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She definitely said Steve booked an extra added date, I remember because I was quietly fuming she got a ticket. So she has to be at the 11th or 28th, I reckon the 11th. I can’t see her coming up to Manchester. I’m going to the 28th so there is a 🐮👜 at both possible dates she is going.

I saw Liam last month and got covered in beer. (It was definitely beer thank god😂) the place stank of weed and someone managed to get kicked out before Liam even got on stage.
I was glad he added the extra date as I’d booked a holiday before it was announced so would’ve missed it and with working it around work
I’d love to see her there
I missed the Jon squire dates due to being away with work

All fake tears about the kids being at school (well especially Ethan) as she can hide under the manky blankets and watch tv.! I was sad when my kids went to school but also breathed a little sigh of relief
She will be shedding really tears in a few years time when the teenage years kick in as they are fuckin insane and I chuckle under my breath when I hear parents say about how hard the toddler years are 😂 my daughter is an absolute nightmare, I just hope that the day she turns 20 the teenager leaves her.!
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uh, that moustache is aPsolutely not a "new development", babs. but if you dod decide to go get your top lip threaded, do yourself a favour and get those furry brows tamed - THEY are the real issue, as they wriggle down your cheeks, desperate to escape that waxy, grellow face. 🐛🤣

i see that being a big, brave, 46 year old girl, travelling to London ALL. BY. HERSELF - wasn't that long ago she was bravely travelling solo to London AND getting her ears pierced without anyone to hold her hand, but ofc the AnXiEtY always strikes as an opportunity for a "woe is me", compliment me on my bravery and tell me i'm an "inspiration" - to a YT event she "was invited to" 🤣 was worth it! maybe not the snack buffet she was hoping for, but dragging herself off the hobbit sofa was worth it for the tat freebies she had dreamed of! an ugly denim tote and a notebook to add to her tat hoard - what a TREAT.

and we all know the matching make-up bag was crammed full of Trebor mints - how does anyone reach their mid 40s unaware of the fact that Trebor EXTRA STRONG "mince" are, y'know, pretty burny in their minty flavour?! i'm assuming she shoved an entire trotterful in her mouth before spitting them out in a rage. what was that about the toddlers forcing you to stick to chicken tenders and beige food when you travel abroad, babs? because THEY can't handle spicy food?! meanwhile, babs' tatsebuds are so used to bland cuisine, they can't handle a "hot" MINT. 🤣🤣

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All I remember from that trip was there was a really bad storm, she filmed her potato head singing to Erin whilst she was in ghe bath, she didn’t pack her child gloves and didn’t appear to buy him a pair out there, gross photo of her droopy melons in the blue lagoon and she wrote herself a postcard and pretended it was from a Babette.
And they are a lot of haribo in the hotel room!
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She has only mentioned her new album once when she was listening to it on Friday morning. There's 31 songs so it will take much longer to get through. She hasn't even bothered to tell us what her fav song is cause she's clearly only going for content.

I actually think she's going to be pretty bored at the gig too.
I wonder if they have seated tickets or standing, it’s such a long show I can’t imagine her standing up for that long 😂
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Lady Doodle

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If I was a massive Take That fan and I happened to be in London yesterday, I would probably have gone to their opening night at the O2. You know, kill two birds with one slow train.
She won't have needed to because they're coming to Birmingham soon, she's probably been gifted tickets 🤬
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That's awful! When both of mine started school it was all about how exciting it was for them, how grown up they were/how much they'd learn/new friends they'd make. Not for a second did we make any of it about us, or how much we'd miss them! She's the most self centred person I've ever heard of!
Yes. Most of us have decency to keep our concerns to ourselves and have a little cry in private if we need one. She's such a selfish twat
That's awful! When both of mine started school it was all about how exciting it was for them, how grown up they were/how much they'd learn/new friends they'd make. Not for a second did we make any of it about us, or how much we'd miss them! She's the most self centred person I've ever heard of!
Yes. Most of us have decency to keep our concerns to ourselves and have a little cry in private if we need one. She's such a selfish twat
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Seriously? That’s the best she can come up with ‘they can go to a till’

what I enjoy about time with my older kids is that I can have conversations with them, share jokes, talk about our day, do stuff together etc etc. Not treat them as my personal slave….
Of course it's something that means they are serving her, and allowing her to be even lazier.
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Thirdly all that shite about the washing basket - sorry why not just use a bin bag like the rest of the world. Also what is the point of dragging a laundry basket all the way on holiday if you just empty it of washing before you come home....
100% never got this - as got to chuck it all back in the case.

Can maybe get it if driving as can chuck in the car as is - but even then!
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Shit holiday, shit vlog and shit human being.

Babs you giant 46 year old toddler - you can pronounce the letter R just fine. Lose that revolting baby voice and grow up because It isn’t cute. Special shoutout to “cweem egg” 🤡 What a pillock.

I particularly like how she’s fucked off to bed by mid afternoon. She showed more of herself talking bollocks in the hotel room than she did of the park. Clearly didn’t think much of it as it’s not so much a mecca for the obese like WDW, but for some reason is trying to hype it up even though the rest of the vlog tells another story. I will never take a theme park review seriously from somebody who doesn’t even go on any rides.

Oh and she finally showed us one of her meals. The food? Drumroll… chicken tenders and chips. Bone dry. Spraying out her mouth as she vlogs. Giving The People what they want babs!
Yeah the chicken and chips looked horrible. Some frozen shit that had been warmed up.
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Ruby’s mum

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I agree, it's taken me 60 + years on this earth, through working since I was 16 to get to the position of buying decent foundation. Rimmel is, in my mind, foundation for teens or uni students ( no shade to those older peeps who use it 😘).
We used to call it Rimmel Rammel as it was cheap and cheerful but not the best quality. Much better high street brands out there.
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I’m not sure if this was mentioned in the previous thread (I was too far behind to catch up at the time) but has anyone noticed how her and Brogan both do that stupid laugh thing!? Has she always done this?, it’s so bloody annoying
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