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VIP Member
Still waiting for @Blue pumpkin to enlighten us with their wisdom.

Diane may well have slept her way into politics but as a black woman who's had relatively few scandals since, I'm willing to let it go.

Maybe she was strategic and knew it was one of her limited avenues into the role. Maybe it was coincidental as politicians made up the majority of her social circle.

Either way, she's proved her worth as an MP and cares for constituents. Unlike certain politicians who are committing political, legal and moral wrongs in real time.
FFS, her and Corbyn were an item in 1979. Before either of them were MPs.

How the feck is that sleeping your way into politics? Even Mystic Meg wouldn't have been able to predict that Corbyn would become Labour leader back then.
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Is this Christmas party thing going to be the end of him? If he does magically go, who would replace him?
Days like this I wish Kier wasn’t a secret Tory.
Of course it won't be the end of him.

And FFS, stop all this secret Tory crap about Starmer. I don't give a toss who's Labour leader. Would you rather that the Tories remain in power for ever?
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I’ve just watched that.

There were 100 people that knew of the party, plus staff, plus security and nobody said a thing. They’re all morally bankrupt, probably patting themselves on the back. The people, and that’s pretty much everyone who have made sacrifices, large and small are being laughed at by these pondscum.
And yet it seems Boris will get away with it again. The guy seems to be untouchable. Any other politician would have been long gone by now. But Boris sails on. It’s really bizarre.
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A Guide to Johnson speak.
Northern Power house = shit hole places we tories have neglected and screwed over for years.
Moving forward = Let's not talk about all my fuck ups.
Stay at home = unless you're a government advisor or my Health minister.
Control the virus = ignore the science.
Protect the NHS= privatise the NHS.
Clap for heroes = no decent payrise for people that have dug me out of a massive hole.
Levelling up= building a huge flat platform at the top of the pyramid to get even more of my tory mates up there.
Cautiously and Irreversibly.= whilst cautiously looking out for danger I will be heading towards it anyway regardless.

Brilliant oxymoron.. real translation ... blundering towards catastophe
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Miss Anne Thrope

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does he believe after the Exodus out of the EU, he is the guy to lead the UK through 40 years of misery, or so?
Nah, having succeeded in ticking 'elected Prime Minister' off his list he just wants to get shut of all the hard work involved and leave us all in this mess. He wants to write big fat books for big fat advances (during the day) and big fat guest speaker fees (at night - gets him away from Carrie and domesticity). He wants to be a millionaire like Blair.
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Well-known member
Ooh I didn’t realise there was a boris Johnson thread! Surely he HAS to resign now??!
This is definitely the closest he's got to resigning. I've never thought there was a chance any of the other times people have been convinced he's going but I can't see how he can get out of this one. People were dying alone and he was at a party. It's that simple.
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I think the main problem, after reading Jeremy Vine’s piece is that he wings it, never prepares and reads his speeches. He probably didn’t even glance at it beforehand to check for missing pages. He’s so used to ad-libbing and bumbling through. Yesterday he was caught short.
he is one lazy bastard, wants to be PM but does like the amount of actual work there is to be done
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Well, as simplistic as that sounds, it's pretty much what the last election was all about, indeed.

The thing is, Brexit will never be done. It's totally incompatible with the Good Friday Agreement and the UK doesn't have the infrastructure to exist outside of the Single Market and Customs Union.

We effectively have Vote Leave in power. We will only see the back of Brexit in some form or another once Boris is out.

Realignment with the EU will happen slowly but surely.
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It may have escaped your notice but France is under no obligation to help Britain out here. Britain is no longer in the EU.

In any case these people may speak English and may want to get to a country where they can speak the language.

Patel is a depraved psychopath with no humanity.
I don't post on Tattle very often but I have to agree re. Patel - both she and Boris are a pair of cunts.
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Chatty Member
Plus the constant manipulation - Carrie, if you want to be PM then go about it the normal way. Run for election and get voted in.
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Raab is a disgrace. How are these people ministers? Complete lack of compassion and humanity. I struggled to sleep on Saturday night thinking of how terrified those in Kabul must be feeling and we have our Foreign Sec on a holiday!!
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I wonder what the bloviating fatberg thinks about the announcement that the England team are going to donate a huge chunk of their prize money from the Euros to the NHS?
( And before anyone points it out, yes, I know they are all millionaires and can afford it, but that’s not really the point is it? )
It's not the point at all, the NHS is not a charity. I hope that gesture brings shame on this government but you have to be human to feel shame.
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I wonder if she realizes she’ll never change him? No matter how many kids she pops out.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Did anyone see the article in The Independent detailing Gove’s attempts at out-racisting and out-arseholing Johnson?

“Mr Gove referred to people living in countries colonised by the British as “fuzzy-wuzzies”
He described Thatcher’s policies “as a “new empire” where “the happy south stamps over the cruel, dirty, toothless face of the northerner”
And said that gay people “thrive primarily upon short-term relations”. ( Well he’d know all about that. Allegedly 🙄 )
” Eton took the cream of the colonial system, it took fettered foreigners and it turned them into gentlemen.”
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