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Chatty Member
She went out for a meal cause there was a Y in the daY, oops I mean to celebrate a week in her job. Showed us nice pic of her meal, whilst her dogs eat the shittest cheapest food on the planet.

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Weirdness abounds on this morning's weekend waffle. Two mid-forties women alongside their good friends - two young gay guys (absolutely nothing at all strange about that combo). Let's mix the scenario up - two middle aged reseller men out for breakfast with two young ladies - oh - wouldn't old CJ and Lexie have something to spout about on their channels!? I may have been missing all the jokes in the vlog but the way Ms Jenkins was laughing hysterically at every.single.thing. - yeah - we've seen that performance before at reseller events - basically 'how loud can I be so that everyone is looking at me' storyline! Obviously the savvy Jack is using all his tricks in befriending three resellers (Kirstin, Carla and Lexx) to drive up the views on his own channel - kudos for that Jack!! :) The day I see these two ladies out with male 'friends' of their own age - I'll eat my protein bar!!
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Bella's mummy

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My God what a long winded explanation as to why she’s going to work full time. All she needed to say was “due to rising costs I need a job to be able to cover my bills” end of!
Its common knowledge that You Tubers have to be dramatic about even the littlest things in life. Xx
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I laughed at the latest 'cooking' video - when Ms Jenkins used three tea spoons each time she tasted the salted mashed potatoes

.....then put a fork of chicken in her mouth and then poked the rest of the chicken in the cooking dish with the same fork .....uuuuggghh
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Nah nah ... don't dismiss her actions as someone who was Only trying to shock ! True, she would be the type to do that to disgust people ,that is the whole point of why they were sold. To Disgust people. We GET that . You are missing the point .
Exactly. She wouldn’t jeopardise her #AD revenue just to “wind up the tattle people”.

She rushed out a Christmas snippets video so she could shoehorn the toy #AD into something before Christmas and was sloppy with what she included. It was not a considered action, she probably thought most of her subbies would find it as hilarious as she does. She couldn’t have been more wrong.

And that’s the problem with people who have no empathy, they have no idea what’s offensive unless their told. It’s worsened because Lexx and Carla feed each other’s sick minds.

No he doesn't work for the government
He does work for a government department. He boasted about being on the Covid Taskforce. No wonder things went to shit 😂
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Chatty Member
Not entering that comp, not giving jimmy saville lover carla my address. The way she filmed the saville bauble, saying it was from last year, but she had to put it on the tree again, like she was proud of it. Screwed up in the head.
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Carla, I’m naturally slim but if I ate a whole packet of biscuits or a whole sponge cream cake then I’d put on weight.

Nobody can eat like that and not gain weight, you’re “jealous” of something that doesn’t exist.
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Fawn Drench

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I cannot wait to see this weeks Food Diary, I bet she had some of the Crumble, and the Vienetta... and the Christmas Pud! 😂
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Newsflash via the bbc, international emergency, carla's massive competition is not showing up on the internet page! I know that millions of you, will be devastated by this news. A £30 B&M voucher being the superstar prize will enlighten all you sad pathetic viewers lives. Honestly this woman really does have an inflated self ego, she really thinks her shitty comp is amazing. One thing I noticed, yet again, her MINGING front teeth. Someone send her a dentist voucher, soon!
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“Can’t have what I want and don’t like it”.

Grow up Carla.

Would you overfeed your child to the point obesity? Effectively damaging their health and causing them harm? Then why do it to yourself.
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VIP Member
She'll never be able to reduce her calories because she's addicted to high calorific foods, not foods with sustenance that are filling but low in sugar /fat etc if she cut down her calories she'd be starving with hunger because of the crap she consumes .
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Chatty Member
She has put that emma bridgewater butter dish straight onto ebay. Why is that woman giving her stuff when she quite clearly makes a decent living off ebay and then some more on youtube, I just don't get it and then carla has her hand out begging.
She's got a packet of paper serviettes on for £9.99, probably got them for 2p on fill a bag or swapped with Joshy in exchange for 82 rubber jelly moulds or whatever she collects for him! She only mentioned him 346 times this week, she's improving! Betting on a 2lb loss this week because of her superior editing skills.
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Chatty Member
Waffle statistics - feral dog 'walk' X3, who cares about other park users, remarks about her own hair and fringe x43, stretch the new nightie to fit x6, meals out x3, mentions how boring her vlogs are x6, pleads for someone to tell her to keep vlogging X too many to count. Fake laughing about lying in bed X3. Number of times Josh is mentioned X 96! There endeth the waffle. You're welcome ☺
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Oooh my am I the Sophie she has name checked on her insta? What did I say soon I will be starring in a face to camera vlog with oh so soulful Carla who is threatened as she is doing her best. Basically love I will say this for the multiple times. If you do what you always do you will get what you always got. Yes you are still at the point where at 2000 calories a day you are on the brink for loosing weight but nutritionally you are still way off the mark. You could snack all day and be below 2000 calories but you don't consider that do you.

