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Even if they got independent, they couldn't enter the EU so easily. There are conditions and it takes a lot of time.
Scotland would join the EEA almost immediately.

The Scottish Parliament passed a bill that all laws have to be in compliance with EU law for ease of transition. The main issue would be how Scotland sets up its currency in a logistical sense but all other factors are met immediately.
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VIP Member
Does anyone actually believe this Sunday's "moment of truth" deadline will mean anything? 🤣

I now think we're going to have a few weeks of no deal early next year then a deal will be signed
No, deadlines aren't worth the breath when they are discussed. I agree about it will go on into next year.
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Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
I suppose both sides of the debate will claim some kind of Pyrrhic victory. And perhaps had it not been for the current Covid crisis, Brexit would have had far more clarity. But as it is, there are far more imponderables to be considered over the next 12-24 months, not helped with a $3.5Tn debt to cope with.
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Happy Lady

VIP Member
Time will tell. We can just wait and see. We could be really happy, noone can say in all honesty right now.
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VIP Member
It's a bit late in the day for a brexit vs remain argument. Especially now we can see the damage for ourselves. Boris is just lucky covid came along for him to blame everything on.
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Chatty Member
Whatever Cameron is doing now, he will have that legacy tied round his neck like a millstone.
I think Blair and brown should share that legacy. This anti eu sentiment started with those two and their government using it as a scapegoat.

People like nick clegg did a very poor job at explaining the benefits (but he's happy now in is Facebook paid for mansion). The EU came off as pretty arrogant at not wanting to address genuine concern or reform anything. Everyone comes out of it looking bad imo.

The stories you just couldn't make up 😆
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VIP Member
I have nothing to say to this besides holy shit.
When you look at the nitty gritty of leaving the EU there's a lot more than fish to consider (all some are focusing on )it's shocking some of the implications for people ..finding Nemo being the least of them .
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VIP Member
Give them Irish citizenship then.
They'll have duel citizenship anyway but some won't see themselves as Irish at any cost, plus I'm sure the south will have enough to cover without supporting British subjects.
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Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
Of course the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, still has one final hurdle to face, and that's the Vote in Parliament on Wednesday by all 650 odd MPs.
Am not sure what will happen if there's a majority vote against it.

Neither did I realize that the UK will have the G7 Presidency in 2021, which will give Boris the global platform to declare the country's new found "independence" on the world stage.

It will be interesting how he walks that particular tightrope given that the EU and Biden won't be his biggest fans!
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Chatty Member
Scotland have made the menstrual products entirely free, if I understood well.
BJ said the tax will be abolished.

As I said, I am not sure it's a priority in other countries. Using better menstrual products (reusable or with less chemicals) is more important.
Yeah, Scotland have the requirement for public spaces/buildings to have free menstrual products available. I work in public sector and our business put this in place 2 years ago. Really good idea as nothing worse being caught without a tampon/pad. However, we still need to pay for them in shops. I’ve seen some mis reporting making it seem like women in Scotland just wander into Boots and help themselves 🙂😂
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VIP Member
It sounds minor but I think the fact that the public calls him “Boris” is actually a problem. He’s not our mate, and it lets people forget that he’s meant to be an elder statesman and behave like one and be effective as one.

He’s a good campaigner but a bad governor and he gets away with so much because the public feel this bizarre affection towards him when really he’s plainly doing a shocking job and letting us all down. It’s of course a stupidly difficult job, but he chose it and regardless of whether anyone else would do better, he is fucking it up.

Calling him Boris instead of PM Johnson, Mr Johnson or just Johnson always has the effect of diminishing the seriousness of what’s happening. He’s not some naughty schoolboy or that character from work. He’s the Prime Minister. I wish people (generally, not directing this to anyone specific here) would realise this instead of just watching him bumble his way around the most significant challenges of our lifetimes.
You make an excellent point, names do have power and he/the media aren't the first to use it to their own advantage.
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VIP Member
It's really quite frightening that a small group of very strong loyalists cannot see beyond their narrow mindedness to the huge benefits that will come to their country (NI) by being members of both the UK and the EU.

BTW Poots, apparently, believes that the world was created only 6000 years ago - how do you argue with stupid?
The paramilitaries aren't interested in political gain ( maybe through it in there for ould times sake ) it's racketeering that's at stake ,the restrictions at the ports are costing them a fortune in lost revenue from drugs ,illegal cigs and counterfeit money/ clothing to name but a few ,they couldn't care if Ireland was united or not ,that was in their Grandas day .

