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Chatty Member
I use Good Reads. Its quick and easy to use and you can link to your kindle / kindle app. Like marjan said I also put want to reads on there too.

The only thing with good reads is that it doesnt track any re-reads.

I also dont read reviews on there as I found I seem to have very different likes and dislikes to almost all the reviews.
I think you actually can add re-reads! If you go to one of the books you have read, you see 'my activity' and if you click on edit you can add dates. You just can't log it like usual and track the progress for the book again, I think you can only add more dates 🤷‍♀️
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New Richard osman! How he keeps doing this I don’t know and I NEVER like hyped books! How has he created this world! Slightly scared that he’s already sorted number 3 so like is it gonna be as good? Is this just for the money…. Feel really conflicted lol
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I just finished the book and had a good time, thanks so much for the recommendation once again!! I will say I think I should've just read more in fewer sessions instead of spreading it out over a few days, because I did disconnect a little at times, but it was exactly the kinda cosy small witchy town vibe I was hoping for. Have you finished it? If so how did you find it? :giggle:

I somehow do this to myself too often, where I'm enjoying a book, and then take too long to finish it (either because of life, or I switch to another book) and the enjoyment slightly fizzles out and I'm chasing that initial 'this new book is banging' high, not really managing to get it back 😅
Yes I finished it too! I read it quite quickly so think that helped me get into it more, and loved the descriptions of the town and the store and school. It was a fun read I enjoyed it, mostly very likeable characters too so a nice cosy read! I would like to read more of that type of book so if you find anything else let me know 😊

Good to read about love for Ove!
I just finished it and really loved it! Parts of Ove really reminded me of my grandpa who passed away earlier this year. This was me about 10 times through the book..

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I get angry at this 😂 it’s almost like an author/publisher is assuming the book is worthy of a book club place when it hasn’t even been out 5 minutes. So many American authors love to do this.
I quite secretly like book club questions (whilst also hating that it makes you think the book is longer than it is) I always answer them in my head!
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I have been trying audiobooks as it is a free way to read through my library when I don't have time to get there. I tried an audiobook sample again this morning but unfortunately just couldn't get into it. I am really struggling with "listening" 😫
I find that audio related stuff only works for me when it's non-fiction as otherwise I find it hard to keep up and engage/imagine 😭
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Have any of you abandoned a book before? I was always taught to carry on books even if I disliked them and I’ve only ever abandoned one book before (Moon Tiger by Penelope Lively), Christ I even read Milkman and that was the worst book ever!
I’m currently reading Bee Keeper of Aleppo and I know it’s an important book but I’m finding it a bit, well the writing is good and then it zones me out. I’ve just finished chapter 3, does it get better?
Omg thank you for saying that about Milkman! I had to give up on it too.

Life is too short for reading a book you're not enjoying. I haven't read The Beekeeper of Aleppo but if it's not for you, then this is permission for you to put it down.
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I've finished The coven by Lizzie Fry. It is about witches so it worked out perfectly with Halloween. I thought it was good. Another library read so that is £4.49 saved. But I have noticed it was £2 paperback and part of Amazon's 3 for £5 paperback deal. 😱😱 Loads of books I want on there too!!!

One more library book before I try to pick up the next 3 I have waiting for me this weekend.
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Bad reading month for me last month, only read 4 books- I wasn't expecting N K Jemisin to put me in such a reading slump but I just did not want to read anything else after her Fifth Season series. May have to up my rating from 4 to 5 for that whole series considering it's not left me and I finished it at the beginning of the month.
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Another Bill Bryson fan here. The first books I read were Neither here nor There and the Lost Continent. I much prefer his travel writing to anything else. I always say I’d be happy to be stuck in a lift with that man :)
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Chatty Member
I’m reading ‘the 100 year old man who climbed out a window’ just now and am about 100 pages in. It’s had mixed reviews on good reads but had been an easy enough read so far
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Started The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena tonight. Raced through the first 100 pages so hoping to read some more tomorrow
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I’ve been in a reading rut for so long but today I finally got into a book and I can’t wait to finish it already! I’m taking my time with it - normally I finish a book in a day or two but I’m only reading in the mornings during my little ones nap time and trying to make it last!

I’m reading Helen Hoangs new book “the heart principle”. I adored her first two books the kiss quotient and the bride test so this is the third and last in the series and had to preorder it back in February and it arrived a couple weeks ago but I just couldn’t open it until today! 6 chapters down and I’m loving it!!
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I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump lately and everything’s been a bit meh. I’m thinking Stolen for my next read as everyone has raved about it so much 🤔 no pressure to the OP haha
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just started Last Tang Standing, I needed a new book and got the “what will I read next” anxiety 😂😂

so picked it on impulse
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Really like Tess Stimson!
On my library app 3 of her books are available right now so it might be worth checking out.

I got Karen Swans new Christmas book from the library and I’m so happy it’s a bit sad to admit 😂😂😂
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Haven't read it either though I was planning to. I looked at some reviews and spoilers (because... logic?) when researching if I'd want to commit to such a long book just to be sad and honestly it sounded like a lot of it was to include 'sad/shocking' stuff for the sake of the book being sad. Honestly, I think it's the case with a lot of controversial topics in most fiction books
Semi-related to this, an author whose writing I dislike purely because it feels like she writes to make you cry is Jodie Picoult.
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Struggling to get into Girl A :( will carry on though!
Oh no I have this to read! Was hoping it would get me out of my slump 😭

I am so excited I found this thread!! I am usually a massive bookworm, but in the last 3 months I’ve finished one book; An Innocent Baby by Cathy Glass.
I’m into several genres. Favourite authors are Paul Finch, MJ Arlidge, Carol Wyer, Lucy Diamond, CL Taylor and Milly Johnson to name a few.
Does anyone have any book recommendations which may help me out of my slump 😩
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