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I'm curious about what she actually does with her day? It's my day off and so far I've dropped my daughter off at nursery using the bus, grabbed a few things from Tesco, walked home, weeded my front and back garden, hoovered my entire house and put a wash on. I've just sat down to have a sandwich. I'm also fascinated with how she manages to justify her kids needing to be at their grandparents so she can work when she works from home? (And it isn't actual work) I know they're currently at school.

Also, one day a week Steven does the school run? WHAT. THE. FUCK. She is home EVERY DAY. He has a full time job and does all the bed time routine ALONE.


Yeah, I'm angry. As you were.
Watches Netflix on the sofa.

*Sadly this isn't sarcasm but the reality of her life. I am also baffled by her shallow, unfulfilling existence and how her family pander to hear nonsense..
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Here's a Tingo challenge. If she ever says the word "cock" out loud on any of her posts, I'll say something positive about Emma on this thread.

ETA before I get caught in a technicality - it has to be in the hot/in a can/diet context, or literally referring to a penis, for it to count. She can't catch me out with a "cock a doodle doo". 🐔
i'm glad you added that ETA, or she would predictably be babbling about peacocks in her stories the moment she'd caught up on tattle! 🤣

i still don't get why she can't actually say the word "cock". when talking, it's always "chocolate" or "cocktails", with "cock" in the caption - yet she’s perfectly happy to be crass at every other opportunity. we've all heard her say "bugger" and "fuck" etc, so why is she so weird about saying "cock"?! 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Tattlers should start charging her commission as she gets all her content ideas from here!!
As usual she‘s a day late to the party - I posted the KK picture YESTERDAY so she could have done a reel yesterday evening if she had to! Obvs we would all prefer she didn’t as she is utterly crap at them.
She’s not clever enough to be witty, so the reel won’t go viral it’ll just disappear off into the ether like the rest of her crap but she will be rubbing her hands together with glee thinking she’s SOOOOO clever and funny.
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🎉TINGO 🎉 to me. I read somewhere it was the press night of rock of ages and every z list pleb and their mom got tix got tickets.
I’d be demanding my money back if I’d paid for tickets tonight and that shit show stomped in after being gifted tickets
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She can "breathe a bit better" after telling us all something we already know,,,,,,, because she tells us at least once a quarter 🤦‍♀️🙄
She will have to take that ‘breathing’ easy because didn’t she ‘struggle’ with too much air not long ago 🤨
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i Know why her house is in such a bad state now. She spends all her time and money buying stuff like designer bags and Disney crap. That last story of her standing in the mirror, you can see the paintwork is all chipped and banged up. She’s been living there how long now?

I dont know about you guys, I think most of you work full time, but I’m stay at home housewife. So I have all day to myself, just like her. My husband works his arse off for us and so it’s my job to keep this house in shape. I do all the gardening through out the week and I do the kids school projects - everything! Honestly, I would be livid coming home to that house. LIVID! Screaming at her ‘While I’m at work all effin day what are you doing exactly!’

We all work in our house…nobody gets anything for free here. This is the main reason I cannot stand her - she gets a lot for doing nothing!
You’re the same as me. My husband works really hard and long hours and normally ( pre Covid) travels all over the world!
Hence my ‘job’ is the home. I do it all pretty much in the house and we share the gardening.
I’m responsible for school stuff, drs appts dentists etc. My husband can occasionally do pick ups or drop offs at school and will take our son to sports stuff etc.
I wouldn’t dream of taking the piss like Emma does because I have respect for my husband unlike Emma. I also wouldn’t sit on my arse all day watching tv mostly because I’d be bored shitless!
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Tingo to me indeed 🎉🎊🥳. I knew she would only consider using the slow cooker if she could find a sweet recipe. Her problem stems from a very limited palate. I suspect wet San brought her up on beige food cos pre pandemic she only really ever went to Toby carveries, pubs serving pizza and McDonald's. Goes to show how uncultured and basic she is and in being so, she and her family are missing out on so much.
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Lady Doodle

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Imagine your life being so boring that all you can possibly think to talk about is your new air purifier.

