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I hope some attendees thought that these "troll" questions were valid and are now seeking out like-minded folk and come across tattle
I hope that too but sadly I think the way she twisted it and declared “they are talking about my dad!” People will assume that “trolls” are saying horrible things about an unwell elderly man. When the comment wasn’t aimed at her dad but actually how she exploits his illness.

I cannot believe she considers her behaviour “as “handling it like a boss” - she was literally ignoring the woman speaking to her because she was so engrossed in the comments and panicking. She has said previously she’s amazing at her job so why not defend her own shitty content instead of threatening the women she was going to storm off or that they need to turn the chat off:

Ultimately though could you imagine being on a zoom meeting with intellectual women and people asking you about flashing your big pants to the world - you should be embarrassed Babs.
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As I joined and managed to get my audio working, I caught her saying “no I don’t hire somebody to block people for me”. Did anybody catch what that was about? She looks very shook that tattlers ended up on the zoom call, I think part of being online means that you have to answer those kind of questions because they are valid? Like has she asked her dad if she can post x, y and z? I doubt it, my mom would be mortified if I posted pics of her ill without her permission and I doubt he just said yes go ahead post them? Also about her nan, lots of people do have relatives who have unfortunately suffered from alzheimer’s and those convos are good to have online if you can, but how could she have her nans permission to speak about it?
And as for flashing her underwear online, this is a genuine question relating to her kids? One day they are gonna have somebody ask them “isn’t your mom that woman flashing her knickers online?” and they will be so upset. How is she going to teach them to deal with that?
Last point but I think Emma’s issue is that she got “big” locally in terms of people from Birmingham knowing her and then she spread out to further audiences but not fast enough to become as big as say Louise or ladbaby mum. So she’s stuck in the limbo of being popular online but not big enough that the ‘negative’ comments get lost. She basically should have gone hard but I think now it’s time to go back home 😂😂😂 (cba to check for spelling mistakes at work, apologising now haha)
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Most of the people who are commenting on her Instagram/Facebook post weren’t even watching the event - they’re just believing all the bullshit she’s feeding them. They’re probably imagining a whole heap of comments calling her every name under the sun when in reality it was TWO very reasonable questions about her content. I’m not sure what the point of my comment is, but the more I look at the comments, the angrier I’m getting that they just lap up whatever she’s saying
Just because the Babettes believe her lies doesn't mean the police files will. In the eyes of the police her false accusation of the University letting people hack their system is far more serious than people asking Babs difficult yet valid questions
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What I'm not sure she realises that to everyone else who isn't in tattle, those questions just look like questions from attendees, but because Babs reads Tattle she knows that they MAY be questions from tattlers. She can't be sure who these questions were from though.

Babs advertised a public event she was going to be at, the public attended and participated and she had a tantrum.
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Lady Doodle

VIP Member
She got narky when someone asked if Erin had received any mean comments at school and she wouldn’t entertain it.
And the bit about how her kids are barely featured on her Instagram or YouTube? Whaaaaaat?! 😳
This made me so cross!!!!! She's such a liar!
Her kids don't feature in her content much apparently! Except when there is a Holiday to blog and show off about. Or there's money in it for them/her!
It's 9 weeks into 2022 and the kids feature in 18 EIGHTEEN grid posts on her Insta so far!!!
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Lady Doodle

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My favourite part was when she said she's careful what she posts online because she might want to return to teaching one day 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The mention of the "Spread Eagle on the bed in her big pants" post was a definite nod to Tattle, she's apparently going to continue to post this until she's 65!
Good luck with reprising that teaching role Bab!
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Kofi Annan

Well-known member
I'm signed up to Eventbrite (who hosted the zoom) through work so could've attended, even though I'm not staff, student or alumni 🖕
I regularly get emails to lots of seminars that have nothing to do with my job, and although some of these pre-screen the attendees, not all do, so it would be easy for it to have been open to anyone.

Do your homework Babs... Or better still, get your ducks in order in your shitty life and then you won't have to answer the awkward questions.
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Chatty Member
On her brummymummyof2 Facebook page.
Thank you! Was really tempted to respond on FB pointing out how absurd her ‘hacking’ comments were but forwarded the screenshots instead. My ex colleague (who had never heard of her before) immediately called her a stupid twat. I always liked him! 😃

*If* I’d been in that session I’d be writing a very strongly worded letter to both the senior leadership team and the HR department of Birmingham Uni highlighting the fact that someone is claiming on a publicly visible social media site that a session they held in their name is claimed to have been hacked. *If* it were true, they have a duty to alert attendees. *If* she’s not telling the truth (she’s not) she’s on a very slippery slope and could be facing legal action.

Edit to add - *If* I’d been in the session and felt inclined to highlight this major issue to the institution she’s effectively slagging off, I’d probably cc in BTEC Paul as well.
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Lady Doodle

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Ok I’m wrong she did mention it!!!
Ffs grow up love! About time you realised that you have to learn to deal with not everyone liking you. You’re a massive bellend so it’s bound to happen!
Obviously going for the sympathy vote to blow more smoke up her ever expanding arse.
Oh just fuck off Emma. You really are just a horrible bitch.
She was already on the defensive on that zoom, she's very very fake. I cannot understand why UoB wanted to entertain her shit show!
I'm proud of all of my qualifications I have awarded by UoB but I'll be honest, they've gone down in my estimation a bit today!
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WTF is she on about this morning? Doing some “mumming”? Eh? And she has a “mum in” appointment, according to her captions? Dick. Making it even more obvious she usually does fuck all with the kids in the mornings before school 🤦🏼‍♀️
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I reported her story referring to China town as the “chinese part of london” 🙂 Doubt IG will do anything at all but I feel better hah. Will she get a notification saying someone reported her?
Also that Zebra dress is AWFUL 🤣 She’s spent around £500 at least on clothes, maybe even including those docs and platform converse but those two would have been about £250 at least together. So maybe she has spent over £700/800 on clothes and shoes since the new year? And she can’t find anything to wear tomorrow, absolutely ridiculous 😂😂

ETA: she’s gone and spent at least £20 on a blazer just like that, god must be so nice to have all that money. READ THE ROOM
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Chatty Member
Thread suggestion: Babs bragging about her mumming, when deep down all PUS wants is a good old fashioned bumming.
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Chatty Member
Funny how different she looks when the photo isn’t taken from up a ladder. 🙄
Shiny mess, she's done my head in today. I think the 'real' her shone through on her zoom tantrum.

I bid you incredibly clever cowbags good night. Can't believe I'm saying that before Babs herself, she's out wayyyy past her bedtime!
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There is a meltdown / woe is me post coming up. Will include things such as ‘I feel like I should give up my SM life’ etc etc.
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Lady Doodle

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How does she know these questions weren't from University staff or Alumni, who were legitimately invited guests!?
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