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Someone in the comments on her birthday present vlog has asked her to show what she gets for Christmas too. It'll be more of the same old crap
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That advert does not make me want to buy that jumpsuit in anyway, she looks awful in it. I see she’s been telling people they’re true to size but she’d need to size up in the jumpsuit. Does that mean she’s admitting she’s not #size18 in everything? Does it also mean she’s sent all the clothes back or just shoved them in a wardrobe to never see daylight.
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What the hell is wrong with attention seeking twats face

she is beyond narcissist. she literally mocked cbbste for his fortieth birthday plans - essentially a cancelled holiday, a meal with his family, a birthday boy badge and a fake colin the caterpillar cake - referring to them as an "extravaganza" in a snide, mocking tone, yet SHE deserves a birthday extravaganza, obvs. because SHE us kween babs of brum, and she deserves multiple celebrations - a trip to london, the theatre, a christmas market - where steve will undoubtedly have been forced into buying her more birthday gifts to make her present haul even more extravagant so she can prove how ADORED she is - a fancy lunch, a whole stack of presents and a meal planned with the family where she's going to wear a pink "queen" sash and bully the golden child into wearing a matching on. yet on steve's fortieth, he had to put up with a sulky, stompy babs refusing to buy him a football shirt! she is beyond spoilt. the ultimate 44 year old brat, with everyone around her scared to do anything but praise her and comply with her demands to avoid a full-blown temper tantrum.

those cake stories are the epitome of cringe. as if it wasn't bad enough that she demands the whole family pose with the cake and sing happy birthday to her at the crack of dawn - which, incidentally, is not some kind of weird conway tradition, she started doing it a few years ago because content is the priority and she wants to ensure she can share her birthday content as soon as possible to ensure she has an entire day for the babettes to leave adoring birthday messages - the fact that she stood and SANG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HERSELF along with the ridiculous "rattattattaaa" addition. erin was clearly told to ensure the camera remained solely on babs as she sang "happy birthday dear mummy" at the top of her voice. ffs, her whole family were there singing to her, yet narcissistic babs had to drown them out with her own bellowing voice. 🤦🏻‍♀️

i can barely contain my excitement for her "old school" car-crash of birthday haul, where a 44 year old babs sits smugly showing off her huge stash of presents and flaunting her privilege, whilst simultaneously showing utter disdain and ungratefulness towards the majority of her gifts - remember the mugs steve bought her from sainsbos last year? she was FUMING and could not contain her disgust at the idea of being bought supermarket mugs. she's utterly vile.
I noted Ethan was almost waiting for his cue to smile at the right time while blabber flaps enjoyed the limelight with her cake
And why has that bloody dog got a jumper on all the time 🙄


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Oh yes! The asking herself questions thing has now overtaken walkity in the annoying charts! Haven’t heard that in a while to be fair (because she doesn’t move her arse off the sofa unless it’s to go to a shop) but I’m sure over the Christmas hols we’ll get some “walkity walks” 🤢
Oh no she’s going to be running with poor Margot, as if that dog will barely be walked. She wants a lap dog, no not CBBSTE she has one of them.
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Do ya like ma titties? 😂😂😂😂😂

She is so juvenile. I think she winds the kids up with all her excitement. So boring, so predictable. Just like the rest of her life. Why does she have to have so many rituals?
Fake baking every saturday morni g, cleaning out the rodents every saturday, watering the plants every saturday, writing on her chins every year! Boring repetative trash! Same pyjamas on for days at a time, same beddi g on for weeks at a time!! Gross!! 🤮🤮🤮
you've forgotten the weird boots she ALWAYS rolls out when there is bit of ice on the ground.
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That's the review of the film. Which the film critics always do, they slate any mainstream musical theatre!
But the stage production is wonderful and one of the best things I've ever seen!!!!
I know, but I just loved how this sounded so much like her life 😂 am sure it is fabulous 💛
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When they do the belly bounce you see TT have to jump quite high and then after impact almost loses her footing on the landing from the “bounce” 🤢 she received from her mom
I’ll take your word for it, I can’t go back & give her another view. My poor eyes.
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Warwick castle at Christmas is lovely and there's lots going on, not that you'd know that from Babs stories. The Santa Claus they have (or father Christmas Babs) is amazing and Mrs claus. We used to go every December when my son was younger and went on boxing Day a few years ago. This year we are going ice skating as my son at 13 does not believe in Santa, and hasn't since he was 6 (he told me he knew Santa wasn't real at 6). From Babs stories you wouldn't know half of what goes on at the castle. Why do they invite her, she is shit at her "job"
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she literally returned home from her #gifted santa trip - again, not a christmas activity for the kids to enjoy, but just another situation where they're forced to focus on. relating content and posing for photos. fuck actually enjoying the event; after all, its content that truly encapsulates the magic of christmas! - then she returns home, demands steve make her a cuppa, and sits down to doomscroll tattle. hence the skirt reference.🤦🏻‍♀️