The next NI elections will be interesting. DUP 'may' end up in 3rd place. Poots is trying dogwhistle policies to try to stop their voters going to the Alliance party or the Ulster Unionists.
The DUP has disintegrated, it'll be interesting to see how many votes they'll collect now they've gone back decades with their policies ,they'll be no room for Dublin to negotiate with the hardliners that's for sure.
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VIP Member
Biden doesn't have much love for the UK. and just like with Obama before him, won't recognise any "special relationship" between the two countries, and any thoughts of trade agreements will be put on the back burner.

Now if that statement is true, it will certainly weaken BJ's negotiating position with the US should we actually severe ties with the EU. But given the current clear out of Brexiteers from No 10, it would seem Boris is looking at a more conciliatory stance both with the EU and the States. and thus watering down a hard Brexit.

That's my take anyway. But what do I know? lol
The first couple of lines of your post is my fear we depend on a lot of American investment where I'm from ,it just so happens we're stuck with Boris too ,but I agree with you that's why I wish they'd hurry up and decide one way or the other ...That's if the whole Cummings thing is not another spin to make Boris look better in whatever decision he arrives at.
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Chatty Member
Andrew Neil in the mail today, quite a few things I disagree with but can definitely see another eurozone crisis starting once the cold weather comes.

ANDREW NEIL: Remainers bemoan the state of Brexit Britain, but it's the EU that's staring into the abyss

Remainers continue to bemoan the supposedly sad state of Brexit Britain. They have a point. Even many true Brexiteer believers admit that, so far, it has hardly lived up to what was promised.

But if these same Remainers cast an honest eye across the Channel to their beloved European Union, they’d soon realise it is in an even worse state than we are.

Not that this is any great consolation. Six years after that famous Brexit referendum, the EU remains by far our biggest export market for our goods and services. If things go wrong there, they go wrong here. And the EU is about to go very badly wrong.

It is now on the brink of recession and another Eurozone currency crisis looms. It’s a double whammy that will be all the more painful and prolonged because of President Putin’s mounting blackmail over Russian energy supplies, which threatens to condemn Europe’s major economies to a slump.
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VIP Member
And one that has done nothing to attract said people ,by the time they cut through the red tape they realize it’s not worth the hassle when they have free movement throughout the EU , better pay for less hours.
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VIP Member
I really do struggle that someone who's whole business was exporting live animals to the EU ever thought it was a good idea to leave.

Anyone with an average level of intelligence would know even in the best case scenario there would be months of disruption and lots of headaches for this business.

The sky journalist that stumbled across him must have been giddy with excitement when they found this jackpot :LOL: , if indeed it's the whole story. There's other articles saying that the Asian markets pay many multiples more for them than europe, so I expect there's much more to the story beyond the sky viral clip.
TBF to the guy, if Johnson had been asked if any change to the export of live animals, Johnson would have lied and said no and everything would continue as normal (holding all the cards etc.). Cummings orchestrated an amazing campaign full of half-truths, exaggerations and bullshit (not unlike Blair did with Iraq war), and people fell for it.

The shitshow will continue regardless
I think we will have a break for a couple of years, then it will explode again...
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VIP Member
I don't know if you read the Guardian but here is an interesting comment from BTL I came across earlier.

Yesterday's illegal anti protocol march in Belfast, along the exclusively loyalist Shankill Road, was attended by several hundred people not 3000, as reported by the PA in this paper, unless one were to count everyone on the pavements and spectators.
The marchers were predominantly made up of 'kick the pope' bands, with the majority of the remainder consisting of men and boys wearing balaclavas. Weather or not these paramilitary clad marchers attended of their own free will or not is questionable. Illegal loyalist paramilitary/criminal gangs rule this and other loyalist areas with an iron fist, They regularly carry out punishment beatings, perform kneecapings and have even murdered those that do not bend to their will or do as they are told. They have flooded these areas with hard drugs, control their importation and sale exclusively. They orchestrated the recent rioting on the streets and others presented it as anti protocol sentiment, however when journalists, on the ground at the time, questioned the teenage rioters about their objections to the protocol they had no idea what the protocol was but had been told it was bad. Subsequently a journalist was attacked, had his camera equipment destroyed and was hospitalised.

It just so happens that these marches and the previous riots are very useful evidence for frost, the DUP and Johnson to point to when attempting to renege on the legally binding commitments of the protocol.

It may be coincidental that frost and the DUP , prior to these marches and disturbances, meet with the 'representatives' of these illegal, sectarian, criminal paramilitary gangs, on the other hand .........!
The paramilitaries rule the political parties, always have done,that’s why Donaldson was ousted from the leadership race .Poots is pushing the right agenda to keep the loyalists happy
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