas in a pod, both get drunk and talk filthy shite on the internet. Perhaps they should get together and then they can have as much sex as they talk about.

Why are resellers all so weird? Are they akin to the “undateables” but are instead the “unemployables”?
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Idea for new thread ‘Carla’s diet consists of cake, she’s sure it’s the way to lose weight’
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Two things about her new job, a receptionist, stood up most of the day or sat down. Standing up, she can hardly walk, sitting down, she has edema, her legs will be totally swollen. 9 hours a day, she will be running back to ebay with arms open thankful for the first time ever.
If they do not let her sit down or stretch her legs enough, what will she do? I worked in an office, several of my family have, we all absolutely hated it. So good luck, she may have a nice boss.
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