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Chatty Member
I am astounded by her lack of intelligence. I genuinely thought it was the 'bimbo, oh I'm daft I am' act, but over time I think she is actually stupid. She can't remember her lies, yes it's all on record on her page, but she doesn't check back. She spouts shit. Can't string a sentence together and is fucking useless around the house. Honestly, I just can't with her.
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Ah yes Mother's day where Emma Cuntway doesn't give a shit about HER mum or Steve's mum and the whole day MUST be devoted to Emma the mother who shows her kids bedrooms and underwear on the internet to hundreds of strangers, the mother who does so little to protect her children that anyone who has watched her SM platforms would instantly recognise her kids and know far more about them that any stranger should. The mother who doesn't give a shit if her kids will get bullied at school due to her 'crazy' online antics of showing her massive arse, gunt and saggy boobs. The mother who CLEARLY AND OBVIOUSLY favours the Brat over her son and does NOTHING to hide it and only post nice things about her son when she's read here about how bloody awful we think she is toward him.

Yes Emma you truly are a mother worth celebrating.
And just in case you read this Emma- you are a disgusting horrible mother. You are a selfish, narcissistic, lying, entitled bitch and one day, hopefully very soon, you will go one step too far and this whole car crash of a career will be gone. Then what will you do? Maybe think on that next time you flash your not a size 18 arse all over the internet.
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I haven’t caught up on today’s thread, so apologies if I’m repeating what someone has already said… but I’m fuming! How on Earth did a primary school head teacher think having a waste of space influencer talk about her non-job was a good idea? She’s not inspirational and does nothing to promote internet safety. Having been a teacher myself for over 20 years, I cannot believe that the school’s Head would want this utter moron talking to kids. Talk about having low expectations rations for the children’s futures! If I worked at that school I’d be having words about this.


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mo fo

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You know what kind of doctor would tell her she’s completed the perimenopause. Ask her if she wants more kids and tell her to wait a couple of months to see if she really has completed the perimenopause???? A fucking imaginary one!! Braggy babs back today with her new wardrobes no one cares babs! Your insincere face makes me wanna punch myself in the face! And that horrible thumbs up page saying her people have said to wait and see?? She’s just been on here and now feels like a twat! Some things never change do they babs!!!
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Chatty Member
As I thought she would...the yellow marshmallow has treated herself to some new followers overnight and is now up to 183000 🙄
So every Sunday early hours she's had an extra 1000 followers appear for past few weeks. Not suspicious at all then? 🤔
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Cowbags, how I have missed thee.

I had to take a break from this fucking monster as she was giving me the rage, I return to see she's even more of a bell-end than usual.
Happy for Little E that he got his school, lovely.

I see Babba the Hutt is still going on about the BRITs, nobody gives a fuck, I'm more annoyed they cancelled The 1% Club tonight to broadcast it.
She's now watching Dawsons Creek with Triple Threat, STOP LIVING IN THE PAST YOU STUNTED FLUMP!!
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VIP Member
Please stop the meeting famous people stories as this will make Babs seethe with jealousy and then we will all have to endure

- A blurry photo of Will Ferrell
- Spotting Nicole Kidman who wasn’t Nicole Kidman in the park
- Jude Law in a lift

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My guess is it's her old school. "Famous ex pupils" 🤣 🤣 🤣
Her old school's intake is predominantly asian and black students. Why would a white, middle aged, unhealthy, overweight, self-obsessed woman appeal to their demographic? What on Earth does she share with them culturally or historically?!!! She APsolutely put herself forward for this, no way did any school reach out to her, not even Erin's. If it's Tx3's school, the brat will be crowing around like a peacock in her delusion that her mum is "famous", but her peers will be laughing behind her back once they start looking at her mother's social media and seeing her in her bra and pants with her belly hanging out like a cat's primordial pouch. She's so thirsty. No wonder her lips look like a pig's dry anus.
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There is no way that was a fucking accident. Or even a real email. Just a fake email to one of her fake accounts for content. It’s like just when I think she can’t be more of a knob, there she is, big old bigger knob 🙄
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Chatty Member
Maybe Babs, you just need to come to the conclusion that you’re unhappy in your life. All this “this time last year I was so sad”…..”A few months ago I had no confidence”……”In 2019 I was really struggling”. Have you ever stopped to consider that these aren’t phases you get over, but just YOU? You’re unhappy in a seemingly loveless marriage, you feel guilty you’ve sold your kids and now they can’t even go to the cinema alone at 13 years old because YOU’VE made sure every Tom, Dick and Harry in Brum recognises them. You don’t have any real friendships. You find socialising hard because you aren’t a very nice person and you worry people will figure that out. You aren’t a very good daughter or sister because you don’t look after your family, you expect them to service you. You have a very unfulfilling career where you open yourself up to criticism that you can’t handle. You’re. A. Mess. And then you wonder why you (like every other human being with emotions, and every other woman with hormones 🙄) have times you feel shit. It’s not hard to figure Babs. We’ve been telling you for 159 threads, that we know you read!
If I could give this a thousand ❤ I would. You are 100% bang on. I’m too angry to talk about her so called meno right now but I will say this. I was on full menopause from in my 30s yes bab ya fucking c#nt until my early 40s ! Learn ya thick bitch before spouting off ur shit. I nearly had a full mental breakdown as for health reasons I couldn’t take hrt so no I wasn’t just feeling angry and a bit anxious. Keep your dumb trap shut! You know NOTHING and I mean NOTHING 😡
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Tender & Tired

Chatty Member
Why is every ad a competitive one. There’s so many ways she could advertise Capri Sun, but she chooses yet another one where she just comes across aggressive. It’s tedious!!
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Lady Doodle

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Ohhh I enjoyed that talk 😉
Me too.
It's a shame nobody screen recorded it 😄
She aPsolutely hated the fact that the hosts weren't just blocking the people asking "genuine" questions about her kids safety 🤣✌

For all you new 🐄 bags, here's a summary - it was priceless 🤣✌
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mo fo

Active member
She’s exhausted cos being false takes too much effort, she wears herself out because it’s all a front! And in what world did she think his tie matched her dress??? Completely different colours, both as horrible as each other! The orangey yellow canary hair clashes so badly with it!!! And she hasn’t even bothered to wash her face and has the cheek to think people want a hair tutorial 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Tender & Tired

Chatty Member
The ‘hoodie man’ will not put a picture of you with steps on the school leavers hoodies, you ridiculous woman. You are clearly angling for somebody to make you a hoodie like that. Spend your not very hard earned cash and buy one then.

oh and fuck off while you are at it!! 👍🏻
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Well-known member
I haven't watched Emma in ages because couldn't be fucked with her nonsense anymore. Accidentally clicked through onto her stories today and it's the same old content - scabby nails, photo of child as a toddler, book day costumes, launch of pamphlet 4yrs ago, swimsuit gusset 'hack.'

Nothing new, always the same rehashed content. Yawn!
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do we think someone is nursing a hangover?
I'm wondering if she got that bladdered she offended someone and there's been a fallout this am. For one thing, I'm sure Sharkys family are reluctant to have their pics on social media and maybe her posting the pic of the bride etc ( probably without asking permission cos she's that crass!) has sparked off a row oh I do hope so!!
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Why is her reel referencing people “35 and over”?. Emma you’re 46. She has zero idea what people 11 years younger than her do. In fact she has zero idea what normal 46 year olds do.
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