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‘Paused your own life’ Brian would you ever fook off, she’s done more than that, she’s given it all up for you and that guffawing buffoon.
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Aoife darling I really hope your ok. To do this once was one thing but doing it twice!!! I just hope that one day when this all hits her she’ll have plenty support around her. Then again I feel like now even if she does have regrets and realise she’s made their dreams come true while missing out on her own she’ll have no choice but to carry on and pretend she’s ok. My heart really hurts for her. Her recovery from a c section is huge, she’ll be in a lot of pain yet on her own with no baby to hold that’s gotta be tough. Imagine the hormones and how emotional she must be, I remember what it was like for me like it was only yesterday. No one prepares you for that side of things holy god- the mind really is scary after giving birth!! I read a comment above saying the babies are taken away from her so there is no bond made😩Personally I went through a tough time after my last baby and for a while as much as I hate saying this and still feel bad- I did not bond with my baby for some time. Tbh it took maybe a few weeks and then bam I can’t even explain the feeling but it was the best feeling ever we just bonded and connection was amazing and I would just hate to think that after all this settles and aoifes back there in a few weeks time she would feel the same😥and yes I know I know it’s different when it’s surrogacy bla bla bla but I’m sorry but carrying TWO babies and giving birth to them THEN living under the same rough and basically raising them has got to be hard I don’t care what they say! God I could go on and on…..I have so many questions…..I really hope she can move on from this and start living a life for HER.
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Sounds like Aoife went into labour herself, and Sunday was not the planned delivery date?
I hope she's OK too. She had said in the past she did not want to deliver the baby vaginally, that she wanted a more controlled situation. So I do hope she is ok.
I hope Arthur will leave her alone now and not be looking for a 3rd! I really hope she breaks away from them after this but she's so deeply entrenched now I don't know if she'll be able.

Edited to add that I had a giggle over the fact that Brian's plans of a week or 2 downtime before baby arrived didnt happen!! Then again knowing him he'll still take all the downtime he wants!
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Arthur told RSVP Live: "Aoife has been absolutely incredible. From day one she knew we wanted siblings for Blake.
"We have been so loud saying that we want a brother or sister for Blake. When she came to us, she said she really wanted to do it and help us again.

I bet they were loud about it, what was it like for Aoife in that house, raising Blake, and hearing all the time that they wanted siblings for Blake, the amount of pressure must have been unreal. I think they have applied a good deal of emotional manipulation on Aoife, I hope she has practical and emotional support to get away from the pair of them. But realistically, she's 35 and out of the workplace for two maternity leaves, so I don't know where she goes from here, housing is expensive so her options are limited there, maybe living with a family member to get back on her feet. I don't envy her, she has a long physical and emotional recovery ahead of her.
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So they forbid her even the odd fizzy drink during pregnancy…hmmm interesting.

I note they didn't forbid her spending hours on her feet cooking roast dinners every week (and the rest).
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Blu wasn't due till middle of next week, I wonder how many pampering sessions Brian had to cancel this week cos we all know this was going to be his relaxing week before baby.
Well done Blu for arriving two days after Daddy finished work 👏
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The family of four comment has to hurt if Aoife is watching his stories from afar, recovering after birth and away from the two kids. You’ll never convince me that she doesn’t see herself as part of that family. She has no other life. Her whole Instagram is dedicated to Brian, Arthur and Blake.
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I think I'd feel quite humiliated if I was Aoife and that was my birthday post. He had to draw everyone's attention to these supposed comments about Aoife's appearance, mental health etc, under the guise of it being a kind birthday tribute. There's a time and a place, Brian, and that was not it. I don't care how strong she is, that post couldn't have made her feel good. Also, from what I've seen, people here care more for Aoife and the affect 'pausing' her life for the 2 fellas will have on her long term than either of them ever have.

It always makes me laugh when these influencers cherry pick comments/part of comments to bitch about on their social media, but never manage to tell the whole story as it'd rightly make them look bad (like in this case, him and Arthur comparing Aoife to the other post partum ladies in the hospital - that's perfectly OK but God help anyone who feels that what him and Arthur are doing isn't right, you're all trolls 🙄).

It's quite easy to keep your private life off social media and then no-one can have an opinion on it. It's simple, really, but of course they'll never do that. Easier to blame everybody else than to look at your own behaviour.
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I think she needs to find and be herself ASAP.
As many have said here already, she’s in way too deep. She’s far too involved in all of their lives to easily walk away now. No job, no home, if she goes back to her previous type of work she’ll be lucky to be able to afford a boxroom in a house share if she wants to stay in Dublin, I wouldn’t like to be in her position now.
And if someone connected to them is reading this & relaying it all back to them, it’s the reality of the situation & im saying it out of genuine concern, I’m not here to troll. In their own words ‘she paused her life’ for them but I don’t think any of them have really thought about where she goes from here. While she paused her life, her friends lives carried on and they might not be as free as they were 3-4 years ago when all of this began.
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So orfur felt guilty that his husband had to get a bus for 10mins so he collected him, but he didn’t feel guilty that his 9 month pregnant surrogate was minding his kid all day long while he was eating working and could have gone straight home to relieve her of her duties.
Horrible humans. Poor Aoife, it’s a dogs life she has.
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I still can’t get over Orfur being an ambassador for the GAA. The oddest pairing I’ve ever seen. He has never once shown an interest in the GAA or physical fitness in any way, in fact, he’s the opposite!
How the hell are they vetting their ambassadors? Such a strange thing for them to do.
Nice to know our €80 for Cúl Camp is going towards orfur stuffing his face with sugar and telling himself he’s off it 🙄
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So will they give Aoife the rest of the week off do you think, or will she back doing the roast dinner for them by Sunday?

This entire thing is just depressing, and I hope Aoife and the children have all the emotional support they will need.
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You’d feel for Aoife. Recovering in hospital. No baby beside her. In a huge amount of pain after the caesarean.
I know I know; that’s the idea of surrogacy. But that isn’t a normal surrogacy situation.
But I guess it’s okay cos on his post Brian SHOUTED that she’s a SUPERSTAR.
Two babies for them in two years. Yikes.
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Exactly and a pamper day for Brian also, does he ever mind blake on his own or spend a full day with her.
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But the role of a surrogate is to hand the baby over and that's it job done but aoife is living with the child and pregnant with their second but also she is helping to rear blake at the moment which is not something a surrogate should do,
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Arthur constantly refers to her as "auntie aoife" and today his comment about family of four showed his true colours and mindset. For all his nice guy persona he's quite the lethal operator underneath. He's an expert at people pleasing and that comes at a cost. Effidy will be humoured as long as he sees fit.
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The thing that makes me especially uncomfortable and as two men they really don’t realise, is the toll a pregnancy takes on you physically and emotionally. My 3rd baby is nearly two and only in the last month or so am I really starting to feel like myself again. She has the added complexity of all the emotions related to handing over the baby she grew for 9 months, which no matter how prepared you are, has to be hugely difficult, especially when they are family and in your life. Adding to that, the physical recovery, it just doesn’t sit right. Asking her to be their surrogate again or accepting if she offered, was very wrong given the emotional state she would have been in only one year or less postpartum. I am in no way against surrogacy or a gay couple having a baby, but this situation isn’t right and they know it too.
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Absolutely no one wants that photo of them posted on the Internet. NO ONE!! has he absolutely no fucking shame. The poor girl not only in a vulnerable moment but also in her underwear wtf is wrong with this dope
I was going to post the screen grab of it but I just feel it's wrong so I deleted
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