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She has a very long cleavage. Put those baps away Bab

Altogether now...
Do your boobs hang low?
Can you swing 'em to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot?
Can you tie 'em in a bow?…
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I’m sorry this may be the heat making me grumpy but ……..FUCK ME Emma really is a massive fucking waste of space isn’t she?! Shit at her ‘job’, shit mother, shit wife. Absolutely fucking useless at everything she does!
What exactly is the point of her regular daily shitty Instagram account-all she does is talk endless bullshit bollocks that no one is interested in, or do really crap rubbish ads! Obvs the ads make her money but Christ she should be so embarrassed and mortified by how crap she is at doing ads.
Do the world a favour Babs and fuck off social media!
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Why is she talking about people panicking and being prepared for summer holidays? Seriously, I'm not sure what she means. Does she mean that she's panicking about having to spend a couple of months with her kids? She doesn't need to panic or be prepared. Just let them fucking BE! (And obviously, as you've all pointed out, she's spending the bare minimum of time with them anyway)

Erin is nearly in secondary school. If she isn't already refusing she certainly won't be thrilled about taking part in prescribed toddler activities soon.

She seems to dislike her children so much.

Edit: sorry, forgot to mention that most parents I know don't have time to "panic" about summer holidays because they have fucking jobs, you wet wipe. They're grateful for whatever time they get to spend with their kids. She's truly on another planet.
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So much to say about the latest shit show of a reel!! No, Emma, you do not look ‘amazing’ (who even says that about themselves without sounding like an arrogant prick?!). No, your boobs don’t look ‘great’, they look like two great big melons in a hammock. No one has said you can’t wear bright colours over 40. No one. I feel she gas lights her followers into thinking these kind of things to make them feel shit about themselves like she clearly does. Finally, I fucking wish she’d ditch that bastard brown belt which is something I would’ve worn circa 2001 when I was at uni and used to go to some shit R&B club wearing Miss Sixty jeans and a Morgan boob tube. Eugh, the end.
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She really is a terrible parent! If you need a reward chart for your kids you are failing miserably as a parent. Especially the things she has put on Erin and Ethans reward charts! I know that video was from a while ago but still! Erin wasn’t being very nice to mummy!? Well you tell her that’s bang out of order and not put it on a stupid reward chart. They aren’t toddlers! Honesty, her kids, especially erin will be rinsed at secondary school when her peers see that.
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She seems so fake to ethan, so forced!!
And I'm sorry of this offends anyone but i cant stand it when parebts say they are having a ‘date’ woth their child- it seems weird to me. Also I hate the fact she said she’s having a date with Ethan but then added her sister is going to, Ethan probably would’ve love some one-on-one time with his mom!
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I feel sad. Sad for Ethan. Sad that Ethan is nothing more than a prop. Sad that Emma can't step up and be a good Mum without £ signs in her eyes. Sad that every little detail of his (and Erins) life is documented and exploited. Sad that Claire went along to no doubt take extra pictures instead of Ethan just being allowed to be the boy he wants to be and spend some quality time with his mum. I'm sad that Ethan has a spineless father who can't/ won't say "enough is enough".
I applaud you cow bags for seeing through her bull shit. Just wish more of her followers would.
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"Sometimes I think I will be all fancy this time and wear makeup, but that's not normal is it".

Emma, being in your pjs, with no make up and sweating into a box of maltesers daily isn't normal either, no matter how much you keep trying to make it happen, being Emma Conway is never going to happen.
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Ffs Babs, some of us have SEND children who require a lot more intervention than applying sun cream. Guess what? We just get on with it. Twat.
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She's in for a shock when she tries scratching and picking in a couple of hours on her morning pit stories 😂😂😂 Acrylic nails are a nightmare if you have an itch, and it's like she's riddled with fleas every morning 🤮
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Lady Doodle

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What's happening here is incredibly complex.
She is fame hungry and I would imagine she always has been with her history of the pop star stalking, people who usually crave fame want to meet famous people too.
She's very lazy, so this "job" (it's not a job) gives her easy money while allowing her to do not very much for it, while at the same time she is succeeding in kidding herself that it allows her to be there more for her kids. But in reality she's in the bath at 5pm and on the sofa watching Netflix by 6pm, pissed and talking to her phone.
Add to all of this her constant need for attention, adoration and validation and she is caught in a downward spiral. It gives her everything she is addicted to, no matter how bad it all is for her Mental and Physical Health.
She'll never learn and she'll never quit.
It's far easier for her to stay fat, lazy, greedy and selfish than it is for her to face the damage its all doing.
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Last day of school for my two.... feeling "emosh" - am I fuck. Will the KIDDOS cry - bollocks! A million plans to keep them occupied every second of their waking day - nah.

Stoke girl here and we call "tip tops" ice pops 😆 Makes perfect sense. The only thing I've ever called tip top was the tiny tin of cream we used to have on our Sunday tea time fruit cocktail in the 80s 🤮 Still can't eat the stuff!

Anyway have a fabulous day. Remember to add a belt and fan your flaps as needed. I'm off to poundland to buy some landfill in an effort to make my children adore me!
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I can honestly say in my 14 years of doing primary school runs (year 6 aside), I have never seen a child cry because it is the end of summer term. Could this be because she makes such a drama over everything that this causes this over emotion ? I've not even really talked to my two that it's the end of term tomorrow. I'll just pick them up as normal, we'll go home and I might say something like 'well that's it for summer then'. Nothing more. She's just setting these kids up for a fall with zero resilience IMO with her dramatising of everything. why do the holidays have to be planned with activities that SHE organises ? Why cant they just wake up and find things to do ? It does kids the world of good to be bored - its what drives their imagination....
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Tuesdays are her werk day apparently. Not that she works.
I reckon one of her 2 uk holidays are
Calling 🎉TINGO 🎉 for myself and every other person that predicted keBabbas bullshit

and we all know she hates uk holidays in the rain, the resentment oozes from her that there are no grammable photo ops and she’s forced to entertain her crotchfruit #bitrude #incrediblyvulgar in a teeny tiny flat or tin box.
I’m here for the DLP anniversary meltdown will Emma be able to fit on the floor off a caravan bathroom I wonder
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Her summer holiday posts are so patronising. Who in their right mind would take advice from this cretin
I particularly loved her advice about a sausage roll picnic at a cheap farm, given one of her children is vegetarian.
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She's taking Ethan out after school 'on a date'! 🤮 (Hate that phrase, and he's a kid not a partner!) She's told him he can't wear his Villa kit even though he wants to and she's dragging her sister along. It's almost as though she can't bear to spend any one-on-one time with him!!! 😔 Poor kid.
Why is her child doing her breakfast?
what the fuck parent has breakfast in bed on a school day?
she wore that t-shirt all day yesterday (until the OF post) and she slept in it all night 🤮🤢
You don’t date your child ffs just say you are going out
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Nope I don't feel wobbly today Babs. I'm still wearing a mask, kids have gone to school, and I am going to work, just like I have done for the last year and a half like a lot of us have. She has no idea of the real world does she. It's just all Disney bullshit and pretending she has a proper job whilst watching real housewives all day.
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So what I take from her recent stories is that the deodorant she is being paid to advertise does not work, because she still sweats so much? 🤔 Have I got this right Babs?
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