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You can see the 🍑 difference on her stories 😆
I definitely noticed the 🍑 size difference and I seriously don't understand why she has to constantly photoshop her pictures as it just quite frankly looks ridiculous. It's almost as if she is not happy with any of the features that she has got and frankly it is quite sad that has to photoshop every single photo that she takes. I always say you should always love yourself for who you are as you should embrace your entire being, including your strengths and weaknesses, triumphs and challenges as well as your successes and mistakes.
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She would have definitely posted something that would have hinted that she was with him, so the fact she hasn't tells me that Billy has met up with Harry without her. I can understand Billy wanting to keep his private life private and I don't blame him for that.
Yeah I suppose if it’s not serious then there’s no need for constant posting, is there? He may be wary about screwballs sending her hate etc. he’s probably got PTSD from that Orla nutcase. So another reason why he may not want her posting I suppose.

As soon as I see his bro or best mates up the road following her then I know it’s getting serious.
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I’m also just really really jealous that she gets to touch up his peachy bum! 🤣😆

But yeah, he could be just using her for a shag. Shes giving him it on a plate, he’s a 22 year old boy so why not? 🤷‍♀️

I’m dying to ask her a question but she probably won’t answer as like you said she only answers her own questions! Boring! 🙄

Brightons next home game is next Sunday against Villa. Will be interesting to see is she’s there. I reckon his family will be back down supporting him as well.
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Her lips definitely look like they have been re-pumped and IMO they don't suit her as they now look too big and I agree she does like showing her boobs off as she always wears a bikini that is too small for them. If she does get them out like that when she is with Billy then he will indeed get an eyeful.

She is probably far too busy on her photoshoot at the moment to like his recent post and will probably like it after she has finished and I don't know about you but it is definitely weird that he doesn't like any of her posts from his private account.
He might like from his private account, we can only see the last 100 likes? You have to keep track but if there’s hundreds of likes at same time it can be hard.

Yeah her lips look different, far too big now.

I notice she’s recently started wearing a van cleef necklace and bracelet, maybe a birthday present from Billy? He also has a van cleef bracelet as well so he likes that brand 👀 but then again a lot of influencers wear this brand as well, it’s quite popular.
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I still don’t get her being in the home end? Maybe it was last minute and only tickets available?

If we see him after the game with an overnight case he’s going home, if just a ruck sack then he’s going back down south 👍🏻
I think the fact she is in the home end is 100% confirmation that this trip to Newcastle was planned at the last possible minute and that these were the only tickets left. If this trip to Newcastle was planned weeks earlier she would have 100% been in the away end.

I agree if he has an overnight case he's going back home and if he just has a ruck sack then he's going back to Brighton and therefore it would have been a complete waste of a journey for P.
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I hate to say it too but there’s so many red flags with her. I don’t know the girl but I just don’t get a good vibe from her at all.

If B likes her then so be it, but he’s not stupid and knows deep down what she’s all about. Hopefully he’s just getting his leg over with her and that’ll be it.
Yep, there are too many red flags that are impossible to ignore and like you I don't know P but the vibes I get from her are all bad ones rather than good ones.

If Billy likes her then fair enough but I do think deep down he knows that she isn't the right person for him and that she is nothing but trouble. I do think that they will split up before the end of the year as she as is always going away on holiday and never seems to spend much time in the UK.
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She’s a totally different person.

Maybe it’s a bad angle? Or the glasses? 😬 Whatever it is, it don’t look good!
Yep that is not the same person walking on the pitch and uploading them pictures to Instagram as it totally looks like 2 different people.

She has totally ruined her face and whether or not it is a bad angle or the glasses it doesn’t look good either way as she looks years older when she is younger than the 3 of us.
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Yeah every influencer and Wag seem to be adorned in van cleef! 😆 They can’t see shit, can they?

Shoot is for fashion brand Jaded London. They look a bit tacky tbh, not my cup of tea!

