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The boy would probably benefit from a relaxing Easter break, what with his sats right around the corner. But he won’t be going back refreshed and prepared to work- he’ll be exhausted and jet lagged, and performing as an extra in her latest content holiday to one of the world’s busiest cities.

It’s not really that surprising that her family all look a bit fed up on these holidays. They all work/study/have hobbies, except for her. All their downtime is snatched away as her chance to use them for content/ads.
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Why is she speaking about her husband in such a bizarre manner?
Right?! Shes talking about him like he’s a child, or has some sort of mental condition. A bloke making small talk about the local area with an Uber driver isn’t “sweet”, for fuck’s sake. Nor does it warrant her secretly filming it for us 🤨, is she slow? On what planet would that be a normal thing to do.

Imagine we all inundated her with these sorts of boring details about our own husbands/families. Who the fuck is remotely interested in which bottle of pop he bought from a shop? Sadly this is probably as fascinating as her hyped up California content is going to get.
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Whenever you look at a famous person with a tragic life - from Judy Garland to Elvis to Whitney to River Phoenix to Amy Winehouse to the Nickelodeon stuff that’s currently out - the thing they all have in common is that no one is protecting them, and there’s someone (usually a parent) who’s so greedy, fame and money hungry, that they let the talented person (often a child) be used, abused, given drugs etc etc.

Now obvs Babs is small scale and not many people really know or care about her in the grand scheme of the world, but her and Ste are clearly wired up in that fame/money hungry way to think the life they lead is ok. If it was just her making a twat of herself and selling her dignity then 🤷🏼‍♀️ ok, she’s a grown woman and can make that choice. But the pair of them selling their privacy, lives and kids is gross. And it always will be.
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You now she's bothered about this comment by @Ladeepfriedmarsbar because she is still talking about it 5 days after it happened! She KNOWS that comment is RIGHT- she SHOULDN"T be posting stuff Like E colouring. There's nothing with him colouring at all but don't share it. She was a fucking teacher she KNOWS how cruel kids can be.
But she will tell herself its not HER fault its juts trolls being nasty. That's how she justifies her behaviour every single time.
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She told the unknown man that she came all the way from England 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh crikey like he gives a fuck?!?! No normal person in their 40s should be that starstruck it’s so pathetic!!! Why is this person so amazing? Has he found the cure for cancer? Dedicated his life to others? A huge charity fundraiser? I couldn’t give a fuck about actors/musicians/z listers, I’m more impressed with normal people being superheroes! People who don’t demand constant attention and seek gratifications from strangers 🤢what a complete embarrassing twat! Get a life you melt
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Yawn. A load of ugly, cheap polyester dresses that look the same as all her other ugly, cheap polyester dresses. She looks fat, frumpy and her shoes are too tight for her giant trotters.
I love Ethan though, he is so cute.
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Lady Doodle

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She is giving me Linda of Gimme Gimme Gimmes vibes. Linda had a Tom instead of a Stephen. I know I shouldn’t have said this as that pic of her on the beach would devastate me. Buts it’s not her size or appearance I’m truly getting at. It’s her behaviour, values and attitudes that I dislike
What was she even supposed to be doing on the beach? 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️
More like fucking Crimewatch!!!!
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Instagram people really think they're something don't they? "I'll show you fanta..." If i was that desperate to look at a picture of some Fanta I'd just Google it thanks. She thinks she's so fucking important.
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Who the fuck is she kidding? They never “go out for food” on holiday they eat shit it theme parks and get sandwiches to eat in their pits as she has to go to bed by 7pm
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Chatty Member
Those pics of her in the swimsuit are bloody awful not because of her body but because the swimsuit doesn’t fit!
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I find it hilarious that she doesn’t say where she is staying as if she’s a star and has to be secretive so fans don’t track her down, what does she think will happen if people know where she is whilst she is there 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
She would be mobbed by hundreds if not thousands of women thanking her for inspiring them to wear a swimming costume
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Back to the TT reel I stayed at that hotel when both my kids were toddlers. The food was fine loads of choice and fresh fruit, veg, fish, meat etc they also had entertainment on every night. My toddlers ate better and clearly stayed up later than she did. Maybe because she has so many holidays she doesn’t make the most and appreciate them
I agree with the holiday comment. For most they are hard earned and once a year (appreciate even this is more than most too). So you go, squeeze every last drop out of it. My husband has a very childish palette and even he eats more varied than she does. I love to see my daughter try new things, try flavours and spices etc. Fresh exotic fruit is expensive at home, salads are grown in greenhouses here and always taste nicer away.

She's just so basic in every aspect of her life. Only veg she gets is wet lettuce Ste and I’m yet to be convinced she gets much of him beyond their 2 offspring.

Holidays are two a penny to them. No need to drain every last ounce as it’s barely 6 weeks to the next one.
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She is just a giant twat isn't she!

No one would know that her son does colouring in as a hobby, if she could keep her giant gob shut!

She's spent this holiday trying to keep up with UK time so she can post on social media, instead of enjoying the trip.

What an absolute prick
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Omg I just found it! Why does this make me so happy🤣 hello everyone from mumsnet! 👋 take a seat and enjoy the show!
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So let me get this straight.... She has a hand luggage case of all their shoes. So if the main cases get lost or something at least they'll all have shoes to wear 😂😂😂
Haha I'm here for that!!
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People told her about traffic and getting her own car but she ignored them all. I hope all the traffic messes with her tight schedule.

Whenever they go away they really come across as the most useless pair ever.
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TT looking like she's had enough of Bab's shit. Video in car and airport photo
I have a daughter the same age as big E and the more I think about it, the more I think that their relationship is not normal. Teenagers naturally want more freedom and to have time alone with their friends. I have no interest in spending time with a group of teenage girls so why is Babs so keen to impose and influence those relationships? It’s all because she has no other meaningful relationships in her life.
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Lady Doodle

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You only need to look at Mumsnet as a whole to know that those discussions are, on the whole, just normal Mum's having conversations that are true. She can call us Trolls because Tattles reputation allows her to guilt free brand anyone on here with that title. However, the threads on Mumsnet are just people chatting about all sorts of issues, people etc. And the fact that she features so heavily in that Instagram Influencer thread shows its not Trolls at all, it's people speaking the truth! Which is exactly what we're doing too.
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