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But it's alright for Brian and Arthur to comment on a other woman and how terrible she looked just after giving birth
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I'm delighted Blu arrived early, give that lazy fooker a boot up the hole, he was thinking he had at least a couple of weeks to get all his pampering and fillers done and now he has to feed his newborn. I've kinda lost my sympathy for Aoife too, I'm sure she had multiple places to go to recover and get waited on and finally start her own life but she chooses to stay with dumb and dumber and be their skivvy.
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Two of the biggest doses around with two big heads on them. Orthur, no one cares if you eat a bun or not and Brian, believe me when I say absolutely no one cares that you’re on paternity leave. Including, I would hazard a guess…all of your co-workers.
Would ye ever go home and take care of your daughter and not leave her with Aoife. Surely Brian could have paid for a taxi home this evening.
Hope you have a wonderful summer pretending it’s just the 4 of you and Aoife isn’t still living there and doing the childcare. She may leave for a couple of weeks like before but she’ll be back.
I am also so sick of them (can you tell lol).
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I wonder how long Brian was holding that little rant in. Could he not have saved it for another day & just wished his sister a happy birthday instead of dragging negativity into it. You can be full sure this will now end up with more than one article written about it and bring more focus on his sister who is trying to keep herself to herself. Well done Brian 👏
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I'm definitely pro surrogacy but in the right circumstances. I just feel like they've had it so easy. I'm ttc with baby number 2 and I'm 40 at the end of the year. My life is taken over by ovulation tests and failed pregnancy tests and don't get me started trying to muster up the time and energy to get down to business with a toddler in the mix! They just have a smugness about it all, they wanted a baby, Aoife offered, off to the clinic they went and boom they have a baby.
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The whole thing is pitiful and they all deserve each other. Brian referencing tinder though must be the stupidest most disrespectful thing I've read from him but he's not exactly blessed with brains is he! Also him so embarrassed to admit his 'playroom' is actually the living room is hilarious.
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Your paying €80 for your child to go to camp for a week, they have fun with the friends, maybe form new friendships. Why would you care about what the GAA put the money towards
If fairness you’d think they’d pick someone interested in sport or fitness. Or who played or went as a kid
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That tinder comment just sums what they think of her perfectly. You’ve done your job, now fuck off.
Exactly. They're finished with her now she has done her job for them (twice) so let's find her a man so she's no longer their responsibility 🙄🙄🙄

Shocked at the underwear photo too - those are private photos for the family and to show Blu if she's interested in the future, not for blasting to all and sundry on social media.
We know Aoife wanted more privacy this to round, so I find it hard to believe she asked them to share those about photos on insta. But yet again, they know she won't say no to them if they tell her they're going on SM.

Between the Tinder comment and the comments about the 'trolls' commenting on her appearance a few weeks back on her birthday post, that's twice now in under a month that Brian has done her dirty on insta under the guide of writing a nice post about her🙄
I'm actually appalled he mentioned Tinder when the woman is still bleeding from giving birth. The poor woman
He has no cop on at all. Who needs enemies (or trolls, even) when you've a brother like Brian.
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The latest grid pics…is there a touch of dwarfism there with aoife? There’s something not quite right I just can’t put my finger on it 🤔
I thought Brian’s birthday post was awful but this type of post is completely out of order. Anyone’s medical information is not fodder for tattle but especially on a thread for someone else entirely. Apparently Aoife has taken a step back from social media, that should be respected, this thread isn’t even for her. What’s the point of a comment like that. So what is she has dwarfism, whose business would it be really. It’s not like it’s a lifestyle choice she made.
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Aoife now on the countdown to delivery. She must be anxious and of course scared like all women with impending births. Such a huge thing to face. She’s actually some woman to go through it all again for them. They shouldn’t have put her through it-whether she offered or not. What was wrong with having one beautiful daughter. What’s wrong with being an only child?
And as everyone above is saying what does she do after. I hope they have a full plan in place to set her up after her ‘paused life’.
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Old Harold

Poor Aoife. Anyone who's had a baby will find it disturbing that those two clowns are prancing around in scrubs for the cameras after what she's been through. I've said it before: The Handmaid's Tale.
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Does that mean if Aoife moved out and took the kids with her they can’t do anything
If she had given birth to Blake & then got on with her own life in her own home &
just visited like any other auntie then it might not be as straight forward but she has been as big as part as Arthur in raising her, more present in her life than Brian who, in his defense, has been working 2 jobs a lot of that time keeping a roof over all their heads but legally she has been as present as any other mother. They can call her Auntie all they like but she has mothered that child since she got pregnant with her. There’s no way she can move on with her life without struggling massively.
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Always liked the name Blake but Blu is awful. They’re not famous enough to get away with a unique name like that, Beyoncé only barely did. Personally think it would have been nice to give a nod to Aoife somewhere in the name, especially when you consider the children have two middle names. In a regular surrogacy situation I wouldn’t think that but this is far from regular and she’s family. How do you repeat Rose and not mention the woman who gave up and sacrificed so much to have children for you? An incredibly selfless act that has included now two major abdominal surgeries
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It’s not over guys. They will have her go again. Arthur said in the column above he wants “siblings” for Blake. They are a pair of manipulative twats and don’t give one fuck about Aoife’s future or potential or meet someone. As far as they’re concerned she’s there to be used and abused as they see fit.
They will keep going for a boy so Orthurs name will be carried on
After watching Orthur on TV3 a few weeks back I felt very uneasy he came across as a manipulative bully bit I said nothing. After reading everyone's posts here last few days I'm not alone - he definitely railroaded Effidy into No 2 and I think the family disagreed and that's why they weren't seen for months.
Him going on the Dowling family holiday without Brian was all for show

I'm afraid his will all end very badly for Aoife, her sisters and Father can see this too
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Chatty Member
I'm definitely pro surrogacy but in the right circumstances. I just feel like they've had it so easy. I'm ttc with baby number 2 and I'm 40 at the end of the year. My life is taken over by ovulation tests and failed pregnancy tests and don't get me started trying to muster up the time and energy to get down to business with a toddler in the mix! They just have a smugness about it all, they wanted a baby, Aoife offered, off to the clinic they went and boom they have a baby.
It really is a man's world!! These 2 haven't a bloody clue what we women go through. And they don't care either. They've gotten what they wanted!! It boils my blood to be honest! X
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Welcome to the world Blu 🙄but in all honesty I’m glad the baby and Aoife are ok. Hope Aoife gets a 1 way ticket and fucks off somewhere to find herself and live her own life.
Poor Blu - this is day 1 of her being subjected to endless content to gain these pair of twats following and get them freebies and adverts galore - courtesy of their little kids. Arthur go stuff your gob with a box of chocolates now the baby is here and your sugar fast has officially ended. 🤣🤣🤣
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Now that Aoife has given Brian & Arthur their dream of a family. I hope she follows her DREAMS! You can't help but feel she is completely exploited by the pair.
Well done Aoife. I hope you have all you ever dreamed of and more!
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