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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
The pencil-necked fuckwit Rees-Mogg has described Hancock as a successful genius.
Mind you, Rees-Mogg describes himself as a Christian, so he’s clearly not averse to talking utter fucking bollocks.
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Yes, I think this time it's personal for so so many people. When you can look at a govt decision and think oh well it doesnt matter to me is one thing. But when you've sacrificed so much, been unable to be with loved ones as they die, not been able to have what may have been the last Christmas with granny or whatever - that's where politics become personal, and I think many people will find it unforgiveable.
Yes, this is exactly it - so many people on the radio today talking in quite traumatised terms about not being able to hold their mum’s hand when she died, being separated from old and ill relatives and friends, not being able to offer support and comfort when it really mattered. Clearly many people were reliving those moments in the light of watching Alexa Stratton laugh about social distancing. It was bloody heart-breaking and I’m not an emotional person.

This is where it really counts, and where politics - which often seems so removed from daily life - becomes very personal indeed.
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Again who would be your choice as 'anyone'?? Why do those that hate on him so much yet can't give a better alternative, so easy to shout and cry about Boris, yet who else would do a better job, give me some names.
Your precious boris fired all the decent tories who would have been 100 times the PM he is
Ken Clarke
Nicholas Soames
Rory Stewart
That's 3 people. Heck even Theresa May was better than the lying charlatans Johnson.

Boris supporters can't come up with any actual evidence of good work he's done so they deflect by saying who would have done better.

Actually a chimpanzee would have been better for the country than Johnson.
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You might be onto something with that theory. When people show you who they are believe them. Boris has never hidden who he is. He’s a selfish, lazy psychopath who doesn’t give a shit and has always done as he likes. Why are people surprised by this? The only real question is why has this been leaked now, nearly two years later?
I saw someone say the reason Boris had to back Cummings after his eyesight trip was because he threatened to tell all about the secret garden parties , I think someone wants him gone now though ,too many leaks .
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
He's been sacked himself for lying about an affair so there's no way he could do it. I suppose he could sack him for not following Covid rules but tbh they've all done so much worse what's the point?

A friend of mine thinks this may be a welcome distraction from the balls up and ongoing Brexit disasters.
Would not surprise me in the slightest. Someone has been holding on to this footage for just the right moment.
I don’t see how Johnson can sack him.
He defended Cummings for the Barnard Castle drive/eye test.
He didn’t get the sack for banging Carrie behind his wife’s back.
He didn’t get the sack for shagging Jennifer Arcuri
He didn’t get the sack for giving Jennifer Arcuri OUR money.
He didn’t get the sack for the ‘alleged’ punch up with Carrie over the laptop.
And he didn’t get the sack for being a useless, incompetent, bloviating fucktard who has been personally responsible for the deaths of thousands of people and has royally fucked this country up the arse.
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Watch it. You'll see him being challenged by the American media, something that very rarely happens in England.
He tries to avoid any interviews, because it shows what an utter cretin he is.

If he had been born Alex Johnson in a somewhere like Tottenham and had to go to an inner city comp, do you think he would Prime Minister? He's got where he has by money and contacts.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Mr and Mrs Johnson and baby Wilfred have gone to a luxury villa in Barbados. How nice for them, get in a bit of sunshine before the winter of discontent really hits...
I think the fat lazy fucker is in Marbella. Staying at that piece of shit Zac Goldsmith’s luxury villa. Apparently he’s “exhausted“. Presumably this must mean he’s got another side piece on the go because it’s certainly not from doing any work.
How the hell is he getting away with this?
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Wackie Jeaver

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Sky News just had an interview with a mother, Emma Jones, whose daughter Ruby died of cancer 5 days before this 'party'. She was so dignified, eloquent and brave and she got her point across about the despicableness of this Govt without once losing her temper. No 10 could take a lesson from her.
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Listening to his conference speech and majorly losing the will to live. How did we get here 😩
So jokes, Labour bashing and bluster.
That's about it.

What a cunt.

No mention of NI, Levelling up, and nothing about fuel shortages or haulage problems.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
I don't know how he has the bloody balls to condemn the racist abuse some of the England players are getting.
He has no fucking shame at all. This country has always had its share of racists, but Johnson and his disgusting party has positively encouraged and emboldened the racism.
- Muslim women in the burka look like bank robbers and letterboxes
- “to any non-Muslim reader of the Quran, Islamophobia - fear of Islam - seems a natural reaction".
- he rewarded Zac Goldsmith’s racist abuse of Sadiq Khan by giving him a peerage
- he called black people “picanninies” with “watermelon smiles”
- he stated that Malaysian women only go to university to find themselves a husband
- he called gay men “ tank topped bum boys “
The guy is an utter piece of shit. Of course the absolute arseholes abusing Rashford, Sancho and Saka are responsible for what they are doing, but it’s hardly surprising they think they can when their Prime Minister is as much of a knuckle dragging degenerate as they are.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Ha - Father Jack can’t even get beer deliveries to ‘Spoons now. Whoops. That’s not a delusion it’s a fact by the way, as are the post-Brexit cost increases to my business 😡

