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There does seem to be a gleefulness - or naivety? - on part of some people (not necessarily on here) to regard every aspect of X & Y as malevolent manipulation that’s so demonic it’s incredibly rare.

Obviously their plotting to kill and the horrific way they stabbed Brianna was demonic.

But X being thrown out of school for giving another student cannabis (to quote what a detective said) is really bloody commonplace with all types of secondary schools. It’s not unusual or the most horrifying behaviour that happens at school.

Teenagers meeting on a Saturday afternoon to do cocaine is also not totally uncommon.

Young defendants getting reasonable adjustments for ADHD and autism and their age is standard. There is a disproportionate number of people with ADHD and to a lesser extent autism in prison/juvenile detention centres.

Teenagers stabbing teenagers to death is also unfortunately a regular occurrence. Three other teenagers were stabbed to death by other teenagers during the week Brianna was killed.
Just yesterday or the day before, two 18- year olds were convicted of killing another teenager with a knife (machete) when they were 17.

A charity has done research and said that knife crime amongst teenagers has increased a lot since the pandemic.

However big the wish to regard X and Y as evil and psychotic and beyond comprehension, there are some societal issues at play that’s affected a lot of people. There are too many families who have lost their teenage child to knife crime. It’s just most of the cases don’t get 10% of the press and social media coverage that this one has.
Here here. I’ve not seen anyone on here or anywhere mention the current knife crime epidemic which is killing teenagers at a rapid rate. People are more concerned that it was a hate crime, rather than looking at the facts that it part of a growing culture of teenagers that are killing each other weekly with knives. Not just kitchen knives, great big fuck off machetes.
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I agree with doubting/questioning if they both stabbed Brianna, however Justice Yip said that this is one if the questions the jury must ask themselves:

Are we sure that the defendant we are considering deliberately participated in the killing of Brianna, whether by stabbing her or causing, assisting or encouraging the other defendant to stab her?

They might not have both stabbed her, but I could 100% say yes to that question given what we have heard in the trial.
nail. head.

based on the evidence presented, I am 100% certain that they are both responsible for causing her death, regardless of who stabbed her. Evidence:
Girl XBoy Y
Brought WeaponNoYes
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I'm in sobbing after watching the statements of both parents. Poor Brianna. I hope they rot in hell the evil bastards. I couldn't give a shit about whether they display any disorder traits they knew what they were doing. Rest in peace lovely girl.
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I’ve found Girl X’s mum on Facebook. They look like such a normal, run of the mill family.
There is a photo of Girl X as a little girl riding a pony on there - I know we keep saying it but it’s absolutely insane (and quite sad) looking at her in that photo and knowing what we know now.
I totally agree with Esther, I feel a degree of sympathy for them - I wonder if they blame themselves. Having said that,
I’m sorry but I hope Boy Y’s dad is feeling guilty - on what planet does any responsible parent buy their 15 year old child a hunting knife?!
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I’m somewhat shocked that people would be “shocked” by photos of X as a toddler looking innocent.
I mean seriously, what are people who think that expecting - a toddler dressed as a devil wielding a plastic knife and wearing a gleeful grin?

Aside from the fact that I’m not sure if toddlers can look evil, there’s a lot of depravity committed every day by people who look and seem “innocent”. Rapists for example. It’s wrong to think you can tell from a few social media photos.
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I wouldn't struggle to reach a decision based on the judges directions. I would however struggle to make a decision if we had to be sure who had been the one to use the knife.

Guilty AF, both of them.

And I'm not sure if they will retire today as there is summing up etc but I'm sure by tomorrow they will have done. I am hoping for a quick return from the jury but we hoped that with the LL trial too and that didn't go as we had hoped!
I would also be confident to return a guilty verdict for both of them. Agree it’s much harder to say who actually did the stabbing (probably both) but from the evidence I’ve heard, they are both 100% guilty of murder.

And as much as the evidence was stacked up against her, I think the LL trial was always going to take longer to deliberate, it was a hugely complex and lengthy trial involving multiple charges and lots of complicated medical evidence. Fingers crossed this one is much quicker and they reach the right decision.
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As well as Brianna’s family and friends, I’m also feeling for all the other children named and their families. Even if they weren’t on The Kill List…

Girl A and Boy O must have found it traumatic to be so closely associated with, and discussed by, two murderers. Especially as their own names will be known by many.
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In my opinion, only Boy Y will be found guilty of killing. Both will be found guilty of planning which is enough to make sure they’re both sentenced.
They are charged with murder, that is the only crime they can each be convicted of. It’s not split into killing and planning.

The evidence is very clear they were both involved in murdering Brianna and they should both be found guilty. I expect nothing less.

