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I don’t disagree with that and as mentioned I know it’s a complex conversation especially as what appears in OF and social media is a spectrum anyway. But it felt unnecessary to list that as an instant caveat, it wasn’t part of the question and I don’t think it would have crossed anyone’s mind but he brought it straight up almost like that is the only way he can imagine a woman being more successful than him. Especially when he capitalising off his own body all the time. I take issue with the hypocrisy, But that’s just my take
I think your observation is very astute and everything you’ve said is spot on.

it does scream fragile masculinity. It does come across as very hypocritical and judgemental.
Bradders can fill his own OF page with the stuff he posts on IG. We've already seen his bare ass multiple times in Niomi's stories and he's always posing with a towel barely covering his junk, and all for FREE lol. But if a woman decides to do it then no, bad.

He doesn't respect women and that's what he's saying again by throwing shade at someone daring to make money with an OF account.
most guys I’ve come across that are “uncomfortable” with only fans aren’t really uncomfortable with the sex work aspect of it. I mean it’s pretty light touch, sharing nudes for money. Playboy has been doing it for decades.

what they really cannot stand is when it’s women controlling their own sexuality and bodies. That’s what really gets to him.

ill bet Bradley never had a problem with p3 or nuts magazine back in the day. If he’d been born a couple of decades early I’d bet my life he’d have happily dated a p3 girl. Because p3 girls and topless models in magazines weren’t controlling their own images or content back then, whereas with only fans they get to do that. And that is what is uncomfortable about it to men like Bradley. Not the nudity. Not the sex work. The control and ownership that a female has over her own body. Misogynists can’t stand it.
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Tattlers on a date with Bradley :ROFLMAO::

View attachment 2847476

(hey i mean he's a big strong high value caveman so he should pay for the drinks! weak kitchen housefemales don't make money so free drinks for us
I don't see him paying for anyone's drink to be honest, for his birthday he had a drinks menu with pries on it and it and it wasn't cheap. He had a room full of ppl and couldn't even organize an open bar for them for one night.
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Someone asked Bradders if he is enjoying being single. His response, 'of course I am, I wouldn't be single otherwise.' Wow, what an arrogant response. Is he saying, if I wanted a girlfriend, I would just go out and they would come flocking to me???? Does this guy even understand what a relationship actually is????
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Yeah. We should all be kind about his dyslexia. It's not his fault! We are all different, and some of us have challenges! Some of the most successful people in the world are dyslexic!

But fatties? Ugh. There is no excuse to not have a six-pack of abs! They are all just slobs with no motivation and are unworthy of any success. No wonder Bradders finds them so pathetic.

(Sarcasm, I hope obviously.)
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As a vegan I'm so angry I don't even have words.

VEGANISM IS NOT A DIET! IT'S A WAY OF LIVING! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Edit: The ""research"" he talks about is from 2014 so that's 10 years ago, a LOT has changed since then?! 10 years ago a lot of food wasn't available, it wasn't accepted much yet, not much information, not many alternatives etc.
Also one of the biggest things: they lump vegans AND vegetarians in 1 category. It clearly says "vegans AND vegetarians" and he just reads it as just vegans, which is not true.
Also also, it's just the USA and 11k participants. But they didn't even look at WHAT they eat and what did they change? Did they make good changes? Or did they abandon their standard american diet and changed it for something very restrictive? They looked at none of this.
He really can NOT read.
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I just find it so funny how he keeps asking himself questions on instagram, desperate for people to know his dumb thoughts. Nobody cares :cry:
And it's even more hilarious that no matter how much he betters himself he remains completely unattractive lol. He looks like a tired leather boot and is unfortunately not blessed with intelligence nor charisma, and he never will be.
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Forky, showing himself from his best angles to impress a newly single 'good friend' female.

