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VIP Member
So she’s pissed me off within minutes of opening insta and I’m sorry but I’m gonna rant.

Not. A. Mention. Of. The. National. Treasure. That. Was. Dame. Barbara. Windsor. Not. One. But a scruffy little dog from vanderpump rules (or whatever shit it is called) dying and she’s upset?!?. I’m not mocking the passing of an animal - I sobbed for days when I lost my dog. But he was mine - she’s upset over the dog from a tv shit show and she doesn’t mention a woman that bravely fought Alzheimer’s and raised thousand of pounds in donations and millions of people awareness.

You absolute fucking cretin Emma KeBabba Conway. You sociopathic, narcissistic cretin.

edited to add: haven’t listened to the talky stories as her screeches wake my dog who in turn wakes the house.
And her grandmother suffered with dementia right? And only died this year. That is exactly the type of content I wouldn't mind her turning into talking about how hard that experience was for her and her family because it is genuinely shit and a great opportunity to raise awareness, share a link, donate to a charity...
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That last "dancing" story. I seriously think she is very very clinically depressed and must engage and get approval from someone, anyone, about anything, or she gets very low. Why can't she call a real friend or two, or her sister or mum, and have a chat about how she's really feeling. Wouldn't that be more beneficial than constantly talking about chocolate, booze, pop songs , and crap tv? It's getting difficult to even hate watch now. - just sad and embarrassing.
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I'm sick of the woe is me tier 3 shit because she doesn't seem to realise that most of the country are tier 3! She's no more impacted than most people, in fact, greatly less than most! 2 holidays, countless shopping trips and a new house! Meanwhile, living in Leicestershire, with relatives in the city, some of my family members have basically been at home since March, as they've never really been out of lockdown! And even they aren't as affected as 64 thousand families, who, in this country alone have lost loved ones! Suck it up babs and get a fucking clue!
This is so true. We are all pretty much tier 3 get over it Babs!!! She went on TWO holidays this year which is Two more than most people.
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Watching the “kitchen organisation” vlog. Babs ffs put some of that shit to charity or recycle!! You do not need all that plastic shite in your life. Also organisation does not mean shoving shit from one plastic box to another. You shameless, wasteful, self absorbed twat 😡😡😡
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why would Babs be asked to be involved in this video?! She’s 43 not pregnant not likely to be pregnant and hasn’t been pregnant for several years!! She’s totally irrelevant to the subject matter!! ( Well she’s totally irrelevant in general but....)
And as usual an astounding lack of effort on her part.
I’ll give her one thing .... she is consistently utterly shit at everything she does!
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Sorry; is this the same Babs who was complaining not one day ago about exhausting all the local walks? Now she LIVES for it?? It’s her actual dream?? Make your mind up Babs......PUS and the kids should be the ones complaining about how exhausting it is living with her!
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She’s neither pregnant or screwed, in either sense of the word. When she was pregnant she was a teacher and presumably well looked after in terms of maternity leave so had no worries about being screwed over.

Now she’s self employed and her own boss so if she were to give birth to a miracle child she wouldn’t be screwed now either.

Her being included in that video is an insult. She has no empathy for the cause, no understanding of it and has never mentioned any of the points they stand for. She’s never mentioned anything vaguely political or shared that kind of stuff “because I’m just here to cheer you up”

She could use her following to really make a difference but no she shoves a plastic toy box up her jumper and moves on

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Unless it is an AD for her own pamphlet where she writes 'boy' instead of 'book'
You must be confused Memmy, that was her trying to offload the boy, not the book. Showed her true feelings to the poor child.
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I went to a mummy meet up of hers a couple of years ago (I know I know) and that is when my views changed, she was stand offish, rude and up herself my friends thought the same and cant stand her either, her mum was the same loving the attention. She mentions her mum loves babies - she didnt pay any attention to any of the four babies with us. The apple didn't fall far from that tree.
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Maybe I'm just in a bad mood and I never find Bab's childish and blatant ripoff comedy funny anyway but I actually find her impersonating Emma Thompson just offensive.

I'm not saying Love Actually is some masterpiece but don't most people connect with purely that scene because they can relate to finding out their partner cheated but they have to keep things together on the outside for the sake of others.

Then Emmas just there sat in her own stink opening her gob like a flipping hippo making fun of this scene.
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There is definitely a link between people using inanimate objects to try and emotionally heal themselves. Jokes aside (cos there's so many about her mugs 🤦‍♀️) Emma has a lot of obvious things that she uses to do this but the mugs is an obvious one for sure.
She is a text book example of why consumerism is damaging for mental health. All her dopamine hits come from buying stuff. Once bought she is low again and needs another hit. Then there is the clutter of stuff to deal with!

It‘s the same with her diet, she is a text book comfort eater. She gets her joy from eating rubbish.

Unfortunately her ‘job’ as an influencer validates this behaviour. She is in a horrendous cycle of stuff or eat crap...get a about purchases or food treats....get likes...and repeat!

She has been sold the ‘Because your worth it or you deserve it’ bullshit of commercialism! She is then desperately trying to sell the same message to others and prove to herself it works.

True joy and happiness comes from eating well; providing your body with the nutrients it needs and the exercise it needs to feel energised makes you feel better.....but it does take effort. Having less stuff is freeing and joyful because you don’t have to organise it or move around it.

Having a fulfilling job or hobby or real relationships with friends/partner or volunteering or an exercise regime all provide long term happiness. She doesn’t seem to have any of these.
She is very sad in her quest to prove she is happy whilst being unhealthy in body and mind.

*I would advise her to watch The Minimalists on Netflix as a start to understanding her over consumption of things and the impact this has.
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Chatty Member
Why don’t the babettes ever question her lack of social conscience? She could use her platform to highlight amazing local and national initiatives. Most schools and workplaces this year have really stepped up to help people in true need and it’s a fantastic life lesson for us all. Having a moan is normal but so is snapping out if it and realising how truly fortunate we all are, this year especially!!!!

Babs you are vile
Because they are all basic thickos like Babs herself. They are of the "you do you hun and sod what anyone else thinks" school of thought. Have a quick peek at the kind of women that comment on her shite and they're all basic ass Brenda's.
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Lady Doodle

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tattle bingo! 👏🏻
OMG guys!




Seriously! I'm so so so so sorry I jinxed it. 🤦‍♀️

Her face is so serious!
Her body language is so aggressive.
Psychologist head is firmly on..... this is either a very serious attempt to look sexy or a very angry two fingers up to Tattle and I honestly can't work out which.
Leave it with me 🤣🤣🤣 I need to watch again lol
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She has a mini? I’m fuming. They aren’t cheap either. She is such a cowbag. I feel like commenting on her FB because she is utterly vile.
Yes, she had it brand new last year. Don’t think she mentioned it to the Babettes.
Funny that.....🤔
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Last proper working day? Are you having a fucking laugh? Since your job seems to consist of shopping for shit you don't need, can we take this to mean that next week you'll be staying away from tat shops? No, thought not.

Can't believe this thread is 8 days old and it's nearly full 😂😂😂


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Wife ignores husband who wants to watch sport, what a wonderful progressive attitude! Fresh modern comedy! 🙄🥴

View attachment 348039

Do you know something that really baffles me, Emma is so dated and traditional in her views and attitude and yet she does none of the traditional household tasks that the wife would perform. I wonder how she justifies this in her brain.
If only she lived in a house with two living rooms.....!
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