Whilst knowing exactly who did what may answer some questions, it fortunately does not actually matter in terms of securing a murder conviction. They are both culpable, they both played their part in this horrific crime and they will both get long sentences (although probably not long enough).
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Chatty Member
I am so relieved that they are both guilty and my heart breaks for Brianna's family and I will probably get hate for this but I also feel a bit sad for the families of X and Y
As a parent I can’t imagine the reaction or feelings to hearing your child who was mid teens has murdered another child. You never want to believe your child would be a murderer never mind at such a young age.
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It's actually making me really uncomfortable how Twitter has exploded with making this political about her gender. If they had even been remotely following the trial, she was not murdered because she was trans, she was murdered because essentially she was next on the list. I'm not GC. I have no string feelings either way but the people on Twitter do themselves no favours calling anyone transphobic who points out correctly that this is in fact not why she was murdered because they are so desperate to make this into something it's not and use her for it. What it is is awful enough without trying to gain some political win.
Twitter is an absolute cess pit. Im convinced people just post inflammatory stuff on there for a reaction. GC is a huge subject & highly emotive one & some people let their emotion towards the subject (both sides) cloud their judgement. They just shout the loudest to try & be heard. There are lots of cases where a trans person is targeted for an attack - this is not one of them. Brianna was vulnerable for many reasons & this is why she was targeted. Sadly, when they are putting out incorrect information & claims, it just makes the “opposing” sides views look more credible.

I’ve stopped looking on Twitter as it’s absolutely full of morons & I get scroll rage !! The amount of homophobic, transphobic, racist & misogynistic comments on there sickens me.
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Does anyone know if there is likely to be a serious case review of some sort or is that only if it’s a child death/murder in the family home?

I feel like we need to understand what happened for two 15 year olds to do something so horrific. Could there have been anything done to prevent this? Maybe there wasn’t but I think just labelling them as evil without looking into the history of X and Y is too easy. Was Brianna let down by adults ignoring anything known to them about X and Y?
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Well-known member
They are wiping the floor with them both. As they should.

And I'm so glad she's bringing up this phoney excessive autism thing too. I'm sure he is autistic, but i'm also certain he's playing on it too.

Can't say I'd ever considered that he was interested in Briannas genitalia, but that does make sense in many ways and perhaps it explains why he was so very covered in blood?
Sorry but he's definitely playing on his diagnosis. It is lying, but it's also manipulation.


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I disagree. Everyone deserves a second chance. Given in the correct way, and carefully. I work with vulnerable children, many of whom have been awful and experienced awful things. This obviously means I'm biased. Nobody I have ever worked with has done anything so heinous though.

But that's ok, I know others feel differently and I respect that. I can absolutely see that some feel they are beyond help and chances.
Everyone deserves a second chance if it’s not putting the public at risk. I’m not sure I could believe (Girl X especially) being fully rehabilitated. I’m fed up of these cases where criminals get released because boo hoo “they have human rights too and deserve another chance” and then go on to commit more offences. I think parole boards have a lot to answer for. Especially the scum that is Venables - he should never have been released, especially not after being recalled!

This isn’t aimed at you but I’m just quoting your response to rant!
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Chatty Member
I do believe they should be named. If they get a 20 year sentence they will be out at 35. This crime was horrific. The public have every right to be aware of them if we will one day be exposed to them. Brianna’s face, personal information, messages, videos, medical information and anxieties are everywhere, without her knowledge. Expose the little scroats.
I agree wholeheartedly. The cold calculation, premeditation, lack of remorse and frenzied violence of this murder totally supersede their age.
I can’t predict the future but I get Jon Venables vibes from them -i.e risk of reoffending, a serious danger to society and unlikely to be rehabilitated
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I personally think (and hope) that the pair of them get the same amount of time behind bars.
One isn’t more to blame than the other imo. They’re both calculated, manipulative liars in their own way. Not one of them has had the decency to tell the truth.

What is truthful though is that Y brought the knife, X had “the plan” in her bedroom. Whether it was a “fantasy” or not, she clearly knew how manipulative she could be (especially the way she said she loves playing the victim)
They are both to blame. I really don’t think either of them would have done anything this evil without the other.

I really hope Brianna’s family get the justice they deserve.
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Be More Pacific

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What does naming them actually achieve?
Nothing. It would achieve absolutely nothing. Never does except to make the "name and shame" vigilante fucking idiots happy.

Although I've only followed the trial loosely, I don't think Justice Yip will name them. She's a very experienced judge and deals with a lot of cases involving people under eighteen. I've certainly followed trials trials where she has presided before. I just don't think she will given their combined 'issues'. Doesn't matter if their names are all over social media already - that happens in virtually every case now anyway.

And just a word of warning, unless the restrictions are lifted, naming them is breaking the law and that includes posting anything that could identify them.

If their names are revealed what will you do with that info? Genuinely interested to know your motivations. Will it enhance your life in any way?
Again, this. Nail on head.

In the case of Thompson & Venables, let's look at what we got by naming them. Well, we got four photographs to look at and say "oh, I can see the evil pouring out of them" 🙄 We also got a thirty years of press coverage, legal issues and the cost to us, as a country, to protect them, I couldn't even imagine.

By not naming them, the case will be forgotten, exactly the same as the Angela Wrightson case in Hartlepool. A couple of days of coverage then it just died away because the press couldn't name them so were basically hamstrung. The judge in that case was actually a junior barrister involved in the James Bulger trial. He chose not to name the two very damaged teenage girls involved, despite their names being all over social media, and that was 100% the right call. I just can't see that Justice Yip would want to whip up a potential media storm. And you know what, despite what the Daily Mail commentors think, that's what they get paid the big bucks for - their wiseness.

And I'm sorry to people who are clearly invested in this but, to me, it's not an exception case. Two misfits came together and murdered someone. It's not the first time and it certainly won't be the last.
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Chatty Member
I just can’t get it out my head the amount of times they stabbed her. Imagine the fear she would have gone though, all the opportunities to stop and they just kept going. Horrendous
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