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VIP Member
I can see so much on Girl X’s mums facebook page and it’s because she’s a friend of my cousin who, judging by facebook, has been a friend of hers for years as they have multiple pictures together spanning over the last 10 years 😯 I’m going to have to ask about her at Christmas dinner and ask why her kid turned out so fucked up in the head
Maybe not the best subject to broach round the dinner table…..but do tell!
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My hormones & emotions are bat shit crazy at the minute but I just had a little cry at hearing that verdict. Purely for Brianna’s parents, they have lost a child in the most horrific way. Somehow, I hope they gain some comfort from these two evil bastards rotting for the rest of their days.
Edit, surely X & Y families weren’t expecting any other verdict?!
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Not the main one, posted almost daily through Feb. I’m suprised they haven’t been run out of town, they must have spun a good yarn to distance themselves from their homicidal sadistic nephew/son to have so many people still giving them business & to still be so confidently promoting it……..I find it quite sickening how they still have a picture of him proudly on their page & quite indicative of their feelings towards him actually……..
His family are not responsible for his crimes. If they were, they would be up in court too. Imagine moving towns and shutting down your business just because your weirdo cousin killed someone, what would that achieve? His family are victims of this too, we don’t know their family dynamic but they have (even if it’s his own fault) lost somebody that they loved too. I can’t imagine what it’s like to have a member of the family that’s not only committed this offence, but the whole entire world know about it too.
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Giving the killers anonymity equates with giving them a layer of protection, which to me (I know people will disagree which is fine it’s good that we all have different view points) doesn’t hold them fully accountable, and when what they have done is so barbaric, so planned out, violent & cruel, I think even the tiniest shred of not holding them absolutely accountable is a slap in the face to the the victim & their family
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But the murder is the crime that was committed. There was no intention behind it different to what the intention would have been if it would have been somebody other than Brianna
Brianna would have been killed whether she was trans or not. It was whatever child on that list that they could lure to meet them first. Y dehumanised each child on that list and said distasteful things about them all.
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I feel like we’ve been through an experience together on here. Thanks everyone, including and especially anyone who disagreed respectfully.

The right verdict. Brianna is in my thoughts.
Likewise, I haven't followed a trial since Star Hobson two years ago and I spent most of my day on Tattle and again with this one. I've really enjoyed everyone's opinion and discussion, don't know if enjoy is the right word but you all know what I mean. I didn't get to go over and see some of the trial as I started a new job recently, I know some people jumped down my throat that I was going over for entertainment purposes but I wasn't at all. Hoping anybody who attended here is willing to give their insight
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Chatty Member
Does this mean the defendants or the cells in the court generally?
View attachment 2637581

there's plenty to suggest he would in the messages he sent, sadly.
If we are judging these teens by taking their text messages as fact, the girl has also murdered twice before. This speculation about the boy being “transphobic” seems ridiculous. Why not also speculate whether the girl was about to take Brianna’s eye as a trophy, as she boasted she would?

Yes, he used crude language. They both did. I don’t even think this silly Snapchat showing off qualifies him as transphobic, let alone suggests a hate crime, never mind this slightly grotesque guesswork about him rooting through bloodied clothes into a dying teenager’s underwear. There’s no need for such bizarre ideas in my opinion. The crime is horrific enough.
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I can see so much on Girl X’s mums facebook page and it’s because she’s a friend of my cousin who, judging by facebook, has been a friend of hers for years as they have multiple pictures together spanning over the last 10 years 😯 I’m going to have to ask about her at Christmas dinner and ask why her kid turned out so fucked up in the head
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Really? They didn't commit any crime. I'm sure this has devestated them and they've had to show up to work every day regardless because they have bills to pay like the rest of society
Absolutely this 💯. He is the criminal here, not his extended family.
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I think everyone, or at least most people, on this thread have been so open to everyone's feelings, opinions and criticism. I've been an avid follower and reader, albeit not the biggest replier, but let's not let the lower obsessive X types pollute how good this thread has been for everyone to have a greater understanding.
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I think I might. If I was pushed to say that beyond all reasonable doubt I believe they had both stabbed her.