I must admit, despite believing that Brexit is a complete disaster I did experience more than a little Schadenfreude when demented Brexiteer and all round fuckwit Tim Martin started whining that he couldn’t get enough staff and that he was running out of beer.
If only there had been some kind of mechanism or agreement by which people could come here from other countries to work, and goods could move smoothly in and out of the country 🙄
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
I love Vampire's Wife so pretty gutted to see Marie Antoinette in it if I'm honest.

The photos of BJ at the G7 were just utterly humiliating for the UK. Bloated, fat, unkept oddball in an ill fitting suit with absolutely no sense of occasion. It is just rude to show up on the international stage looking like that.

The sight of him launching himself into the sea like a whale in Hawaiian shorts, moobs akimbo and beer gut flapping was beyond humiliating. Being an international embarrassment is bad enough, but how on earth one woman let him hump her, let alone several is utterly baffling.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Maybe I should have made it more clear, my perspective is (thankfully) an outsider perspective. If my political leaders would act like that I would be very embarrassed too. And ask serious questions if they are fit for office (but this was questioned about him ever since he was mayor of London iirc).
Now, that I had some time to think about his Moses comparison- does he believe after the Exodus out of the EU, he is the guy to lead the UK through 40 years of misery, or so?
Wouldn’t surprise me in the least, although he’s not fit to lead anyone. Unfortunately he’s the person mainly in charge of causing the 40 years of misery in the first place and seems intent on making things worse at every opportunity he gets.
As somebody ( Heseltine I think ) said of him, he’s “ a man who waits to see the way the crowd is running and then dashes in front and says, ‘Follow me’.”
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Still waiting to understand why Brexit has been a success and why Biden is the only person to blame for the shit show in Afghanistan. Don’t want an insult, don’t want to be called a remoaner, would just actually like a genuine answer?
You won’t get a genuine answer, because there isn’t one, going by the responses to my repeated requests for the upsides of Brexit.
You will on the other hand get some lovely pictures of the Union Jack, a couple of insults and some gibberish about our fabulous new trade deals. ( Presumably Liz Truss selling £3.50 worth of cheese to Papua New Guinea, which totally makes it all worthwhile) 🙄
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Thats fair 😂 like a poisoned chalice. Imagine winning a general election with such a massive majority then less than 3 months later a global pandemic appears.
It's almost like Karma is actually a thing! Although without covid, the Brexit shitshow would have been front and centre. Farmers in North Shropshire realising that what was clear as day and they decided to ignore has come back to bite them on the bum
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Chatty Member
I'm surprised she hasn't commented on her dad's member yet.

After all, she would have seen it enough times in the water shortage of 1976, when he told the family's two au pairs that, owing to the shortage making the washing of clothes impossible, that they'd have to follow his (and his wife's) lead by walking around naked, which they did. He then began sleeping with one of them.

Just a bit of insight as to why Boris gets it from...
He comes from a seriously messed up family. If you read into his childhood it gives a real insight into why he’s the way he is! It’s often the case with politicians, full of an unstable, achievement driven, lack of love childhood. Sad really, if they weren’t such morons
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
I wondered if he was pissed during that speech. It was strange even for him. Probably fallen off the waggon again, though I’d imagine as a parent of a toddler he possibly has been to Peppa Pig world 😂
Oh he’s been alright. The absolute state of it.


It’s a sad state of affairs when you actually hope the fucker was pissed, because behaving like an incoherent blubbering lunatic while sober is even worse.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Rees-Mogg is certainly arrogant and spiteful, and more than a bit cringe at times, but he is also actually pretty clever and knows how to do his job as Leader of the House. He would be utterly dire as PM though, for any number of reasons.
I think I’m going to have to respectfully agree to disagree. Hes certainly had an expensive education and clearly knows a lot of long words, but neither of those things necessarily mean he’s clever.
I almost never use the word because I really don’t like it, but he’s a complete and utter cunt.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Right on cue! Who called this the other day? 😂

What a very happy coincidence 🙄
I’m actually quite annoyed. I’d put a fiver on Carrie shoving out another emergency baby. She’s probably too busy Googling for divorce lawyers and trying to work out how to scrape the gold plated paper off the walls.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
I don’t believe for a second that Boris is a Catholic and she can’t be much of one either. Aren’t sex before marriage and adultery frowned on in the Catholic Church? And as for her getting married in white… 🙄
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