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In their documentary they said she wasn’t allowed near the child after birth and in the documentary they showed them taking child away it’s to avoid the bonding experience after birth I think
I think it’s cruel on the baby. The baby doesn’t know the woman it’s lived in for 9 months, heard talk, felt her emotions, etc isn’t keeping her. Every baby born needs to be near the mother birthing it for that bond and connection. The smell, the skin to skin contact. I know she’s not keeping it and it’s a different situation. It’s just cruel on the baby. It’s a primitive need. 2 good men or 2 good women can raise children but whether anyone likes it or not it takes a man and a woman to make a baby.
Aoife run, don’t walk when you recover from your section.
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His comments are so oppressive and misogynistic. I know we are told that Aoife offered and wanted to help and blah blah blah.... but I have no doubt now after listening to different interviews and hearing the way he talks shit online, that Arthur is the one who put the pressure on.
I just came on to post something very similar. I've seen a very different side to Arthur as time has gone on, culminating in his awful, insensitive words about Aoife today. I agree that it's him who put the pressure on for babies rather than Brian.

Aoife clearly adores Arthur. There are selfies going back 10 plus years on her insta with him - more so than with any other family member. She's infatuated with him and Arthur knows this and uses this to his advantage. He knows she probably would never dare say no to him. Even if she did offer to be their surrogate day one, you can be sure that idea was planted in her head by Arthur.

She's amazing and one of the family when growing his baby, but now Blu is here they are a 'family of four'. Recovering from major surgery is 'relaxing' 🙄 No mention of anyone waiting on Aoife. She's done her job so they've no need for her, currently (until Brian is back to work, or there's an event to go to). I'm sure they do love her but they've exploited her. Her father and sister must be so worried about what's next for Aoife.
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Chatty Member
Everything with them is over dramatised for attention and publicity
Remember last time, 10 days after Blake was born Arthur was on announcing to all that he had such amazing energy and wasn't one bit tired. I think that was the final nail for me (after their disgusting comments about the other women who had given birth... still available to hear on podcasts such as Síle Seoige's I think).
He had no comprehension at all that of course he had fucking energy, he did not birth the baby, nor was he breastfeeding or recovering from a c section. Such male privilege and I really doubt anything has changed this time around.
I was really struck when he and Brian were being interviewed around the time of the "baby train" articles and Arthur became quite impatient with the presenter over questions about Aoife being surrogate again. He kinda shut the conversation down saying that she wanted to and that's that. It smacked of him totally knowing it wasn't the right thing but he was getting what he wanted come hell or high water and did not want to be questioned about it further! Brian actually spoke up and said if she wanted to do it they'd be grateful and Arthur replied impatiently that "she does she does"!! I couldnt believe him, so so pushy. I just think Aoife has been used and I am very sorry for her if she can't see it.
Is the

Is the baby not still beside her though as surely they would have to go through all the same regular tests and checks or do Hollies street keep Blu in the nursery when the dads aren’t there doubt they have these procedures in place to be honest for surrogate situations
Didn't they take Blake away pretty much as soon as she was born. 🤔 I'm fairly sure they did.

ETA extra info
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Being a surrogate is one thing but to then live with them and actually take care of the child is wrong and not what surrogacy is about, so of course people will comment . Just like brian commented on how bad the other women on aoifes ward looked compared to her but that's OK. He really should have wished her happy birthday and left it at that .there is a time and place and her birthday was not the time especially when she does not want to be on sm
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I think I'd feel quite humiliated if I was Aoife and that was my birthday post. He had to draw everyone's attention to these supposed comments about Aoife's appearance, mental health etc, under the guise of it being a kind birthday tribute. There's a time and a place, Brian, and that was not it. I don't care how strong she is, that post couldn't have made her feel good. Also, from what I've seen, people here care more for Aoife and the affect 'pausing' her life for the 2 fellas will have on her long term than either of them ever have.
I thought the very same.
He dragged her name and her appearance and the rest of it through the mud with what he said. And that was supposed to be a happy birthday post 🥴. It was a rotten, rotten thing to do.
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Jesus…practically pushing a toddler to grow up, make way for new baby…when really they are still a baby themselves.
But you know. If Brian hadn’t grabbed the potty when they were grabbing the free new baby stuff today…well then down the line he’d have to PAY for it.
This exactly. It was like supermarket sweep. Grab everything they can, no matter what, cause its free.
This exactly. It was like supermarket sweep. Grab everything they can, no matter what, cause its free.
Also, saw this on another thread.
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His birthday post to her
Oh FFS, try this Brian

"happy birthday to my darling sister, a kind,loving and open hearted woman who has grown our family. Words cannot express how much we love you, have a wonderful day"

