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My brother, me and my mum have our birthdays on the 1st,2nd and 3rd of one month. We went for a meal once when my brother turned 18, me 16 and my mum 40. No photos were taken, no sashes were worn, I'm going to guess there weren't even balloons and thankfully no social media. My brother and I had a couple of joint birthday parties as kids even one at McDonald's!! We even had to share a cake a few years 🤣 my auntie would Ice half with my name on and half with my brother's. But my mum didn't make it about her, even though her birthday would have been the day after mine, I don't think other than that 40th meal we did anything for mums birthday, she probably just went to the pub with her friends? And now I'm a mum other than my 30th(a meal with friends and a cinema trip to see Toy story 3 🤣) and my 40th(lockdown but really enjoyed it) I don't make a fuss, it's just another day, I may get a few gifts but that's it. Babs is on another level. She has made her 44th birthday last nearly a week
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I’d be more pissed off if someone bought me a mini Xmas tree for my birthday or was that there before? I’m sure she will have already inhaled the doughnuts though 😂…..I’m gonna shock you all and babs cos she so reads here 👋👋 but it isn’t just babs has a birthday in December I believe there’s a few million born in this magical month, birthday presents shouldn’t be anything remotely Christmassy I remember thinking how disappointed I’d have been when she got a miniature village Christmas house for her birthday other year that she loved….yep it’s nice but it’s FUCKING CHRISTMASSY 😂😂…..I have a birthday in December so I can rant 😂
I also have a December birthday. Right after Christmas! And IT IS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!
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it also irrationally irritates me when she was talking in her pit stories - the repeated stories about how it's HER birthday, the golden child's birthday, HER wedding anniversary, christmas, new year and ethan's birthday all in the same month. ethan's birthday is in JANUARY, ffs. it's a different month. 🤦🏻‍♀️
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I'm guessing Bab won't actually be attending the puppy training class- are PJ's the norm for attending such classes? - no it'll be left to CBBSte to take Margot. Maybe he'll teach Margot to sic on Bab ? 🤭🤭🤭
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One of her insta-chums (It’s Em Channel) has been gifted some Gary Barlow wine courtesy of Morrison’s. I bet Babs is on her phone right now in the theatre demanding BTEC Paul gets her some despite the fact she has doesn’t drink wine 🤣
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She’s worried about her disney holiday maybe being cancelled but the only change so far is having to isolate when she gets home until she gets a PCR test result which would be an issue for people with an actual job who would need more time off but Emma literally does f all so actually no disruption to her.

Also why get a puppy when you knew you had a trip abroad planned? And Why risk travelling abroad now when you’re almost definitely gonna socialise with all your family at Xmas?
I rewatched her stories again and that's all it would be. A PCR test on return, which yes is a bit annoying, but if that's what you need to do then get on with it.
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Lady Doodle

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She really does not give a shiny shit about her dad does she? He’s obviously unwell and probably vulnerable therefore to Covid but off Babs goes gallivanting around in her bull in a china shop fashion with her yellow teeth and hair, being the obnoxious bitch that she is.
Never mind that she could get Covid and pass it on to her Dad, i bet she has never EVER done a Covid test- it might interfere with her endless holidays/ gifted days out etc.
She really is unbelievably selfish and her twat of her husband obviously handed in his balls years ago and just bows and scraps and agrees with Babs about everything.
She’s an awful woman and loves herself far more than anyone else. I have seen selfish but then there’s Emma’s level of selfish which is stratospheric!!!
I'd agree with you on all of this if she ever actually seemed to bother spending time with him, but it seems she can't be arsed most of the time. And if Wet Sandra goes out gallivanting all over the midlands too then Rog is doomed anyway!
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That birthday present video…l.everything was either Halloween related or christmas related ….I’ve said it loads on this thread but I have a December birthday , I would not want anything remotely Christmassy ….what an entitled, spoilt brat she really is …..nothing says I love you more than Disney Christmas crockery for your bastard birthday
So she didn’t talk about her gifts to herself? The new bags, Disney jumpers, ugg slippers, etc. She really thinks everyone should love her & adore her.
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Crikey an actual signed CD, it’s not personalised 😂 Gary needs to firm up that restraining order.

How grabby was she with Ethan pulling him in to the filming? That’s honestly sad, CBBSte with the cake & TT filming for the gram. Birthday girl has to pull her son into shot so everyone knows how loved she is 🙄
And had to pick up the poor puppy and shove her in front of the candles 😠
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Oh Erin likely knows and probably Ethan too for the fact that he’s the second child. It’s just all made up bullshit to appeal to parents with toddlers/very young children to keep her content going.
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I feel for Erin if she felt like she had to hide her jumper instead of telling her mum how she felt. I really don’t think Emma would be an easy person to approach if it meant she wasn’t going to get her own way. Guilt, sulking, tantrums, passive aggressive comments would definitely follow.

I think that’s why she remembers all the times she was dumped so vividly (10-20 years later) because those men had the guts to say no to her.

I really hope for Erin’s sake that she is able to stand up to Emma when she starts secondary and asks to be removed from the BrummyMummy brand. Meaning that will also make way for Ethan to eventually do the same.
i got the impression that even TT felt uncomfortable in that latest ad. she may be doing her scrunched-nose, open-mouth smile in the photo, but in the filmed segment in babs' stories, even erin doesn't seem to be giving her usual fake over-enthusiastic vibe. i dunno. i kinda felt like she was - understandably - embarrassed to be forced into posing in a jumper featuring her own face - beyond cringe - and answering questions about father christmas santa clause. she came across as unsure, and her acting seemed far more forced than usual.

tbf, it's exactly the kind of footage that is gonna cause erin to be bullied - both for still appearing to believe in santa and for parading around wearing a jumper featuring her own face - which she obviously purposefully hid beneath a coat on the day they visited santa at thomas world. I get the impression that erin is beginning to realise the potential consequences of having her life plastered all over SM and it's a shame babs doesn't see how uncomfortable her own children are when forced to act in her ads, because content is the priority and her eyes are flashing with £££ signs. 😔
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Always someone else's fault. No one makes Babs post on IG, she chooses the content and how it's delivered, no one but herself. Just a shame she's taking her kids down with her with her constant posting online or permanently holding a camera in their faces, even on her days off. Why is nothing kept private for the family to cherish together?
Exactly! She could literally be anything online, but she CHOOSES to put this content out there, but then can't cope with people's opinions!
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Soooooo predictable. A woe is me dentist post followed by an #ad. Did she forget to add #ad to the vlog with these jumpers?

Is Cadburys trolling Babs with a finger of fudge each morning, possibly?! #abitrude

I hope her kids get some privacy once at senior school else their peer group will be so unkind with the stuff Babs makes them do for money.

As you were on this rainy day. Tingo for the wet school run post later in her unsuitable new coat.
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I wonder if she'll take her annual week off Insta over Xmas and NY 🙏🤞🙏🤞
Please please please…… do you think she could manage it though?!! She can’t even take Sundays off properly or be present with her family on holiday! Miss out on chance to do a ‘what I got for Xmas’ boring vlog?!!!
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