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ffs, yet ANOTHER clothing haul ordered. she simply cannot resist rubbing her wealth and ability to spend excessively in the faces of the babettes, many of whom will be worrying about how they're going to feed their kids, without needing to know that - over the last month or so - babs spent £100 on a tat halloween village, over £100 on her tiki tat bar plus an extortionate amount on needless halloween tat, has another disney holiday booked and that the golden child has an expensive ragARta jacket, an £8 purse specifically for school and is the proud owner of a whole fucking stationery aisle. and now she's buying yet another stack of clothes! her content is neither relatable or rEaLiStiC - it's simply a sickening and insensitive display of wealth, and it's fucking gross. 🤢😡

and as for that "autumnal dress of dreams" - ffs, how many dream dresses does she own at this point?! i can think of at least three dresses she has previously labelled her "dress of dreams" - including the topshop one - that she has made such a huge deal about in her try-on reels.....yet non of them have ever been worn again. realistically, her "dress of dreams" is that manky old primark frock she wears during the summer! 🤣
Babs buys in one haul more clothes than I buy in 5

Oh and talking of clothes her fucking birthday lists piss me off too. It’s my birthday this week, and my inlaws always very kindly get me one of those “one for all” store cards, they have done for years so I can get myself some new clothes.

Nope. I will be using every penny on it to get my 8 year old her school uniform, as I do every year (and before buying uniform for her, I used to spend them on my now adult child when he was still at school).

It’s a great help and it means that I don’t have to worry about school uniform costs, thankfully.

I’ve had to stop watching her so much because I just can’t stand everything she buys and all her holidays rubbed in my face all the time when I go without to make sure my children are sorted.

And the real shame is, I have a much better dress sense than Babs. When I can replace bits of clothing, I make sure I buy plain, classic styles
that don’t age or date rather than what ever other people are buying off asos. I still wear some clothes that I had when my 20 year old was a toddler and you’d never tell.
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Title Suggestion

Portly C U Next Tuesday, drinking pumpkin spice lattes like a basic cliche

(Credit to whoever coined portly cunt)
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Going to post this here as the horrible woman just deletes and blocks so her followers will not see what she is like and how little she gives a shit about them unless they are praising her shallow existence. My friend posted they were anxious about winter and paying their heating this winter. Nothing nasty in the post at all and the cold hearted cow deleted and blocked them. My friend has real mental health problems and is also neurodiverse so has taken it personally. Takes a bitch to not even reply with one of her stupid ♥. Even ignoring the post would be better than deleting and blocking someone who for all she knows is at rock bottom. She needs to shut up about mental health.
I have too have now been blocked after suggesting diet and fitness/exercise would help with all her ailments...she's clueless as to how good the content would be to see her September resolutions focus on healthier living.

Interesting LP is going greener and eco, less shopping, being environmentally aware. Wish the grellow one would follow!
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When she asks herself a question then replies with “unsure”, it makes me want to punch a hole in the nearest wall 😣👊🏼
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Most people are dreading autumn/winter because we can’t afford to heat our homes. As ever, tone-deaf Babs is willing the warmer days away so she can look “her fittest” in her leggings and smocks whilst pissing money up the walk drinking a PSL that she doesn’t even like 🙄 🤦‍♀️
Exactly this. My husband has just asked me if I will be able to go into the office more so that I'm not sat at home everyday with the heating on in the winter, and we both earn about the average UK salary so not on a low income.
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So because Babs has declared that it’s Autumn, we all have to pretend it’s Autumn 🙄

Well I’m on holiday in Turkey, my first holiday in 3 years (unlike Babs) and it’s still well and truly summer here.

