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Remember she’s supposed to be going back to Australia as well in October!

He obviously really likes her and is serious about her otherwise she wouldn’t have been paraded on the pitch last week or on holiday with him now. Why parade her on the pitch in public if he didn’t think it was going to last though? He’s only been on holiday with one other girl before P, so he is definitely serious about her.

Maybe it’s a case of ‘we’ll see how it goes’ and ‘what will be, will be’ but I just can’t see them lasting. I’ve said from the start I just can’t see him with someone like her long term.
Exactly if she does go back to Australia in October then it's possible that the next time they see each other is in November. I mean I don't know how the relationship is going to work with her being constantly away.

Exactly he must really like her and is serious about her hence the reason as to why she was on the pitch last week and on holiday with him now, but one thing I don't get is why does he not want everyone to know that's he's on holiday with her? Yes I get he's private about his personal life but surely he'd cut a bit of slack I mean like you said the other day what's the issue. Also if he wanted to keep it private why parade her on the pitch in front of 30,000+ fans it doesn't make any sense.

I agree it could be a case of "We'll see how it goes and what will be, will be" but like you I just can't see them lasting as I don't think it would work out between them long term especially seeing as she hardly spends any time in the UK. If they were to split up IMO it would be down to them not spending any time together
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Now she’s done this I can see him featuring on the grid. The story is testing the reaction & engagement 😆 I don’t see him posting her at all
You’re right, she’ll be testing the water to see what reaction and engagement she’ll get! Will be interesting over the next few days what reaction she gets.

I don’t think he’ll post about her either. Not on his public account anyway!
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Her face looks really different compared to her Instagram photos and in this photo she looks older than 22. In fact she looks like a totally different person altogether and I take it you're not a fan of her either MrsLennox23.
She really does wouldn’t know it was her if not next to Billy! The sunglasses are given early 00s wag
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Don’t players normally take wives/gf with them?
Yeah I think so? P in Vegas she will be raging. Doubt very much he would have taken her though!

She must be expecting more followers with her Billy association to be enquiring about a digital stylist, eh?
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His bro Harvey is following her now and so is one of his best mates Robyn! Wonder if they’re up in Scotland now? 🤔

Hopefully Robyn will talk sense into him!
Interesting that they have only started following her now and not before today especially when they have been dating since March. It makes me think that they are definitely in Scotland together and if Robyn gets bad vibes from her then I'm sure he will tell Billy. I also wonder how long it will take for P to follow them back seeing as she didn't follow his other friend when he followed her. It's definitely strange though that P hasn't posted anything that indicates that she has gone to Scotland with him because knowing what we know she can't keep anything quiet as she always likes to post hints, but yet again she's gone awfully quiet and hasn't dropped any hints at all. I wonder why she has stopped posting hints? Did Billy finally put his foot down and tell her that she isn't allowed to post anymore hints :unsure:

Poor Harvey, he looked lost yesterday with P hogging Billy at every turn 😢
He looked so uncomfortable and embarrassed walking alongside P and it looked like he wanted to be somewhere else. I actually felt really sorry for Harvey yesterday because he looked so lost and it felt like he was completely forgotten about as P made the lap of honour all about her.
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He 100% would have went back home if he had the choice! Portugal was more exotic for P than dreary old Scotland 🙄 His family will suss her out as well probably!

She’s tagged where they are as well. Billy will love that - not! 🙄

How long do you reckon they’ll be away for? I think 4-5 nights, back at weekend. Billy will report to Scotland either Sunday or Monday. He might catch up with his family day before?

Looks like a quiet resort for couples and families. He’s defo there with her. It’s not a place you’d go with your mates to party?
It’s a luxury resort that’s well used by footballers & celebs - Mason, Conor G have been before.
Do you think it’s couples only? Or friends might have gone?
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That looks like the gym? How exciting working out on your holiday 🙄 I get that Billy needs to keep up with his fitness though. Wonder if she’s one of these girls that has a full face of make up when working out? I bet she is 😆

I see Brightons pre season tour is in Japan in July. Will be awkward if Mitoma leaves 😆
Yeah, for some reason I don't think she would have wanted to go the gym on holiday, honestly i'd be really excited to be going to the gym when I'm on holiday not. I understand that Billy needs to keep up with his fitness though as he needs to be fully match fit and I can imagine that she would be one of those girls who'd have a full face of make up on when working out but I don't think this is what she was planning when she went away. I bet she is well pissed off.

