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VIP Member
It has already passed the Commons. It seems to me the voting against it is largely symbolic - the Commons can ultimately overrule the Lords anyway.
Why do they bother then ? give the old folks something to do🤷‍♀️
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Ah, Brexit. One of the final nails in the "United Kingdom." Every cloud and all that..
As no one can deny that it has damaged the UK beyond repair..not that we were really "united" to start with.
The fact Scotland is being dragged out has pissed many of us off, and I will admit that I am sad that Brexit went ahead and people voted the way they did. They were foolish to believe the lies from the likes of Farage (seriously, when you think people can't get any stupider) and Boris..Well, need i say more?

Of course many others voted with their racist heads on and they were voting to leave the EU regardless, least said about those types of people, the better.

Only now are some of the morons are realising and complaining about what they are losing, pity they didn't think of that before. Too little too late, I'm afraid. Maybe if they had really thought then things may have been different, who knows. They swallowed up the lies Farage and Johnson fed them. (Johnson, whose father is now applying for French couldn't make it up!)

The racists among the voters were never going to change their views, a lost cause some could say.

Now, here we are.
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VIP Member
I wonder how smooth a transition it would've been had the pandemic not occurred ? would the American election still have had as big an impact or would Boris have pushed for the "no deal" (he still could) the wait is killing 😂
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VIP Member
Have the final papers been signed between the UK and EU ? the unionists could make it very difficult to get goods through even to the detriment of their own the EU might decide it's not worth the hassle .
I actually don't know if everything's water tight yet or not. I'm starting to think not as that would explain the motivation for the no confidence vote towards Foster. Time running out to dig their heels in perhaps and they knew Foster wouldn't go in hard enough.
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VIP Member
..and to add to their troubles they still have Biden to deal with - which will probably be another shitshow in the making, especially when Northern Ireland is pushed back into the spotlight.
I think they’ve agreed to honour the Anglo Irish agreement there will be no border, that was agreed yesterday but I don’t know how things will go with the’ no deal’ it’s still bound to impact things 🤷
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VIP Member
Wales did vote to leave, yes. But the more Nationalist, Plaid voting areas like Gwynedd and Anglesey voted to remain.
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VIP Member
They'll have duel citizenship anyway but some won't see themselves as Irish at any cost, plus I'm sure the south will have enough to cover without supporting British subjects.
I hope the Unionists don't use their new EU healthcards then😄
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VIP Member
Yes, although they felt Thatcher shafted them big time with the Anglo-Irish agreement, and all the Ulster MP's that were unionists resigned (well, tried to, as you can;t resign from parliament, you have to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer to appoint you to a paid crown post, and there are only two, so the shock tactic didn't really work!) to stand again as a 'referendum' on the agreement.
When you look at old Ken (Maginnis ) still hanging on in there (on a suspension) for his bullying ,homophobic and agressive views it's just goes to show they'll fight to the death to protect the union they're so set in their ways, although I have to hand it to Paisley he surpassed everyone's expectations even though he died despised by most of his own people .
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VIP Member
Yeah I've had issues too, mainly with Amazon. Have had to get some things delivered to my brother in Dublin. I suppose I just don't get how they can legitimately claim it was unforeseen. If they couldn't foresee the issues then that surely must mean the public were misinformed or blissfully unaware at best. Can us voters apply for a force majeure as many were led down the garden path by the pro Brexit parties? 🙈 😂
They obviously didn’t read it too well or just took Boris’s word for it ! He is on record promising things would be’ tickey boo’🙄 be interesting to see how it materialises in the next couple of months especially as the drug kingpins are having their supplies impacted by the extra checks so the guns might come out again 🤷🏼‍♀️
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VIP Member
If by "suddenly" you mean "had a year" (or arguably four years if they wanted to be prepared for all outcomes), yes.
Well, the couple I am talking to are saying it's sudden. It's bollocks of course, as they knew that once the UK had left the EU things would change, but they thought that nothing would change for them as they are British and that the Europeans needed us more than them. Yeah, they had listened to Farages bullshit....
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