Personally, I want the mild weather to continue in the UK with the energy crisis.
I really hope we have an Indian summer in Brum just to piss her off.
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Lady Doodle

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Not that I'm in the slightest bit interested but the snippet of uniform, the start date, and the fact they were at that Lollipop shop in the close vicinity of one of the "potential" schools Ezza was going to, makes it way too easy to work out! They clearly did a dry run there the other day and this mornings post has confirmed it! How many other people will work this out? She has ZERO REGARD for her safety!!!!
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How on earth can she do this when Erin has started secondary school? Kids are RUTHLESS. The minute they find out about this (and they will) Erin will be like a lamb to the slaughter and I say this as someone who was horribly bullied BEFORE social media was a thing. Kids will follow her home after school, will bully her on the bus and will bully her at school. There won't always be teachers around to protect her and even if they are, she may decide not to tell them. Is babs stupid? I hope to God she isn't bullied but based on her mother's social media presence, she will be and it will be all her parents' fault. Her mother's for her actions and her Father's for doing NOTHING to stop it.
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So he was 21 when he fell in love with her. But didn't tell his family about her for a year? That's what she said on last years rehashed bank holiday post.
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They always do they same shit. Why do they only visit London? They are in Birmingham so loads of great cities are accessible from their location. York, Cambridge, Lincoln, Oxford, Windsor. All around 2ish hours drive away. Get a bit of culture babs. England doesn’t start and end with Birmingham and London!!
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View attachment 1545376
Of course you were Emma!
Because how would you even know this!?
Did they get the fucking fanfair out and announce it to the whole restaurant that Kween Conway is the first to buy one of these in that branch!?
Absolute narcissist 🤬🤬
She was probably first because 1. They only came out today and she went about 3 hours after it opened? 2. It’s literally just September, most people aren’t thinking about/buying things for Halloween yet and 3. If people are going to Starbucks to buy a coffee/breakfast whatever, that’s probably the only treat they can afford right now and that extra £3 for that cup would probably be too much.
Who gives a shit if she was first anyway?! Is she fucking 8 years old? I hated those kids at school who always bragged about having the newest things first or the most expensive things!! She clearly hasn’t grown out of that! She is a cunt of the highest order! I hate her more and more everyday😡
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And of course cbbste had to be the one to say he was falling in love first. But a text? How fucking immature are they? And Risa for a first date? Wtaf? Ffs this isn’t just any love story this is babnocciho’s love story made up from snippets of all the shite 90s romcoms love story
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Just showed it to my husband and asked him if he would film me doing that on a Saturday night and his exact words were "No. Absolutely not. It's just cringe and embarrassing. I wouldn't have anything to do with it and if you wanted to do it I would give you a list of people to block that I know so they couldn't see it"

P.s my 7 year old son was watching over my shoulder and he said "I've heard of Brummymummy, she's on tik tok and is a Karen"

So yeah well done Babs, kids, including your kids' peers, see you. Your kids are gonna get bullied.
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Her endless spending is disgusting. Surely HMRC don’t let her write it all off because she uses it in a couple of stories on Instagram??
If so they really need to rethink the rules!
She’s just disgusting with her endless consumerism. Never invests in anything decent, always cheap disposable fashion, cheap tat etc.

She knows there’s a cost of living crisis, she knows many families will struggle but not only is she an idiot who is tone deaf, but she does not give a shiny shit about anyone but herself. She will never ever think “perhaps I should reign in the spending while people are struggling” cos that would involve empathy and thinking of others before herself and she is totally incapable of that.
She really is a horrible narcissistic bitch.

Unless there is something in it for her, Emma Conway doesn’t give a shit about anyone. She will use absolutely anyone and any situation to further her own agenda -the Emma Conway show. Her kids, her husband, her sick dad, celebrities who have died due to serious mental health issues, and anyone else. She has zero respect for anyone’s privacy and will make any situation about herself.
I seriously have no idea why people think she’s relevant or in anyway entertaining. She’s nothing but a bitch.
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She’s acting like an actual lunatic this morning 🫣 why does she keep bellowing “sisters”? I don’t understand 😳
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Why does she call days with her kids date days? You’re not going on a date with the boy you’re just being a bloody mother and spending time with him.
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why babs? Why are they ganging up on you? Why is everything about you??! My kids are roughly the same age and I love the rare occasions that I still hear them playing together and having fun!
hopefully when they are older they will gang up on you when they realise what a shit mother you were/are.
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Super organised kween got the wrong day. Howling!
Did wonder as I’m over the Black Country border and primary isn’t back till Weds.

What a wet lettuce she is!
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