I saw that about Brighton pre season tour and I thought the same it will be very awkward if Mitoma does leave.
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The classic influencer pose 😆 a pic like that was always going to end up on the Gram! 🤣

Yeah don’t get all the secrecy either. I understand that he wouldn’t want his location back home being broadcast, I get that, but she’s made it very clear they’re together. He put her on display last game of the season. Not sure why Billy has been hiding ever since? 🤷‍♀️

He’s flying out to Germany with Scotland tomorrow so this will be their last time together for a while.
Exactly it's the classic influencer pose by hiding who you are with even though most people probably know who she is with by now.

The secrecy is very strange to say the least I mean I totally get that he wouldn't want his location back home being broadcast for everybody to see hence the reason why it was deleted so quickly as he more than likely wasn't pleased that she tagged the location. Exactly she has made it very clear that they're together by posting about him after they had come back from Portugal and he has also made it very clear that they were together by allowing her on the pitch on the last day of the season. I really don't know why he has been hiding ever since it's just very strange to say the least it's almost as if he doesn't want to acknowledge that he is with her.

Yep, this will be their last time together for a while and it will be interesting to see what happens next 👀

By the way as we are now past 1000 posts I think it's time that we created a new thread.
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Yep, nothing original. She’s the same as thousands of other influencers.

Still cant see any hate in comments. She’s also still got comments enabled on her stories as well so can’t be that bothered about the haters, eh?!
Yep, she's exactly like other influencers who constantly post pictures of their arse and boobs and I still can't see any hate in the comments either so either she isn't bothered about the haters or she got no hate to begin with.
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Well you’ll be an expert since you follow Mase and Chilly Willy! 😆 Those two have been through god knows how many now? 🤣

Oh yeah, she’ll be pushing for it definitely. Getting more blatant now. I don’t think Billy will entertain her for much longer, she’s too thirsty and desperate. I don’t think he’ll be wanting anything serious just now anyway. And if he did it wouldnt be with someone like her.
Yeah following them 2 & it’s the same routine same type of girl 😆
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All these Insta model influencer types all know one another though, don’t they? They all socialise in the same circles as they are all after the same thing. A baller!
They definitely all know one another as they all go to the same events and parties. The fact they socialise in the same circles is proof that they are all after a footballer and that they are all as bad as one another.
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If I want to comment and laugh at P’s photoshop skills or talk about B then I will! If that makes me deranged or unhinged then so be it! 🤣😆 Bring it on! 👊
I don't see anything wrong with us talking about with P because at the end of the day she's made known herself that she is dating Billy with all the hints that she has been providing left, right and centre. Plus this thread was specifically created by you so that we could talk about Billy just like all the other footballers threads on this forum that have been created by other people. Honestly I don't care about what they have to say.
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Sounds like Billy got dating tips from Ben & Mason 😆 using the private, having girls stay at the house trying to keep it private. It’s always the same & the girls can’t help but drop hints😂
Yes definitely, he’s learned from the best with those two! 😆🤣
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Yeah, not sure about the secrecy of being away with her either.

He’s going out with an influencer, nothing about her life is private! She’s going to post everything about her life. If he wants a private relationship why is he going out with an influencer? 🤷‍♀️

That’s why when I first realised he was seeing her that I couldn’t get my head around it as it’s just not him. He could get with most girls he wanted, why an influencer? And one that looks as if she’s in her 30s! 😆
I'm not sure about the secrecy of being away with her either as to me it comes across as if he doesn't want to acknowledge that P's his girlfriend. He can't keep his relationships hidden away forever as sooner than later people are going to know who he's dating between now and by the time he retires.

Exactly he's going out with an influencer and not many influencers keep their lives private either as they post everyday 24/7. As you have said if he wants a private relationship then why date an influencer who is going to post everything about her life.

Yeah, I can't get my head around it either as it's not someone who I expected him to be with as I always thought he would go with someone who liked a private life and remained out of the limelight. Exactly why an influencer and one that looks as if she's in her late 30s. It doesn't make any sense as you think he would have learned to not date influencers especially after the incident with Orla and the short-term romance with Jolie.
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