But you know talking about her looks, mental health and slagging off other pregnant women at the same hospital as her works too 🤷‍♀️
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Chatty Member
I'm delighted Blu arrived early, give that lazy fooker a boot up the hole, he was thinking he had at least a couple of weeks to get all his pampering and fillers done and now he has to feed his newborn. I've kinda lost my sympathy for Aoife too, I'm sure she had multiple places to go to recover and get waited on and finally start her own life but she chooses to stay with dumb and dumber and be their skivvy.
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Two of the biggest doses around with two big heads on them. Orthur, no one cares if you eat a bun or not and Brian, believe me when I say absolutely no one cares that you’re on paternity leave. Including, I would hazard a guess…all of your co-workers.
Would ye ever go home and take care of your daughter and not leave her with Aoife. Surely Brian could have paid for a taxi home this evening.
Hope you have a wonderful summer pretending it’s just the 4 of you and Aoife isn’t still living there and doing the childcare. She may leave for a couple of weeks like before but she’ll be back.
I am also so sick of them (can you tell lol).
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Exactly and a pamper day for Brian also, does he ever mind blake on his own or spend a full day with her.
I actually don’t think he would be able to mind Blake on his own. Has he a bit of learning disability not being able to do ordinary life things like driving, swimming, moving house, babysitting or is it all just opting out so he doesn’t have to take on any responsibility. ?? Same with the job taking three months off. I predict he will loose those jobs too. What man takes three months off to be at home. Most men would not want that. Then all the rubbish about Aoife being abused and her birthday and he goes for beauty treatments on HER birthday. There isn’t a genuine bone of care in his body for any other human being but himself. What a mess the whole set up is.
Oh the irony.
That pair were commenting negatively on women's appearances in a maternity ward, after the women had given birth. It galls me so much to think that they said that stuff and nobody pulled them up on it. 😡

And then here he is whining about something that didn't happen, about comments that were NOT made.

Why not wish his sister a happy birthday and say how grateful they are to her! He is just making it all about himself, as usual.
Because with a narcissist EVERYTHING has to be about themselves.
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I wonder how long Brian was holding that little rant in. Could he not have saved it for another day & just wished his sister a happy birthday instead of dragging negativity into it. You can be full sure this will now end up with more than one article written about it and bring more focus on his sister who is trying to keep herself to herself. Well done Brian 👏
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I'm definitely pro surrogacy but in the right circumstances. I just feel like they've had it so easy. I'm ttc with baby number 2 and I'm 40 at the end of the year. My life is taken over by ovulation tests and failed pregnancy tests and don't get me started trying to muster up the time and energy to get down to business with a toddler in the mix! They just have a smugness about it all, they wanted a baby, Aoife offered, off to the clinic they went and boom they have a baby.
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Time off to relax?! She's recovering from major surgery / giving birth. The mental, emotional and physical toll on her. The ignorance.
Sorry now but Aoife is a right gobshite if she’s staying in that house with the 2 of those prize idiots while she’s recovering. She needs to be totally detached and looked after in a different house as it was a surrogacy - when her milk comes in and every time she hears the baby cry for milk, her boobs will be gushing milk out. It’s nature after all and used to happen to me when I had my babies. Nothing natural about this living situation when her emotions/hormones/pain of section recovery and milk is coming in.
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Mad that they plastered poor Aoife all over social media this weekend when they have said for months that SHE decided she didn’t want any presence with hThis pregnancy. Then Brian makes a statement about her on social media telling the world people are discussing her and how she looks. This is absolutely attention seeking nonsense and very cruel to Aoife.
What Brian did to his beloved Aoife with that 'birthday tribute' was far more cruel than anything any so called troll has done.
I would think it’s too early to train her she’s not even 2. But maybe cause new baby coming they want her done but still don’t see the rush
They're too mean to pay for two lots of nappies.
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Your paying €80 for your child to go to camp for a week, they have fun with the friends, maybe form new friendships. Why would you care about what the GAA put the money towards
If fairness you’d think they’d pick someone interested in sport or fitness. Or who played or went as a kid
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The latest grid pics…is there a touch of dwarfism there with aoife? There’s something not quite right I just can’t put my finger on it 🤔
I thought Brian’s birthday post was awful but this type of post is completely out of order. Anyone’s medical information is not fodder for tattle but especially on a thread for someone else entirely. Apparently Aoife has taken a step back from social media, that should be respected, this thread isn’t even for her. What’s the point of a comment like that. So what is she has dwarfism, whose business would it be really. It’s not like it’s a lifestyle choice she made.
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