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Has anyone read Metro 2033 by Dmitry Glukhovsky? My teen is currently trying to read it (due to the video game that is based on it), but he's really struggling with the small writing and long chapters. Do I tell him to persevere or move onto something he will enjoy more?


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Has anyone read Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky? I’ve over heard some colleagues raving about it and my ears pricked up, it’s not my usual genre but I’m willing to try if you guys think it’s good?
Would also be interested in hearing opinions on this, have wondered about reading this myself as well.


VIP Member
I finished The Woman Who Lied by Claire Douglas last night and think it might well be a 5 star for me, defintley at least a 4. I read The Girls Who Disappeared by her earlier this year and LOVED that one too so think I may have a new favourite thriller author. Going to try and make my way through the rest of her books, has anyone read any?
Ooh I have this on my TBR. I read Disappeared a few months back, but also second No9 for a read. I gave it 5 stars when I read it a few years back.
Thank you - Sorry myPhone ran out of battery

So the book is based on one twin, she’s shy, quiet etc and then meets a man, gets engaged etc and he meets her twin who is the total opposite, loud, confident etc. he ends up sleeping with the twin and im sure in the end they end up going to America and he finds out that the quiet twin is actually mentally ill and takes on the personality of her dead twin sister who had died due to overdose!
And sorry I’m not sure how to put the spoiler on but happy to delete my comment if needed instead x
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Hi everyone, only just found this thread and hoping to join in the excellent discussion! I'm pleased to say I've just finished up book #35 of the year for me, "I Hope This Finds You Well" by Natalie Sue

I give it 3.5/5

Enjoyed the storyline, the dialogue was witty and clever with a bit of humour and the characters had depth - it loses points for being a little predictable towards the end and having the fatal rushed "tying up loose ends" final few chapters

Looking for recs for what to read next!
MindyLahiri what book genres do you like reading?
OK so I saw lots of you raving about John Marrs and downloaded "The One"...

I'm 25% in and really enjoying it BUT the chapters focused on Christopher are too much for me, I'm a real wimp and I can't read it past midday or I won't sleep , can I skip his chapters or do I need them???
You won't lose anything by skipping it, but there is an arc to it. Its one of the better stories!

<reply to this in prev thread @Cheddar Chalpupa >>>

So does it scarier/ any worse than [ISPOILER] the first woman who fights back[/ISPOILER] early on in the book?? Should I just be brave do you think because its otherwise got me really gripped
Yeah it does get worse. Probably best to skip, you can always go back another time when you're feeling braver, it's almost like a standalone story.


VIP Member
I just finished it and it was just predictable, cheesy nonsense. I thought it was rubbish but maybe it would be an easy read to get out of a slump.
I read this recently too and could not agree more! It was totally inoffensive but very predictable and cheesy but as you say is a quick easy read


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I'm half way through Jar of Hearts and feel like I already know the ending. Hope I'm wrong but I think Geo killed Angela.


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I need to remember this series for when I finish Boys of Tommen!
how are you enjoying the rugby boys?! i’m thinking of starting the series once i’ve finished my current read (godkiller by hannah kaner, wonderful so far) and they’re tempting me 🤣🏉
Hi all! I’m hoping someone can help me!! I’ve written a list of books that I’ve read and a few years ago I read a thriller about twins but can’t remember it and it’s been really bugging me!! Putting a spoiler in case anyone is reading / planning on reading but I’ll put the plot and if anyone knows please let me know - I literally can’t find anything on Google!!


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Anyone chose their book from Prime this month? I had a quick look this morning and am quite underwhelmed with the selection.


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I just saw that We Were the Lucky Ones by Georgia Hunter is a series now on Disney, I read the book a few years ago and liked it. Has anyone seen the show?
I finished Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo. I’m not sure what it is about her books, as I’ve said before I struggled with Ninth House but Hell Bent was on a kindle offer and very cheap plus I wanted to know how Alex was going to get Darlington out of hell. It seems that I read and read and read her books and barely make a dent in the percentage read. This took me 13 days to read, almost double the time it should normally take but I didn’t feel I was reading any less! Very odd. A Goodreads review summed up my thoughts really well, ‘This series has become akin to me to a relationship that I know isn’t working anymore but which I cannot quit because every now and then something good will happen.’ The reviewer also mentions that she doesn’t just let her characters breathe, ’they’re always running off after some new mystery or som unexpected plot turn and we are just chasing after them.’ I love Goodreads mainly for the fact that when I go to the reviews someone has written how I feel about a book much more elegantly than I ever could. I’m not sure I still really understand the whole hell, demons, coming in/getting out, all the different Lethe people whose names I can’t remember, the vampire still roaming around, whether Darlington is actually ok as a half man half demon and how that even happenedAlthough there’s going to be another book coming I really think that might be it for me As I don’t think it’ll answer any of my questions and the characters I care about are ok. Despite Darlington seeming to struggle with the demon inside and Tripp going down the Buffy route of being a vampire with a soul. I will end on a positive, I liked finding out why each of the 4 was a murderer in their little back stories.

I feel I need a palette cleanser in the form of a filthy mafia romance which I will read in a day and then completely forget about. Anyone else a fan?


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Finished a couple of books recently - finished my reread of the hunger game series - I just finished one of the good guys, which centers on this man called Cole (who is ‘one of the good guys) and his recent break up from his wife, not sure how I felt about the twist ending.

Finally finished the Ahsoka Star Wars novel and it was just okay, I have a couple of complaints but tbh it was mainly for younger readers so I don’t care too much.
I'm currently reading one of the good guys!

It is giving me gone girl vibes from the midway POV change.

I hope the ending doesn't disappoint as I have just recommended it to my sister even though I'm only two thirds through!


Active member
I am nearly half way through bee sting and I am struggling. I have an hour left of the no punctuation chapter and I’m ready to give up. Do I slog through it?


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I'm in a Will Carver phase at the moment, his brain (and books) are deliciously weird and dark.
Any similar authors out there? Or Will Carver fans?