Yeah the lips are too much. Not nice.

Wtf is she wearing? 🙈😆 Doing her boobs no favours here!
Yeah not my style but it’s a big brand. 1 million followers 😱
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Her Insta story saying she’s been getting a lot of hateful messages recently and she doesn’t know why? Must be bad if she’s commenting on it?

I seen she posted twice yesterday and took them down? Feel sorry for her if that’s the case, doesn’t deserve that. She can’t really turn comments off though, can she? She needs them for engagement etc.

How many Billy fangirls read here? 🙈
I haven't seen any hateful comments on any of her Instagram posts as they are full of compliments and positive emojis, so if that's the case that she has been getting hateful comments then I feel sorry for her but I am somewhat skeptical about this, but as you said she can't turn the comments off as she needs them for engagement and I don't think many Billy fangirls read here as it is mostly me and you on this page.
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Omg she’s at the Newcastle game! 😳 hard launch incoming!

Wonder if she got back yesterday and travelled up there and it was her who took the picture of northern lights?
It’s the apparently that threw me off 😂
Which step are we at now with the launch? 😆Haven’t she been to games before?
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Exactly as he is such a private person he won't want people knowing about his personal life whereas P wants everyone to know about the relationship by posting hints when she is with him.

I'm surprised he hasn't liked her birthday post as I was convinced that he would have liked it so the fact he hasn't is very strange to me, also the fact that P hasn't posted about what she got from Billy makes me think that he didn't get her anything because if she did she would have posted it on Instagram IMO. I'm also convinced that they did not see each other during her birthday week either because if they did she would again have posted a hint which showed that she was with him.
They definitely didn’t see one another during the week. Defo Monday as she would have stayed Sunday night (she didn’t post from his place, however the location tag and his phone screen saver the night before were more than enough)! Possibly Friday as she flew from Gatwick so may have stayed at his night before? But as me and Poppy said she would have posted where she was!

She was defo out with friends Tue, Wed and Thu going by locations she tagged as I was able to see who she was with from looking at other peoples videos under the location’s Insta stories reel.

Brightons last game is at home to Man Utd next weekend. Last game is usually were players partners and families do a lap of the pitch at the end. Will be interesting if she’s there! 👀 If she’s as ambitious as we think she is then she will be, if not then confirms Billy isn’t serious about her. They’ll have been seeing one another for a couple of months by then so she’ll be desperate to get seen especially as he’ll be away for the Euros soon after.
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And so the holiday posts have started! 👏 Filtered to the hilt looking nothing like she did last weekend!

C’mon Phoebe, show us some Billy! 🤣😆
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Looks like Maresca is leading for the Chelsea manager job now going by the tabloids. De zerbi now being touted for United 🙄🤣 the non stop manager merry go round continues!

Can someone please employ Poch, I want him to stay in the PL! 😬
Yeah, I think Maresca is going to go Chelsea, I still think McKenna will go United but I am really unsure as to who is going to take the Brighton job. The Managerial Merry-Go-Round continues as Leicester and Ipswich could soon be looking for new managers.

I did think at first that United would employ Poch but I have to be honest that looks pretty unlikely now.
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It hasn’t made the gossip pages 😆 when is the Scotland team announced? Can see her posting that 😆
Yep not a peep about her 😆 she’ll start posting tid bits again once she sees there’s no interest in her!

Wouldn’t be surprised if she posts about his Scotland Euro team announcement to keep her in the loop 👍🏻
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They all do it & turn out looking like clones of each other
Just seen she wants 550cc! Seems big for her frame but her choice
Exactly most of these influences do look the spitting image of each other and I'm surprised that people haven't turned around and asked them if they are sisters as they all look identical. You're right though that size does seem very big for her frame and it doesn't seem ideal to me but hey ho what do I know it's her choice and if she ends up regretting it then that will be her problem. Also to be aware 500CC is consisted to be a very large breast augmentation.
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Yeah she knew the big reveal was happening so no need to post the Amex pitch at kick off.

