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VIP Member
Thats 3 names, none of which have done anything that would make me think they would of done a better job, and Treason May 😂 😂 😂 😂

The good work he has done so far, bare in mind he was PM for a matter of weeks before covid hit.
Vaccine rollout
New immigration laws coming in, which the left are wetting themselves over 😂 😂
More homes being built,
Thats just a few, UK manufacturing is rising, little old UK the country that was going to fall off a cliff and would collapse outside EU, seems to be doing rather well, thanks Boris & team the future looks bright. 👍 🇬🇧
Boris Johnson became Prime Minister in July 2019, that's rather more than weeks before Covid.
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VIP Member
Priti looks like she's calculating how many alsations it would take to make a coat.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
There's a whole lot more of delusional remoaners on here, to keep us amused. 😂
The only delusional people are the ones still pretending that Brexit was anything other than an act of utter lunacy.
Have you managed to come up with an answer to my questions about the positive aspects of Brexit?
Of course you haven’t. 🤣
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Wackie Jeaver

VIP Member
Man's a complete cunt. Remember when people used to have those little cards made saying something like "please do not allow Margaret Thatcher to visit me in hospital"? We need those back.
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VIP Member
I would disagree that
If you've ever studied politics, at whatever level. The first thing you are taught (at least back in my day) is that The Left always fracture. The key to Tory party success is that they stay together. It's a simple as that. It's not complicated. The Left ALWAYS start in-fighting. As you say, it's very 'frustrating'.

Although I would consider myself Apolitical ie: A 'floater'. I do take an interest in politics. But this thread is about Boris right? Not politics. Can I just say, I find the man a disgusting, repulsive individual.
The Tories do fracture sometimes, very deeply, and have certainly spent their own time in the political wilderness (I'd argue that they could probably do with a spell of that right now as it helps them to revitalise and come up with new ideas) but yes, I agree that they are much better than Labour at speaking with one voice.

I think though that you have to consider WHY the Tories are so good at it. I read an article a while ago (unfortunately I can't remember where) that I thought summed it up beautifully: a) they are very good at getting rid of leaders, ruthlessly if necessary, when they are no longer a asset b) they are openly patriotic, like this country and talk it up rather than down and c) they are very optimistic and appear to know how to have a good time. [I do note the extreme irony of this last point in the current situation].

Labour is not good at any of these things (or at least, not good at managing their image in these areas).

I am sure that Boris' success in becoming leader and winning a big majority is because he exemplifies these values, and people have responded to that - at least they did at the last GE. Where it all goes now, who knows.
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VIP Member
I had no idea this sugar baby cum wife was even pregnant. Boris needs to be sterilised tbh.

And a settlement to be split among 7 children? Not a smart financial plan Cawwie
Yuck he should have been castrated thinking about him spreading his DNA everywhere makes me heave.🤮
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VIP Member
Would not surprise me in the slightest. Someone has been holding on to this footage for just the right moment.
I don’t see how Johnson can sack him.
He defended Cummings for the Barnard Castle drive/eye test.
He didn’t get the sack for banging Carrie behind his wife’s back.
He didn’t get the sack for shagging Jennifer Arcuri
He didn’t get the sack for giving Jennifer Arcuri OUR money.
He didn’t get the sack for the ‘alleged’ punch up with Carrie over the laptop.
And he didn’t get the sack for being a useless, incompetent, bloviating fucktard who has been personally responsible for the deaths of thousands of people and has royally fucked this country up the arse.
It's got Cummings/Gove master of the dark arts written all over it. Unsurprisingly, leaked by The Sun in a proper old fashion tabloid sting. Very suspicious. Murdoch is doing his absolute best here. Unfortunately, nothing is working as the general public may loathe Cummings more than Wancock. I fucking despair.
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VIP Member
You do have to wonder about these women though - they describe the men as wardrobes or bin bags of custard, and yet not only do they still let them shag them, they admit it. In public.
I know! That’s what I always think - how on earth could they have sex with these guys in the first place. I mean, yuck. 🤢
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And Carrie swanning around at every photo op like the Queen when she’s been Boris’s wife for 5 minutes… it is so embarrassing.
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You do have to wonder about these women though - they describe the men as wardrobes or bin bags of custard, and yet not only do they still let them shag them, they admit it. In public.
Someone I know had an attempt at a SATC type blog when blogs were first a thing. She did a “hilarious” entry about some guy she was having a first date with. They really didn’t hit it off, she found him very unattractive and he was so sure they’d end the night sleeping together, he’d brought his favourite lube with him.

I read on looking forward to the bit where she told him to fuck off.

Nope, she shagged him anyway, using his lube to wank him off first. Once in he lasted a few seconds, thanked her then left.

I couldn’t believe that (1) she’d gone through with it and (2) blogged about it.
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VIP Member
Cummins is one very scary person. Utterly brilliant guy but a total psycho with allegiance to no person or political party. He is not someone you want as an enemy ……. as Boris is now discovering!
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
I bet Boris was drunk off his arse when he said that. He'll have had no memory he said it.
Judging by this he remembers. It does look as though he mentioned it to one of his lackeys, who seems to have made a complete bollock of things.
Apparently Johnson has made yet another U turn, and now won’t be suing The New European after all. 🙄

I can’t decide whether this latest debacle is an omnishambles or a clusterfuck. Or both.

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Chatty Member
Yep. Her family came to the UK from Uganda because they were about to be forced to leave, but she's dead set against extending a similar opportunity to anyone else in need. She makes me sick.
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
So if it is cummings dropping all these titbits are we glad he has? I mean I am as I want to know if the PM is taking the absolute piss when everyone else is on lockdown and cant see dying family members etc.
Yes … appreciating the whistle blowing doesn’t mean you have to like the whistle blower.
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VIP Member
Allegra rightly resigns, the video is shocking! what she said was despicable, The others in that room were all as guilty as her in my opinion, so why were there faces blanked out!
Boris Johnstone has to go pronto!
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