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VIP Member
So todays winner of the Boris Johnson Racist Twat medal goes to James Gray, who managed to mix up Sajid Javid and Nadhim Zahawi ( admittedly they are both rampaging arseholes, but that’s still no excuse ).
According to Mr Gray “They all look the same to me.” THEY?

All tories look the same to me.
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If he thought he could avoid saying it then he would.
Him and Patel and his backbench lunatics are responsible for a lot of this so they should bloody well own it. I see the lamentable Elphicke woman slating Marcus Rashford in a WhatsApp group when her husband had to step down because he is an ACTUAL SEX OFFENDER pretty much sums up England 2021.
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So if it is cummings dropping all these titbits are we glad he has? I mean I am as I want to know if the PM is taking the absolute piss when everyone else is on lockdown and cant see dying family members etc.
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Whereas Phil's hobby seems to be leaving young men's faces like a painter's radio.

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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
He's at it again. Didn't he catch covid the first time by shaking hands and going maskless at hospitals? I would be really annoyed if my nan was in this hospital and Bozo rolled through.

I can’t believe the hospital admin let that sack of custard rampage around the hospital like that.
Not one of them had the sense to tell the fat, selfish arsehole to put a fucking mask on.
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Chatty Member
I wonder if this one will look just like Dad also? I know it's bad form to comment on the looks of innocent parties and someone will be along to rightly tell me off shortly, but Cassia Johnson looks like Boris in a wig - the result bears a resemblance to Vicky Pollard.
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Apparently, the letters to HGV drivers haven't been checked against people serving prison sentences.

Bloody good thing Peter Sutcliffe died, he had an HGV license, and knowing this government they would have let him out.....
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I can’t believe a journalist pretty much said it’s okay that Johnson snr is over friendly, handsy even (her words not mine) because he’s charming. Yeah because it’s also charming to break your wife’s nose. Bet she also thinks Barrowman’s actions are just tomfoolery 🙄
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Dancing Dave

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PMQs are on just now
He’s an honest to God embarrassment. He knows exactly what’s going on but comes across as a bumbling idiot. He’s never fully held accountable, he skirts through scandal after scandal. Never firm in his stance just “will pass along to x, y and a” or “leave it too mps to decide”. I’m so sick of him and this government.
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I refuse to call him Boris because I think he uses his middle name to seem like a friendly, cuddly, wouldn’t harm a fly guy. To me he’s Alexander or Johnson, and a prize, grade A eejit
Yes I call him Johnson. He gets away with too much as the “Bumbling Boris”
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BBC news is a fucking disgrace. They are more like a Tory Party propaganda machine than a public service broadcaster. Impartial and independent my sodding arse. They may as well rename themselves the Boris Bullshit Corporation.
The headline is ridiculous because Attenborough didn't have a hand in creating and signing off on covid rules unlike Boris.

I think the Tories installed some Conservative stooges in the top jobs at BBC, which is why they haven't stopped licking the Tories & the royal's asses.
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The pencil-necked fuckwit Rees-Mogg has described Hancock as a successful genius.
Mind you, Rees-Mogg describes himself as a Christian, so he’s clearly not averse to talking utter fucking bollocks.
He's a christian, as in a tudor christian (wife behead in unfaithful, but allowed for men, etc. allowance to keep slaves etc.).

And Edwin Poots (DUP leader) has resigned after 20 days. Getting into bed with tories wasn't such a great idea was it lads?
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Scooby Don't

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It’s all about perception and what is interesting is the way this story is sticking with the public. It’s not just a Westminster yarn that a bunch of journos have their knickers in a twist about. People are feeling it extremely personally, on a gut level it is doing damage, and trust in the government is really being eroded.
They're trying to paint this as 'Westminster Bubble' but the fact BoJo actually answered a question at PMQs shows that for once he's sh*ting bricks.
Now it's circulating that Carrie has been hosting a few knees-ups.
As someone forced to attend a Zoom funeral during this period I hope they all end up burning in Hell for this.
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