She probably couldn't hear Steve's snoring cos the noise of the machine drowned it out 🙄🤦‍♀️
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Have I missed her healthier lifestyle updates.... lunches, slow cooker meals, walks? I just keep seeing meetings with loads of biscuits for two people, a cream laden 'Friday treat', fizzy pop and sweets? 🤔
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The ad is terrible. I'm really struggling to see the connection between babs shit storage and the bread/their pledge recycle for a year or whatever it is. Babs is so shit at her job. Kingsmill are just as bad for allowing this bollocks to be put out there.
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Sadly I think its time to put poor Lucy out of her misery. No dog should be so frail and unwell that she has to wear nappies.
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She's always said 'dementia home' when referring to her nan's residential home 😠
I’m going to babfend now and I bloody hate myself for it. There are some nursing homes that specialise in dementia/Alzheimer’s and manly take patients with that diagnosis and have specific staff that are used to caring for patients with it (I only know because it’s bloody hard to get a loved one into them as they are few and far between and I’m trying to find one that will be able to take my father in law as he’s deteriorating rapidly from vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s and I’m not ashamed to say we are struggling)

however she’s a sodding muppet that clearly thinks every nursing/care/residential home is for people with dementia.
Honestly I’ve never met a person that boils my blood and piss simultaneously like that freak does.
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Chatty Member
i Know why her house is in such a bad state now. She spends all her time and money buying stuff like designer bags and Disney crap. That last story of her standing in the mirror, you can see the paintwork is all chipped and banged up. She’s been living there how long now?

I dont know about you guys, I think most of you work full time, but I’m stay at home housewife. So I have all day to myself, just like her. My husband works his arse off for us and so it’s my job to keep this house in shape. I do all the gardening through out the week and I do the kids school projects - everything! Honestly, I would be livid coming home to that house. LIVID! Screaming at her ‘While I’m at work all effin day what are you doing exactly!’

We all work in our house…nobody gets anything for free here. This is the main reason I cannot stand her - she gets a lot for doing nothing!
Snap! I've just retired after 31 years, I started full time work at 16. Husband has a demanding job which allows me to stay at home.

I run the house, do the cooking , cleaning, decorating organising the kids . I openly admit having a "nice" life. I certainly wouldn't expect husband to run around after me. I would be mortified if our home was in the decorative state hers was in and I certainly wouldn't be flashing it all over the gram. She has no excuse, she has all of the time in the world to sort her act out

My kids both know you work for what you have. My 16 year old has a job and attends college over an hour a way, my 15 works for his pocket money.

How she can class as a job is beyond me. It makes a complete mockery of actual working moms. She's tinkering with social media and selling her kids lives for a quick buck.
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I don’t even know where to begin with this post 🤯🤯🤯🤯😱😱😱😱😱why? For someone who’s body confident, secure in their marriage, adamant what an amazing parent, wife, daughter, human being and gift to the actual world she is why does she post so many pity posts???? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
she says in her stories that she'll be talking about how her life changed FOREVER tomorrow - on the anniversary. yet ofc she couldn't resist the opportunity to share a pity post, so we will have two whole days of babs rehashing the twerking/numb leg/fanny content, just so she can soak up the compliments. 🙄🙄

she'll undoubtedly re-share the reel about steve dragging her to madame tassauds the day after the award ceremony despite the fact she was basically PARALYSED. and claiming she has permanent damage to her legs when she has recently stated that she's totally cured! she lies as it suits her! she's permanently damaged when she wants pity, yet she is totally fine when the babettes suggest she is careful when doing high kicks because she could hurt her back again!

and ultimately, what did she learn from the situation? fuck all, because she still dances aggressively at every opportunity - and trust me, i use the term "dances" very loosely - hich surely risks another injury, but i imagine babs would love that because she'd be showered with love and attention while she demands steve change her tampons. 🤢🤢
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Ok, she's fucked me off something rotten (more than usual!) tonight.

Bath at 6.30/7pm then settled in front of her programmes by 7.30pm??

My youngest (4 and new school starter) settled at 8pm and my older two are having chill time in their PJ's in the lounge. With me. It'll be 9pm at least before I get a bath plus I'm solo parenting as my husband is on a late one. I'm not complaining as he is now earning quite well but Jesus Babs read the room.

I also work a real job part time and have a chronic pain condition (endometriosis) and today is a bad flare up pain wise.

She's no fucking clue. Sorry she's rattled my cage 🤣

Btw Emma it's a shit idea putting the beige snacks in the lunch bag and leaving the sandwich until morning - the sandwich takes longer plus who the fuck leave crisps in a fridge. Twat.

Hope that helps.
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