I hope that makes sense?
I agree with doubting/questioning if they both stabbed Brianna, however Justice Yip said that this is one if the questions the jury must ask themselves:

Are we sure that the defendant we are considering deliberately participated in the killing of Brianna, whether by stabbing her or causing, assisting or encouraging the other defendant to stab her?

They might not have both stabbed her, but I could 100% say yes to that question given what we have heard in the trial.
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JY: “It is inevitable that the defendants’ identities will become widely known at some stage.

“I am unable to conclude there is a good reason to maintain reporting restrictions following conviction and sentence. There is a strong public interest in full reporting on an exceptional case.”

Common sense and the right decision IMO. I wonder if on social media it will start to build up momentum anyway but let’s see.
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Regardless of the trans debate a child has been murdered in cold blood and it just makes me so sad. I wish she would have had friends like myself who would have helped and enriched her life and helped her rather than using her insecurities against her. What ever you might feel about trans people and pervy men this was a kid who merely trying to exist and I dunno it just makes me feel sad she was exploited.
She was exploited and now she's being exploited in death and that is a fact that makes me very angry.
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Elle Woods

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The fact that you obviously tried to find them, the names won't just suddenly have appeared when you log onto facebook. You MUST have searched. That says a lot about your character.
I think you're being harsh commenting on their character. I know the names of the defendants and I didn't go searching - a video about Brianna was on my Tiktok FYP and in the search bar it had the defendant's names.

It's natural human instinct to wonder who committed such a horrific crime - you're going on as if people are terrible for wondering.
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Thank god for that, poor girl met a horrible death when she already had her own internal struggles. X thought Brianna wouldn't be missed, the only ones who won't be missed are these two weirdos
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I think they’re both guilty, I think they both stabbed B.
Girl X is a personality-disorder type liar, manipulator, enjoys causing suffering, would tell you the sky is green and the grass is blue. Boy Y is a different type of liar and manipulator, more sophisticated by using language and seemingly helpful but still a liar with a desire to kill and homophobi/transphobic. My opinion. Two different flavours of psycho.
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Chatty Member
They did with letby and I feel it adds context to the transcripts we’ve read of their interviews, I’d rather see clips of their interviews than the 999 call of a panicked member of the public who is a victim of this crime by being in the wrong place at the wrong time

I see where you’re coming from but in grief people tend to take comfort from such things. I have experienced family members engage in sympathy from sources which contributed to a death by suicide, different subject but still feeding into one of the causes of the issues that were a catalyst for the events. Brianna being trans has been thrashed out on here as a factor in the murder or not since the start but I feel her mother of all people must have the measure of how she would have wanted to be remembered and what causes (if that’s the right term) she would have wanted to be aligned with in her absence
I completely agree with you & think it’s really cruel to even attempt to criticise a mother who has just lost her child
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I suspect given Brianna’s own mental health issues and the way her mother has conducted herself throughout, she’s likely to have been quite understanding of reasonable adjustments for the defendants, especially if it means justice gets done.

Kudos to the judge and court for taking steps to ensure a secure conviction and reduce the chance of an appeal that would cause further distress too.
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I've not discussed anything about this on here before, but this case is close to home (literally) and my good friend is a TA in the high-school they all attended.
The affect this had had on the pupils and staff alike is horrendous, and unimaginable to the parents of Brianna who by all accounts, are fantastic and dealt with this case in a respectful manner. I doubt I would do the same, I would be literally stripping the skin off those 2 abhorrent cunts faces.

And yes, their names have been outed on FB, tiktok, and I'm sorry, but I have little sympathy for their parents.
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Teenagers meeting on a Saturday afternoon to do cocaine is also not totally uncommon.
I remember dragging my daughter home at about 16/17 after realising that the 'sleepover' she was going on was attending a huge illegal rave, with friends, with plenty of drugs involved at the gathering. She was a good student and well behaved child and aside from that one night, had never been close to breaking the law. Needless to say I hit the roof.

I dread to think how, if her life had ended that night, that she may well have been portrayed as a bad kid, off doing drugs, partying, etc. Because of that I think twice about viewing their home lives as necessarily problematic because of it.
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