I don’t think she’ll be at the Euros. She’s going to Thailand in 3-4 weeks.

Will be interesting if she meets up with Billy on his holidays after the Euros? He usually goes to Ibiza with his mates for a week.
Exactly this now explains why she didn't post anything at kick off because she knew that by the end of the game she would be on that pitch. I have to say I find it strange that his parents didn't go on the pitch considering that they did last year and I thought they would have done so today unless they didn't want to. Either way it seems very odd and totally unlike his parents to not be on the lap of honour with him.

I don't think she'll be at the Euros either but with her being on the pitch today then who the bleep knows.

I don't think she will meet up with Billy on his holidays after the Euros either considering the fact that she is travelling around Europe in the Summer unless they find the time, but even if she does go I can't see hanging out much considering that he will be with his mates. I'm not going to lie I feel very disappointed in him at the moment.
Yeah it looks that way, doesn’t it?

Poor Harvey looks like he’d rather be somewhere else. Where’s his little cousins, they’re usually there on final day?

She’ll be loving all the attention. This is the ultimate goal for her.
It definitely looks that way to me.

Harvey does not look comfortable at all to be in her presence which makes me think that he is already getting bad vibes off her and as well as his cousins where are his mum and dad as it is totally unlike them to not be doing the lap of honour with him. It's very strange as none of them apart from P look to be that happy and it definitely seems to be a very tense atmosphere amongst the 3 of them which is totally unlike Harvey and Billy as usually they are very chatty and supportive of one another. Yet in these photos it is 100% clear that Harvey would rather be somewhere else which is totally unlike him.

She'll 100% be loving all the attention as she has got to go on the pitch and has achieved her ultimate mission which is to show everyone that she is Billy new girlfriend.
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Thanks for the heads-up EllaBella10 I will watch it if I can although I probably won't be able to seeing as it is the first Semi-final of Eurovision tonight. Did you notice that P was asking for a digital stylist on Instagram last night?
Did she? 😆 So what does that entail exactly? How to photoshop properly? 🤣

I’ll try and watch as well if I can get peace and quiet 👍
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It is indeed the start of P’s birthday celebrations. She’s tagged herself at a restaurant in London, no sign of B. If he was there she would have posted something hinting of him.

Will be interesting to see if she spends any time with him over the next few days, may be too busy partying with friends? He has a game on Sunday so she might see him after the game again? Highly likely his family will be there as they go to all the home games. We shall wait and see! 👀

Will also be interesting if he gets her a present? 😆👀 I’m so nosey!
Yep no sign of Billy at the restaurant with her and as you said if he was there she would have posted something which hinted that he was. IMO Billy is probably too busy with training.

It will be very interesting to see if she spends any time with him over the next few days although I suspect that she may be too busy partying with her friends to see him. I'm sure if she is with him on Sunday night she will post a hint of it as she can't keep anything quiet. We shall definitely wait to see what happens and also if he gets her a present I'm sure she will post it on Instagram.

Just to let you know I am off to the Cotswold's tomorrow morning and I'm so excited as me and mum have lots of things planned.
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I'm definitely beginning to wonder if Billy has 100% put his foot down and told her not to post anything about the trip as she has posted nothing about what she has done today nor have we got the usual bikini pic that we are accustomed to. This could still change as I'm convinced that she will post something but I have to say I'm surprised she hasn't posted a single thing today apart from last night's dinner.
Yeah it’s not like her. When she’s away we always get bikini content at least. But nothing….

I really do think he’s asked her not to post. He’s private as you know and it’ll be a holiday just the two of them, it’s not a working holiday for her so she’ll likely go along with his wishes.

She’ll be dying to post though I reckon. I do think she will before they come home but it’ll be nothing interesting.

Why would you not want everyone to know you were on holiday with your new girl? I know he’s private but you’d think he’d cut a bit of slack? He’s already went public with her, so what’s the issue?
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