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VIP Member
So who do you think will be more pleased by the Agreement - Remainers or Leavers?
No one is happy truly. Speaking from NI - remainers are unhappy we are out at all, but especially with a hard brexit. Leavers unhappy that we have a border in the Irish Sea.
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VIP Member
This isn’t a wave it’s a sign of things to come 😂 ... seriously the unionists just want to tighten up the bond with the UK but Poots has a point about the problems consumers are facing , I don’t know about you but I’ve had problems getting stuff from the mainland it’s not going to be sustainable to keep things as they are
Yeah I've had issues too, mainly with Amazon. Have had to get some things delivered to my brother in Dublin. I suppose I just don't get how they can legitimately claim it was unforeseen. If they couldn't foresee the issues then that surely must mean the public were misinformed or blissfully unaware at best. Can us voters apply for a force majeure as many were led down the garden path by the pro Brexit parties? 🙈 😂
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VIP Member
I’m lost... Ireland is still in the EU therefore would have more rights than British people in EU held countries than British who as a country voted to leave? We haven’t lost the right to live in our own country? We as a nation chose to leave the EU.

That’s like saying, someone from USA is a second class citizen because there maybe British people with a green card/citizenship/dual nationality living there - therefore has more freedom than someone born in the US with a US only passport!
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VIP Member
I don’t know how things will go tbh but I’ve got a feeling 2021 isn’t going to be much better than this year.I see there might be a grace period for retailers to adjust I think the consumer is going to be hit hard no matter the outcome if goods are subject to extra checks it’s inevitable
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VIP Member
Apparently it's a problem with the airline? I guess there is going to be confusion for a few days/weeks at least.
I imagine this people applied for residency cards in Spain (it's been 4 years since the vote). The problem is Spain doesn't recognize double citizenship unless you are descendant of spanish citizens or just from Latinamerica (Brazil included), Portugal, Andorra, Equatorial Guinea, Philippines or a sephardic jew (descendant of Spanish jews). In other EU countries, you can have the EU citizenship and still be British, not there.

I read this but I still can’t work out whether it applies to Northern Ireland or just those residing in the republic. I’m British born in England but I’ve been in NI for a number of years and this is my forever home now.
I maybe need to do a few email enquiries and see where I stand ...
It doesn't apply to you. You have to be born in Northern Ireland (with Irish or British parents) or have irish parents.


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VIP Member
They obviously didn’t read it too well or just took Boris’s word for it ! He is on record promising things would be’ tickey boo’🙄 be interesting to see how it materialises in the next couple of months especially as the drug kingpins are having their supplies impacted by the extra checks so the guns might come out again 🤷🏼‍♀️
It's just been an endless shit show 🙈
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Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
What worries me is what will happen come the day of the "divorce"?

It reminds me of the Millennium Bug back in 1999. I was only 2 years old then, but I've since read about the global panic that come 1st January 2000 a lot of computers & computer-dependent equipment around the world will crash because software wasn't programmed to cope with the near millennial year! But I think people were made aware of this bug in good time and did something about reducing the impact.

However, with Brexit, what happens to things like passports, driving licences, exchange rates, EU currency, investments in EU companies? What about EU laws that bind the UK to the EU? Will they be rescinded come "Brexit Day"? Will the divorce happen gradually over weeks and months?

No one seems to know, and we're just not prepared for the switch over.
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VIP Member
So that is just that? It's nothing how it was presented recently in the press.
Pretty much. I work for a local authority and we've had free products available in our public buildings for a year and a half now anyway, but this legislation makes it more widespread basically, as before it was down to individual areas/buildings to choose to offer them. Moving forward we will also offer an ordering service where people can order products directly from us or from local community groups if they are struggling to afford them. They are also free in all schools and colleges.
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Active member
Covid was a gift to Boris Johnson it gave him an excuse to cover his arse on the disaster that Brexit has been.
Covid has been just as much of a gift to the remainers who are salivating at the mess and want to blame brexit for everything.
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Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
I do try to hang on in there with the latest agreements (or otherwise), but as you say, its just pure theatre, or children squabbling and screaming over who gets the best toys.

Haven't been paying much attention to the exchange rates, although they seem to be jumping up and down quicker and far more frequent (if that were possible) than Katie Price's underwear (sorry, couldn't resist a quick bit of bitching :LOL: )
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VIP Member
Of course Keir starmer is berating the government for doing it at the last minute (when that's how the EU always does it's deals) and saying it's a bad deal without saying how he would do it better or any credible alternative🙄. Lib Dems still being pretty quiet until it's clear what to hitch their waggon to. Scheißes the lot of them!
If Keir Starmer had been PM at the time of the referendum I don't think we would have been in this mess.

It's a bad deal, but I'm afraid we had about as much negotiating clout as a asthmatic ant. We never held all the cards, the german car manufacturers didn't come to our aid, etc. (as the Brexiteers claimed) and we will be finding out how bad it is in the next months. It was 27 countries versus 1 who had delusions of (long pas) granduer.

The Lib Dems are an irrelevance these days. More important to see what the SNP will do.
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