When you did that soulful vlog about the lady you condemned as castrating you. I reached out to her and heard her story in full. She very graciously replied and I honestly believed her in that she contacted you because after being 35+ stones for many years she was OK but challenged. She did loose weight but at 27 stones 12lbs she realised that dieting was going to get harder and she called this her year 1. She lost 89lbs in that year and thought she had killed it. She hadn't and lost just 1st 10lbs the next year. She then started to gain and so she knew the writing was on the wall as she was likely to regain above her original weight of 35+ stones on past evidence. She took the solution of weight loss surgery. She states that in her messages to Carla she tried to describe to her how similar their journey from 27 stones had been and say how for her it had failed and that she saw signs of this in Carlas vlogs. She also says she did not recommend weight loss surgery to Carla but had said this was where she went as she felt she had few options. I have nothing but admiration for this lady who 13 years on is a normal BMI.

I would like to record here a message for Carla as she reads here obviously. Carla you do what the fuck you want. I would just ask you do what the lady I reached out to did and who you vilified did look around you - really look. Tell me how many people over the age of 70 do you see at 20stone plus?????? Answer ?????????? You need to get your head out of your arse. Like all of those who have lost weight and kept it off you have to make changes. Want to talk? Really want to do it? As the celebs say my inbox is open

For all the other folks sorry gone off on a rant. Thankyou so much for you patience.
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Chatty Member
Exactly. Her diet is so nutrient deficient she’s probably malnourished (that doesn’t mean thin).

I used to have a friend who’s under 4 daughter wouldn’t eat anything but sweets and cake and biscuits. She would scream and throw her plate on the floor when a normal meal was put in front of her. Her mum withheld sugary foods for 3 days and the petulant child ate nothing, refusing all real food. On day 4, her mum went back to giving her the biscuits she screamed for because “she has to eat something”.

Now, don’t get me wrong, there’s all kinds of issues with this story including how did the kid get addicted to sugary food that young? Someone must have been giving it to them i.e. the parents. However, I was reminded of this story this morning when watching Carla’s Calorie Crush where she says she was happy with her old diet and “still misses it”. In her own words;

“I was quite happy eating a packet of biscuits for breakfast, couple of packets of crisps mid-morning, not bothering with lunch, having some cake in the middle of the afternoon, having a takeaway or going out for dinner, eating a bit more cake before bed, I was absolutely perfectly happy with that”

As a sentient being with a logical and functioning brain, can she not see what’s wrong with the diet that made her “absolutely, perfectly happy”?

She is both the adult and child in this scenario. So, Carla, would you feed a child, say the girl above, a packet of biscuits for breakfast and crisps for lunch so that she refuses all other food and becomes so nutrient deficiency she is clinically malnourished? No? Then why do it to yourself?

It seems to me that Carla has been depressed for a long time, using the sugar rush like a gambler using a fruit machine to get a little hit.

Carla, if at 50 you still can’t control your petulant inner child, perhaps consider some kind of therapy.

In my opinion, I believe Carla is very much on the spectrum and would benefit from some mental help.

Oh... one more comment, she says she has a sweet tooth. Which one of your remaining three rotten teeth is that then Carla?
Agree with all this, the only thing is from what I have seen of Carla the last few yrs she is not very good at accepting advice, so would she accept mental health help? Not sure she is very head strong.
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I disagree. Unless you have an underactive thyroid or are on high dose steroids (I see it in people with arthritis for example) losing weight shouldn't be such a slog. I hope she does succeed but there are some definite red flags. She still sees food in terms of reward and comfort. There are lots of good books that deal with emotional eating - maybe someone could send her one in 'friend mail' rather than chocolate which is so thoughtless. Secondly her diet is fucking atrocious - so much processed meat (a class one carcinogen according to WHO), stodge and I hate to repeat myself - sugar free drinks and snacks. Lastly I think she is kind of happy as she is now. I still wince when I see her struggling to walk but from where she was it is an improvement. Everyone in the comments tells her how great she looks. She doesn't though. She still looks morbidly obese.
I predict she will have a break from the calorie crush. She'll blame vlogmas or even tattle. Dieting is hard. People who succeed long term change their relationship with food.
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