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He has small D energy and is aging horribly...his shitty approach to people will bring end to his "career" sooner or later...
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Dude sells his workout program as if it was the most important thing you could do for yourself, it's not, yes moving your body is always great if you can but he calls ppl lazy for not having a six pack as if that was sign of health. I call him lazy for thinking you can't eat Vegan food and thrive. When that looney woman on that fake news show asked him how he deals with Vegan clients, he said "I prefer Pescatarians" um yeah like what, the same way doctors prefer healthy patients? Less work for him, he's so obvious with what he doesn't respect, so easy to dislike him.
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Wow Bradley, I hope the girl of your dreams never suffers from anything that may affect her mental health, weight or appearance any time down the track because it sounds like he would drop her like a hot potato and run a mile if she became depressed, gained weight or changed the way she dressed. He wants a vapid, airhead Barbie who looks good on his arm. Run girls run and run a bit further if Bradders ever comes near you, will be the best thing you ever do.
emmm so people who enjoy health and fitness can’t have mental health struggles? Make that make sense
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Forky doesn't give flying fig about people who have disabilities, he shames people left and right. I didn't know he had dyslexia but it doesn't excuse the fact that he's not a good person who says awful things. And these posts are part of his job, never mind that most of them are problematic but your work shouldn't be ridden with errors and typos.


I find his lack of professionalism when he's pontificating draining.
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Wow his take on Barbie once again highlights how simple and unintelligent he is 😂 you don't have to like the film but the message isn't that hard to grasp.
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Daily dose of Qs that Bradley asks himself LOL


No one is wondering that. Besides, we can already make a good guess

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I find his take on protein really disturbing.

he’s all about animal protein… and I get it. He’s not vegan. He’s not concerned about animal welfare, fine.

But he advocates eating meat for basically most meals. His dinner is steak which, yes is high in protein - but also high in fat, and not the healthy kind.

chicken, turkey and white fish etc is lean animal protein and that’s great. A chicken breast has about 30g of protein. Most people need between 45-55g a day. Someone could feasibly have a chicken breast a day, eat some pulses and oats for breakfast and have hit the required amount of protein they need, without eating as much as he suggests is necessary.

to replace chicken, as an example, in his pasta lunch (even if just a couple of times a week), someone could eat 200g of peas/broccoli for about 10g of protein, maybe have some (100g) beans for another 10g and bulk up on spinach for the remainder of protein.

most people don’t need to consume as much animal meat as he advocates. As a planet we absolutely need to consume less. From an ethical point of view, we absolutely need to consume less.

the only reason someone would need to eat as much animal protein as Bradley advocates.. is if they are aiming for that 10% body fat/are athletes. Most people don’t need to aim for 10% body fat. It’s pure aesthetics and in no way a requirement for good health. Indeed, most women wouldn’t be able to menstruate with body fat that low.

he’s fully within his rights to eat as much meat as he wants, but his rigidity around food really screams of disordered eating to me. His body fat percentage of 10% is basically the lower end of the scale. He’s the lowest he can be while being in the safe zone. The minimum recommended amount of body fat for men is 8%. Having a low body fat and eating steak on the reg for dinner is not very healthy as both are going to be stressors on the cardiovascular system.

And what is “healthy” in the first place is a bit of a loose definition. Bradley throws the word around but I wonder if he’s considered the full meaning of it.

Medically, a healthy individual is someone who is in a “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being”. Is obsessing over protein macros in each meal a place of mental well-being? Is inducing shame and judgement for overindulging occasionally and equating not exercising to laziness, a state of mental and social well being? Is the lack of compassion Bradley demonstrates to himself and others, a state of mental and social well-being? I’m not convinced.

And from totally anecdotal experience… I went hiking with my sisters ex-boyfriend many years ago. He was a gym bunny and “health” nut like Bradley. Exercised daily. Had a six pack. He would measure out almonds in his meals because they had the highest protein/lowest fat/calorie content. That kinda thinking.

on said hike, he really struggled. His lower fat reserves meant he didn’t have that backup fuel he needed. And those big muscles? They demand a lot of extra calories. So this guy was burning a shit ton of energy on this hike, very rapidly and didn’t have the energy reserves he needed to compensate. he claimed to have been just over 10% body fat.

The aesthetics that Bradley promotes, and the mindset he promotes - don’t look healthy to me.

is it better than being overweight and depressed? Maybe. But only marginally IMO.
How can we get this guy cancelled 🤢 🤢 🤢
he’s not a smart guy, one day he’ll get himself cancelled. Give him enough rope and this fella will hang himself
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aw bless, his fav activity. Talking about himself.

I feel the “getting Lost in the Jungle” story isn’t as impressive as he thinks? If someone told me about it I’d just think they were stupid for wasting resources and time by doing something incredibly moronic. Imagine going on a trek and 1. Not sticking with your tour guide and 2. Not following simple, basic principles like staying where you are.
And wearing your phone battery down to 5% while taking selfies and waiting on your rescue.
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He's so proud of being offensive yet can't handle too much heat when people reply back.
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