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VIP Member
Ooh the Amazon first reads are out! It’s become one of my favourite days of the month 😂 Anyone picked their free book yet?


VIP Member
I've just finished Haven't they grown by Sophie Hannah - Now i've finished it I can say it's total crap, but I enjoyed reading 90% of it until the ending which was a massive let down.

Another book I've read recently that I picked up in Tesco on a whim is 'If I can't have you by' Charlotte Levin. Really enjoyed this one - it's kind of a mixture between The Girl on the Train and Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine.
I was so tempted to get Haven't they grown but, between Amazon and book group I'm in the poor reviews turned me off.


VIP Member
Can't stand the Tattooist of Auschwitz. Absolutely littered with historical errors and I couldn't continue reading it because of it. The book has also been heavily criticised by the Auschwitz Memorial:

The author should be ashamed of herself too as I believe she's taken a great deal of historical license of the actual story and relationship between the two lead characters.
I'm listening to it as an audiobook at the moment.

I have taken the "based on a true story" very loosely. However I still think it is still a good read, if you can say that about a book based on such horrendous events.

I read it as a story which is why I liked it so much I think. I never really thought much about it being “true”. I thought more of it being loosely based on true events, or that being where the inspiration came from. But yeah, I agree that it definitely shouldn’t be passed off as being historically accurate if it isn’t.
Totally agree


VIP Member
I read American Dirt, Where the Crawdads Sing and An American Marriage around the same time, American Dirt was OK, I loved the other 2. Reading a David Baldacci book right now, he is currently my go to author and I'm waiting for my library reservation for the new Jane Harper book.


Iconic Member
I’ve just added all those (and the ones mentioned by silkytoes to my list - they all sound right up my street. Love that a couple are 99p too. There’s some fascinating concepts in that list and I can’t wait to get started!!

I’m the same - I treat myself to The Midnight Library the other day for £4.99 (more than I’ve spent on a kindle book in absolutely ages) and when I finished it in less than 24 hours it felt like such a waste of money despite enjoying it all! At least when a books free you can read it as quick as you like and you’ve not wasted a penny.
return it 🤐 full refund. I think it might be 7 days now, it used to be 14.

I am not sure if I enjoyed The Seven Deaths, I couldn't put it down and read it in one day but I dunno. I kept getting confused and having to get it 'straight' in my head though! Have you read the other one by the same author I think it was called The Devil and the Sea - that one I loved! (And also read in one day)

I finished the new Stephen King last week and have not yet found anything I fancy reading yet, although i have an insane TBR list. I might go for a Poirot.

I didn't like The Midnight Library. I didn't even finish it, got about half way and then skimmed the rest.
that’s why I’d return it 😂 it’s not something I do all the time but if I’ve paid a lot for a book and it’s then been reduced I do under “found a better price elsewhere” (not a lie)
Or just simply “I didn’t like it” 🤷‍♀️


VIP Member
I might not bother... just starting the Arrangement. Finished Daisy Jones and The Six. Not my usual read but pleasant all the same.
I loved Daisy Jones and the Six. If you think you'd read another by that author I can highly recommend The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.


VIP Member
Isn’t that a fable? The Lion’s Paw or The Lion and the Mouse? Could it be something based off that?
I’m not entirely sure if I’m combining two stories in my head - hence the not knowing if it was the boy or a lion that had the thorn in his foot. I know of the The Lion’s Paw fable but I’m convinced this was a different story altogether. I’m pretty certain there some kind of animal guide that either had the thorn in themselves or helped the boy who did.


VIP Member
Love To Kill A Mockingbird, I read it every few years as a comfort read.

Currently reading Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid, which I'm enjoying so far, although I'm not even half the way through yet. I'm not sure why but I've been struggling to find the motivation to read for the last two weeks, I think I've just been busy with other things.
I read there's a sequel to Mockingbird which I only found out about recently. Do you know if that's worth a read?


VIP Member
I thought the Midnight Library was fine, I couldn't imagine many people disliking it, but it is definitely overhyped.

I just finished Piranesi which I found to be a real 'wow' book.
I've seen lots of good reviews of Piranesi on Goodreads and Instagram, might buy it to read next.


Well-known member
Ooh I’ve no idea I’m afraid but you’ve reminded me to ask about a book I’ve spent the last 15 or so years trying to track down!

I remember reading a book as a child (I’d say probably from 1990 onwards) and it was possibly about a brother and sister who found themselves at the edge of some kind of wood/hedge. They decided to go through into it and the boy got a thorn in his foot (I think) and as they went into the wood there was an evil witch type person, possibly a lion (he may have been the one with the thorn in his foot). I’ve no idea on character names, places,title, author etc and what I remember is totally vague but it’s killed me for years not knowing what it is. I’ve asked in so many places over the years and the only suggestion that ever comes back is The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe but it’s definitely not that one.
Anyone have any ideas?
Could it be The Magician's Nephew? It's part of the same series as The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe so still has the lion and the witch but it has 2 children and a magic woods.


VIP Member
I prefer reading books to kindle but it is a pain the price difference! I get a lot of my books 2nd hand, Oxfam seem to always have a good selection in.

My kindle when I do use it is so ancient, 2nd hand from my mum, it's the one where the screen isn't a light up one if that makes sense? Which I like as it's easier to wind down at night with and less intense on my eyes. I think I'll start getting kindle books from the library as I don't like to shop at amazon.
I may be wrong but certainly in the UK, Amazon doesn’t support you downloading library books onto a kindle, unless it’s a kindle Fire. If I’m wrong I’m sure someone will correct me.


VIP Member
I have just finished Call Me Mummy by Tina Baker I really enjoyed it. Child abduction and the story told through various narrators. Really well written, chilling and scary in parts.
Thread two! 🥰

Has anyone read The Flight by Julie Clark? It was recommended to me months back and it’s 99p on kindle now .
but because I don’t remember who recommended it I don’t know if it’s genuinely good 🤣
I haven't read it but it has been on my wish list for a while. I'm tempted to give it a go for 99p


VIP Member
Don't give up, it gets better I promise. Really enjoyed that book, good twist if I remember correctly.
Thanks - I’ll preserve. It’s so annoying as I am enjoying it and the twists have started unravalling but I’m just not interested or invested enough to read more than 1 or 2 chapters at a time so it’s taking forever. I’m normally done with a book in 2-3 days so this is alien to me!


VIP Member
Has anyone read this? I just bought and excited to start it!
No but I've previously read one of her other books. Apparently Prince Phillip appears as a character which is incredibly convenient!

On a serious note, I see her books being raved about in historical fiction groups I'm in. If I didn't have a huuuugggeee TBR pile then I'd be considering this as well.