tbh, it's ashame she picks and chooses the comments she reacts to. she's happy to reference her ridiculous skirt pose, but as for the comedy eyebrows and shoddy application of make up, she seems to have a total opposite reaction, in that she purposefully makes a point of making her hair/make up/eyebrows look as awful as possible in the belief that she's proving a point to the "trollz", totally failing to realise that she's just making herself look unnecessarily hideous when she could easily save a little money by refraining from buying daily tat hauls, and actually pay to have her hair and eyebrows professionally cut and coloured and styled, and invest in a few make up lessons and actually look half decent.

i am perpetually confused as to why she chooses to look so rough when she has the money to invest in her appearance. it's kinda sad that she priorities buying tat - cheap mickey ears, gaudy decorations, plastic reward box tat to bribe her toddlers to share, endless fast fashion hauls of dresses she can't fit into and painful boots she can't wear, expensive candles, skincare products she uses like, once, a fancy chair for the living room that nobody ever sits on, a puppy she truly regrets buying etc etc. I'd far rather pay to get my hair done properly than ask my boyfriend to hack at it with scissors so i can save my money to spend on bath bombs and tacky g-nomies and paper straws for the hit cock stand. her priorities are bizarre. i think she truly hated her last hairdresser experience and deeply regretted pushing for a middle parting specifically based on not wanting to be labelled "cheugy" - despite what actually suited her best - thus she doesn't want to go back. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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God it’s annoying right?? I did this circa 1987 when I went to fireworks night and my mum made me because I was 5 and it was cold! She’s such a bell end. (Babs, not my mum. My mum was lovely 🥰)
I did the same as a kid! Think I used to use my navy PE knickers 😂 Stop trying to copy write shit Babs, you washed up has been
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My birthday is just after Christmas and I'm working. I didnt even book it off because it's not a milestone birthday and I'm actually not that arsed about it. Anybody else like that or is it just me? 😂
No, it’s not just you. Unless it’s a big birthday. It’s just another day except there’re a few cards and presents.
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I watched the vlog. She said they are doing DLP in December and then away again in Feb and at Easter too. 3 holidays in 4 months. Relatable.

ETA - I had to re watch cus I am in disbelief. So, she's going to DLP in December, another holiday in Feb (didn't say where) and Disney land Florida at Easter. Wtf.
She'll really be making people say "alright for some" with boasting like that
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Verrrru quiet since the holiday cancellation announcement. She’s definitely sulking big time!!
she even said the kids weren't overly bothered or disappointed by the cancellation - it's BABS who is "fed up" and likely stomping around aggressively, sulking, whinging and having the obligatory bathroom meltdown tonight after spending an entire day downing baileys hot cocks. just goes to show how damn selfish babs is. she's a 44 year old woman - as she loves to remind everyone - yet she's more disappointed her disney trip is cancelled than her actual children. grow the fuck up, babs. so you have to spend christmas with your family instead of fucking teenagers dressed in costumes. boo fucking hoo. the kids probably aren't disappointed because they're happy to spend christmas with their grandad who they presumably haven't seen much of as he's been in hospital. i also get the impression that they would understand the need to protect him from covid and actually want to do so, as opposed to babs rolling her eyes dramatically at the inconvenience. i see she couldn't resist the urge to do the whole lucky lucky us, "we're safe and well" spiel. yeah, we get it babs. good the fuck for you. 😡
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