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Good placement of the words there covering her Gunt!b
Also look at the fat hanging over the bra!! Buy some underwear that fits!!!
Blatantly just taken off her dress to get one of the poor kids to snap a photo of her!

I immediately thought of Robin Williams when I saw Emma in her bra and chub-rubs.

Mrs Babs Doubtfire 😂😂


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She’s so so worried about her daughter starting High school. So she posts a video of herself lying on bed, topless, wearing only her pants. Never mind the drawing “kisses” on your hands, stop posting inappropriate images online which everyone in your precious daughters new school has access to.
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How does she think other parents with actual JOBS manage? She is fucking pathetic. And a real bitter man hater cos no-one ever fancied her when she was younger.
This is exactly what I was planning to say!! Year 6 parent here and no shit Sherlock, there’s lots of stuff to organise. This comes as no surprise to me; I had to plan my work shifts around all these events months ago. Most parents are sorting these additional things plus holding down a paid job. Silly cow!!
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What a dick! She’s so up her own arse, people can’t afford food and bills and this bellend is flaunting her wealth 🤬
Yes!!!!! I completely understand some people are still spending, treats etc, but, a lot of people really are feeling under pressure at the moment, especially with the summer holidays coming up!! How much must she have spent on that?? I’m not saying she shouldn’t spend her money but to be so in your face and frivolous is sickening
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Lady Doodle

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Also is it just me or does she seem permanently a bit drunk?? Even in the morning. Or perhaps its - ahem - medication
Yeah I’m convinced she’s medicated - she’s so slurry in the mornings & 1 tin of cocktail seems to send her over the edge. Plus the early bedtimes are just bizarre- most of us don’t sit down to watch a bit of tv till 8-9 ish , later on these light evenings 🤷‍♀️
Could be a long standing addiction to pain killers from the original back injury , maybe combined with some kind of tranq.
I've said for months that the early nights, early mornings and slurring of her words are caused by her being on meds! Absolutely 100% take my word for it! Its my job.
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Sorry if I’m being daft but she’s donated money from the quiz but hasn’t told how much she’s donated? So in all fairness she could of donated a fiver and pocketed the rest?!!! Surely if you paid to be part of it you’d wanna know?
not only has she purposefully ensured the amount she donated was hidden, she also shared the email thanking her for her generous donation, as it's such a "fantastic gift"! not only am i skeptical as to how much of the money raised by her quiz was actually donated to the promised charity, and how much she dishonestly pocketed as profit, she's also obviously taken full credit for the donation, when she didn't donate a single penny of her own money! begging people to buy tickets for a quiz out of sheer desperation because they're not selling, whacking in a pair of mickey ears and allowing your son to play his euphonium online is not a "fantastic gift" and it's vile that she's lapping up the credit and praise - just as she does each time she poses outside the hospital with a giant cheque for a photo opp, or when she received that fucking award for her fundraising efforts and generous donations! 😡

fuck off babs. it's a hospital so close to your heart and that you're so grateful to, yet you refuse even to donate gifted fucking toys for the kids on the ward to play with, let alone chuck a few quid their way. i genuinely don't know how she lives with herself, and honestly, if i were a babette who had bought quiz tickets, I'd be sending her a DM requesting she share the amount she raised and donated - although presumably that's "private" information, and anyone who asked would be subjected to her block/delete boundaries.
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Chatty Member
I think the bit that sticks in my craw most is the claim that it’s “our life”. Babs, wet flannel Ste goes along with whatever you say, no element is “our life”. So sad
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Sorry early morning rant

The school didn't say women couldn't be wise
It's the fucking nativity - three fucking wise men turned up.....

What next Ethan demanding to know why Mary is played by a girl and demanding the part

She tries so hard to be woke and feminist and fails to make a coherent point every time

Fuck you you pasty faced twat
The biggest joke is they’re Catholics well the lanky strip of piss and the off spring are so they should know better than that. They may be called wise men but I’ve never known at least one not be played by a girl in a school or church nativity. Outrage for outrages sake
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She’s so aggressive in her responses though. ‘You’re wrong’ ‘Because it is’ ‘this is Birmingham’ why even bring it up if you’re just going to tell everyone they’re wrong?!
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Her daughter starts secondary school in a couple of months. She will have a massive target on her for bullying, because of her mum's 'job' and unhinged behaviour. Can't she see there's more important things than a few likes on social media, like preserving her dignity and a relationship with her children.
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CrawDADS, emma, not crawDogs. Bloody hell she can’t even get the name of the book she has supposedly just read right. Urgh. She an illiterate pig.

and that bikini shot -where are her nipples?! So much boob on display but no sign of them- they must literally point to the ground 🤮🤮🤮
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that will be a steam mop and an air fryer collecting dust alongside the slow cooker! 🤦🏻‍♀️

does she never feel embarrassed wandering around shops chatting out loud at her phone while she's filming these hauls?! i get that it's a thing that influenzas do, but i sweat I would feel so self conscious walking around a shop talking utter shit to myself! "ooh look! a colander set! we've got pens..coloured storage units! they're really, really good! oh, a nice labelling machine as well. tennis rackets...ooh,these bikes are nice! *bursts into song about fruit*" it's total drivel and she must look like an utter twat to everyone else around her, as she wanders around narrating the contents of a fucking shop and calling it" werk". 🤣🤣

and ffs babs, please don't lumber your kids' teachers with more wankee candles and mugs. they don't fucking want them! babs was obvs the exception - the teacher who relished in receiving hoards of tat at the end of term, perceiving it as a "reward", and proof that she was such a "great teacher" - not realising that parents had simply waltzed into pound land, as she does now, and filled their basket with cheap tat to dump on unsuspecting teachers, supposedly to show their gratitude! unlike all other teachers, their excess collection of tacky mugs didn't end up filling the staff room or adorning the shelves at the local charity shop - they are all hoarded up in top top, or stored lovingly in her mug cupboard of dreams; "awards" reminding her of the teaching career she threw away to exploit her kids' childhoods on SM. 👌🏻
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So you can have 115 threads about yourself where not only your appearance but your personality, choices, parenting, marriage, content etc etc are all commented on and not care - in fact actively seek it out to read it. But some MEN comment on an open forum about your weight and suddenly it’s awful and heartbreaking and has been a struggle?? Sure Babs. Sure.
I guess she comforts herself that we’re all jealous women on here so it doesn’t matter. Or the comments she got didn’t bother her in the slightest and she just needs some sympathy engagement. Probably both.
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Chatty Member
‘This is written very friendly’ - what kind of English is that? and as you said too stupid to even realise that these messages get sent to everyone with a mum in their username or probably indeed anyone female 🙈 so gullible !!
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Well-known member
Her daughter starts secondary school in a couple of months. She will have a massive target on her for bullying, because of her mum's 'job' and unhinged behaviour. Can't she see there's more important things than a few likes on social media, like preserving her dignity and a relationship with her children.

Her best mate Rosie Ramsey did a big stories thing yesterday saying how she had been leaving her eldest Robin, he's 6 now, off Instagram the last year or so now he's getting older as she doesn't want him to look back and think mum what we're u doing or why an I doing that etc says he can choose himself when he's older. Said how she had witnessed vile things towards kids in Instagram and how kids grow up resenting their parents etc
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Oh do fuck off....another thing that only happened in the Fathead's mind!!!!
Edit: the grammar and sentence structure gave it away Bab ... you're gonna have to get up even earlier to get one over us 🐄 bags!!
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