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VIP Member
Sorry don’t know why some people think he can do better or he is better than her? People seem to think because he works he is better?

Imo they are both gross as each other and are perfect for each other in every sense and neither one can do better. Perfect manchild for the tantruming toddler that is brogan
I actually think hes a decent bloke. Brogans changed him.
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Active member
Same! I’m quite an active person, but the flu completely floored me. I just couldn't move from my bed. They say to tell the difference between a cold and the flu - with a cold you’d pick up a £20 note if it was on the floor. With the flu, you just don’t have the energy. “Flu” sounds cooler than having a “cold” though doesn’t it Bogey.... 🙄
Yeah this is exactly what a doctor friend told me! When I genuinely had the flu I was stuck in bed for a whole week and struggled to get up for the toilet, a drink etc. Everything was 1000 times harder to do. There was no chance I’d get out of bed for £20!
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I too was taken off the pill at the mean mention of a migraine with aura due to stroke risk!

I watched an old vlog back and what shocked me was her voice change! It has changed a lot!!!
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Well-known member
If I had the "flu" I wouldn't be at a press event swaying with Gary Barlow shes hell to watch all ready now she will be like Garys added me on twitter were best pals can imagine Benji meeting him baseball cap backwards howzit going man (y) s'laters 🤦‍♀️

I bet she doesn't even know who he is 😂
Well Alice her air b&b besto is currently sipping champagne at the shard in London wonder if the “ flu” patient dragged herself along 🙄
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Chatty Member
She talks shit. I let it slip that I get aura migraines to my GP (not even the actual headache, just the aura) once or twice a year and they took me off the pill immediately. I was so upset. No way they'd keep her on it with suffering from actual migraines.
And as for getting fast tracked in A&E for migraines, as if!
I get these too and she definitely talks shit, like 24/7 🤣
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Chatty Member
Jesus she packs some shit ! I reckon she could have packed half of what she did, I bet she doesn't use it all!!
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VIP Member
Why would she not just think 'oh well' and go out with her plus one anyway? Bet she cancelled the plus one completely

Why would she not just think 'oh well' and go out with her plus one anyway? Bet she cancelled the plus one completely
She would need to make an effort and pay for things if she did that - god forbid!
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Chatty Member
A bit of topic...but how many people ( us lot ) have CCTV?
Is it the norm or are they being extra?

We don't, and I don't actually know anyone who does. But I don't live in a city so..
We do but I live in London so maybe it’s different. Unfortunately there is the occasional break ins/attempted break ins on my street. The smart robbers know where the cameras are and avoid facing the camera though! Not sure about Bogey though probably another status thing 😂
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Chatty Member
Their definitely going to Disney this year as she said in the Q&A that their waiting until after Disney later in the year until they get a dog
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‘I was seen quite quickly because I’ve got a history of migraines’ you and me both brogan but it wouldn’t get you prioritised in a and e
you're joking, i have a history of seizures/migraines and am not prioritised simply because 'im epileptic' turns out i actually did have tonsiltis and my seizures got worse, so brogie stfu
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VIP Member
All hail Brogladyte for getting up at a normal time like the rest of the adult world! Poor didums having a snotty nose and cough. So unwell she has to put it on her stories! Waste of time! She has a common cold which she's feeling crappy with given her unhealthy body and diet! Her heart has had enough of her shit diet and pepsi lifestyle! Gp doesn't sound like they wanted to broach the weight so sent her to a&e! So waste of gp and a&e time as she won't make any changes.
Why’s she left the vlog the day of upload to edit?!? Surely that’s cutting it fine just incase something happens? What if her internet went down in speed?
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