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VIP Member
And when you saw the photos of the old man, barely sitting up in a wheelchair, it was so disturbing. I still can't believe they did such a horrendous thing. Evil.
Agreed and people were tripping over themselves to defend it all. People were grassing their neighbour who lived alone up to the police for having a cuppa with their friend but Captain Tom jets off to the Bahamas and gets passed around like a parcel and it was “good for him” complete madness.
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Chatty Member
Also if he had been taken ill while abroad, that would have been a further burden on the health services there.

The whole thing was outrageously selfish on top of everything else. 😡
I remember the backlash people received at the time for being even mildly critical. People in this country are so bloody thick!
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VIP Member
Wonder if his first sexless marriage will feature?
If it does, it will portray him as a victim as he surreptitiously takes himself off to the toilet with the Littlewood's catalogue ladies lingerie section under his arm…

I’m going to hell! 😬😮😳😆
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VIP Member
Lock her up.
Yep, I’ll bet her and her odious husband are the types that look down on anyone that claims benefits for anything.
They’d probably be in favour of anyone that mistakenly claims so much as a pound more than they’re entitled to being dragged through the street in shame on a cart for folk to throw rotten fruit at.
Fucking hypocrites.
I'd still like the ASA to actually fine them, the Barbados tourist bord and BA over breaking the rules on not disclosing advertising. No way did they pay for the holiday that had a high percentage chance of being what killed him. They could have been paid thousands by those companies
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Poor guy, he doesn’t look in a fit state to be taken anywhere except his comfortable armchair and his bed.
What a despicable daughter she turned out to be.
I thought I had heard this story before and I've just found this article from February 2022...

Even the Daily Heil there having a pop at Hannah.
The “mostly” in inverted commas speaks volumes 🤣
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VIP Member
I hated the way they made that holiday out to be a 'bucket list' experience for Captain Tom, to try and justify it. They were an affluent family, could have gone to Barbados any time years before that.
How dare you! He'd been dreaming of an all-inclusive Sandals resort holiday in Barbados since the 1920s.
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I remember the first week in my area it was barely a clap to be heard, as the weeks went on and on the claps got louder and louder than descended into madness as it became a full scale competition 😂 I think I took part in the first and second week then clocked out
The only house that took part in my street was one directly opposite mine. One week I completely forgot about the whole thing and scheduled my online shop to arrive during the scheduled clap time (how Orwellian). Could feel my neighbours look burning into my face as she battered lumps out a pot and I was racing to get my choc ices in the freezer 🙈
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When I hear "respect your elders" or "cute lickle granny", I say nah they're secret serial killers or kinky swingers! 😆
I HATE respect your elders. Why is an elderly person more deserving of respect than anyone else just because of their age. Same stupid narrative like respect priests, policemen, teachers etc, all professions with plenty of good people and also some serious bad eggs.
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Kikini Bamalam

VIP Member
Someone mentioned Kevin Bridges tslking about Captain Tom earlier and what should pop up on my insta tonight 😂

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Chatty Member
If she were working class she'd be the type to run the local WMC for 6 months and do a runner with the takings. She just commits the fraud on a grander scale with the smoke and mirrors of her dead Father.
...and gets defended by a shrill bunch of deluded snobs or forelock tuggers in the mail comments. They seem to be decreasing thankfully.

"oh, her daddy was a captain. She must be a decent sort!"

"what a delightful family. Everyone was just like this in the 1950's when I was a gel!"

"you are all vile trolls. Major Tom will rise from the dead and poke you with his walking frame."

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Well-known member
Fell over the cat running straight here after reading the BBC article! Don’t trust any of these ‘high profile charities’
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RJF 2.0

Well-known member
I just can’t believe how audacious she is!

How dare she continue to go around judging flailing hoteliers whilst her family is in this mess! Get your own house in order, Hannah! 🤬🤬🤬


(Joking aside, it is hilarious just how many Z-list celebs she looks like)
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Kikini Bamalam

VIP Member
I am dead 💀💀💀

I want to see this. Let's make it happen.
Why not make it a festival? Michael Ball could duet with the reanimated corpse of Dame Vera Lynn (Is she dead?) and sing white cliffs of Dover on a loop while Hannah pushes the Miele along. Her revolting whipped husband could serve Captain Tom gin (£20 a shot) to the festival goers, with all monies going to the Captain Tom foundation Hannah's offshore bank account.
Her young tory kiddos could run the DJ booth in the evening with the crowd wearing Captain Tom masks and bouncing along to some Robson and Jerome classics and a Jive Bunny CD.
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Active member
I hope Lorraine Kelly is holding her head in shame also …..having Hannah on not long ago and fawning over her!!!!
haha can’t wait to watch this house of cards topple

Lorraine Kelly is a professional arse kisser and major sycophant. She'd fawn over Boris Johnson if he were on her show.
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Itchy of Itchington

Well-known member
Maybe the benefit of Hannah as a life coach is that no matter what you've done or haven't done in life, you have a chat with her and come away thinking " Yeah ok I might be stalled in my career and cant keep a boyfriend, but at least I didn't exploit my father leading to his death and then exploit his memory setting up a dodgy charity. Tomorrow will be a good day because I am not Hannah Ingram Moore or a member of her family."

See don't you feel better because you are NOT Hannah either?
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under the ivy

VIP Member
It was only a matter of time really til the truth came out! Peddling her Dad for her own monetary gain. Let the man RIP. It was all too sickly sweet for me 🙃
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