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Especially as it was in real time! He won’t like that. Could she not have waited a couple of hours to post after they had left? Maybe it was deliberate as she wants people to see them out and about 🤷‍♀️

What’s the betting they’ll be papped out soon?
With what Billy went through with devil baby can’t imagine he wants locations in real time posted.
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Yep, I have just checked definitely 30k lurkers it's definitely gone up in the last few days as I'm sure it was only 19k last week or the week before.
Wow! 🙈🤣 That’s a lot of lurkers!

Still no re-post. He’s definitely seen it by now. He would have re-posted by now. He might have on his private, but she’ll want it done on his public! 😆🤣 Play the game Billy! 😝
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Thought the Brighton v Chelsea game was on tonight 😢 it’s next Wednesday 😩 oh well…

P looks like she’s had her lips re-pumped? Not sure about them 🤔 less is more as they say! Also, for someone who doesn’t like their boobs she sure likes showing them off 😆 wonder if she gets them out like that when she’s on dates with Billy? He’d certainly get an eyeful 🤣

She’s not liked his recent post? Maybe because he didn’t like her last one? 😆
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Wouldn’t surprise me! She’ll be the one pushing for it obviously 🙄

Euros beckoning and she’ll not be with him after end of this week so she’ll be pushing and posting no doubt!
She will definitely pushing for a couples pic with him as she will want to show everyone that Billy's is hers whilst he will want to keep the relationship private.

I agree with the Euros beckoning and with them not seeing each other for ages after this she will want to get it out in the open even more and will no doubt post several more hints whilst they are Portugal together.
It won’t last past summer, I’ll be shocked if it does!
If it does last beyond the summer then I'll be shocked too.
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Whatever! 🙄🤣
As you said we’re not threatening anyone or causing any harm. Plus I have seen other threads that are way worse compared to this one. It’s not as if we are doing anything bad would they say the same if they saw Ben’s, Mason’s and everybody else’s threads. Me thinks they wouldn’t.
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I’ll be surprised if Billy left it until today to come back home. If he’s flew back today then he’ll have flew back home on his own.

I don’t think she’s in Scotland. If she was here she would have posted something by now. She’ll be back in London planning her next holiday.

Not sure how the holiday went as not got much to go on, but the fact it’s been so quiet, no posts or mention of each other is strange. The big reveal last weekend then nothing… 🤷‍♀️

As @jackgrealish said, they may have just been enjoying each others company and couldn’t be arsed posting. But something seems a bit off….
Exactly I would be very surprised if Billy left it until today to go back to Scotland and so IMO if he did go back yesterday then he went on his own as it looks like P was still in Portugal this morning according to her Insta story. Then again if he did fly back today then like you he'll have flown back home on his own.

Exactly I don't think she's in Scotland either because knowing what we know she would have posted something by now, but tbh I think she'll be back in London planning her holiday to Thailand which is coming up next month.

Yep, we don't know how well the holiday went as she hardly posted throughout the time that they were there and when she did post it wasn't very exciting as she only posted about food and the scenery. The fact it has been so quiet with no posts or mentions of each other is very strange and odd to see the least especially when we had the big reveal with her being on the pitch last week to nothing at all from the holiday this week. It's just very bizarre to say the least especially when we have seen nothing of Billy as he has spent the holiday hiding away.

I agree with you and @jackgrealish they could have been enjoying each other's company and perhaps couldn't be bothered to post anything. But then again like you something still seems off because let's face it P would have wanted to post all about this holiday as she has done it on every holiday that she has been on so far this year but when it comes to this holiday she posts absolutely nothing.
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Yep they were seen over most of the country 😆 but had to add Newcastle 🤭
Yeah just had to add that in there, didn’t she? Honestly! 🙄😆

Billy will be off tomorrow, I’m sure she’ll be back late today or tomorrow as well 👀 she’ll fly back to Gatwick so what’s the betting she’ll go to Billy’s?
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She's sitting in the Newcastle end though as the away end is at the very top of the North Stand (also known as the Leazes End)

She must have got back yesterday and then travelled up to Newcastle but as she isn't in the away end it is clear as day that she has turned up without Billy's knowledge.
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So would he have arranged a ticket then? Must have been a last minute thing?

He’s off tomorrow and not too far from home up there. I wonder if he’ll go home after this game and she’ll go with him? 👀
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By liking it from his private account he is definitely keeping it on the down low which says it all really. It's almost as if he is making it out like they aren't a thing especially when he was liking her posts before from his public account. I don't know why but I am still getting the feeling that something is off what do you think?
He’s definitely keeping things on the down low. Which to me means things are just casual with them.

I thought with her going to his place straight after her holiday things were getting serious but I really don’t think they’ve been together since that. Unless he’s specifically told her not to post, which speaks volumes again. He’s probably just busy getting fit and won’t have time for her or a relationship right now.

Will be interesting what happens this summer after the Euros. He usually goes away for a week with his mates to Ibiza. Then spends a week back at home before he’s away for pre season. We’ll see if P features at all 👀 or there may even be another girl for us to talk about? 😆 Remember he met Jolie in Ibiza last year.

Saying that P will be away on her travels, seems like she’s always away somewhere on holiday!
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I see P's at the game and she is sitting in the Skybox hospitality area. Also I don't know who that person is in the video that she has posted in the selfie before but it doesn't look like her in the slightest.
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She’s in Portugal! With Billy? 🤔

Thought he’d have went home? Maybe he has and it’s just her on yet another jaunt? We’ll soon find out! 👀

Told you, she couldn’t help but post if abroad. Cant miss out on that content!
Well she didn't mention anything about this trip in her recent Q&A so I suspect she is with Billy :unsure:

I honestly thought he would have gone home too and took her to meet his other family members and his friends especially when she hasn't met any of them yet? I mean he still might have gone back home and she's just on yet another jaunt by herself but I honestly think he's with her.

Yep, she's honestly so predictable as we knew she wouldn't be able to help herself as she can't wait to miss out on content as she's always got to tell people where she is.
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Sunday morning easy jet flights are notorious for getting cancelled all the time. He better watch what he is doing!

On another note, I noticed that my current fave Wag Gracie, Evan Fergusons girlfriend, has started following a few of the other Brighton Wags. Must have been since last weekend with them all hanging out at the final game.

None of them are following P? 🤔 She was probably too busy waving and lording it up to the crowd to talk to any of them tbh.
Exactly you can't easy jet flights as currently they sit at the top of flight delay and cancellations rankings with 1,857 cancelled flights and 1,105 delayed flights in the last year. I remember when we were flying with Bmibaby to Jersey years ago and the flight was delayed by 4 hours and like Easy Jet they were notorious for getting cancelled at short notice. So, yeah he better watch what he is doing.

I like Grace as she seems such a lovely, genuine and sweet person and she is somebody who I would definitely get along with with as she comes across as so warm and friendly which is the total opposite of P.

None of them are probably following P because they don't know her on a personal level whereas the other wags talk to each other on a daily basis. Also from the videos I have seen of the lap of honour I don't think P spoke to any of them as she probably didn't even make an effort to do so plus she seemed glued to Billy and Harvey's side as she never left them once.
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Exactly this now explains why she didn't post anything at kick off because she knew that by the end of the game she would be on that pitch. I have to say I find it strange that his parents didn't go on the pitch considering that they did last year and I thought they would have done so today unless they didn't want to. Either way it seems very odd and totally unlike his parents to not be on the lap of honour with him.

I don't think she'll be at the Euros either but with her being on the pitch today then who the bleep knows.

I don't think she will meet up with Billy on his holidays after the Euros either considering the fact that she is travelling around Europe in the Summer unless they find the time, but even if she does go I can't see hanging out much considering that he will be with his mates. I'm not going to lie I feel very disappointed in him at the moment.

It definitely looks that way to me.

Harvey does not look comfortable at all to be in her presence which makes me think that he is already getting bad vibes off her and as well as his cousins where are his mum and dad as it is totally unlike them to not be doing the lap of honour with him. It's very strange as none of them apart from P look to be that happy and it definitely seems to be a very tense atmosphere amongst the 3 of them which is totally unlike Harvey and Billy as usually they are very chatty and supportive of one another. Yet in these photos it is 100% clear that Harvey would rather be somewhere else which is totally unlike him.

She'll 100% be loving all the attention as she has got to go on the pitch and has achieved her ultimate mission which is to show everyone that she is Billy new girlfriend.
Billy’s parents don’t usually do the pitch lap with him at end of season. Usually Harvey or his cousins.

Harvey looks a bit awkward, bless!

Her followers are up to 119k now. That’s 2k since couple of days ago.

Really didn’t think she’d be on pitch today. But here we are! 🤷‍♀️😆 Think I’ve underestimated how much Billy likes her. I still don’t think she’s good for him though. I do think she’s using him for clout right now, but will see how things progress….
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Yep, had to wait until she wasn’t with him, eh? Had an idea she’d go the full hog! Why not?

Right on the eve of the Euros team meeting up. Great timing P! 👍🏻
Exactly she posted it when she isn't even with him. I thought she would but at the same time I thought she wouldn't the thing is it's going to disappear after 24 hours so as long as she gets that exposure eh?

Way to go P great timing you really know when to post things (y)
she looks different in this!
She really does look different compared to her filtered photoshopped pictures and when she was on the pitch last week. That's now 3 different versions I have seen of her.
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Haven’t she been to games before?
Nope I think this is the first game that she has been too although it is noticeable she is sitting in the home end and not the away end as the away end is the North Stand (also known as the Leazes Stand).
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It looks like from the YouTube video they were standing away from the other players and wags.

Even with her glasses off she still looks really different and looks nothing like she does in her Instagram pictures. Whatever she’s had done it really ages her and definitely not in a good way either. Also what happened to her arse as it doesn’t even look the same size compared to her Instagram pictures, in fact many features look different when you compare them to her Instagram pictures.
She’s a total catfish! I’m dying to see this shoot she done in Vegas as I doubt they’ll photoshop as much as she does.

Shes an average girl who relies on photoshop and cosmetic procedures for followers and likes to get by. Sad really.
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I’m not particularly a big Billy fan but I’m living for all this.

I wonder what stunt she’s gonna pull next 😂.
She’s a typical wag wannabe! We love a gossip over here 😆
I liked Billy at Chelsea! Hopefully Brighton will continue to work out for him with a new manager
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