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VIP Member
I've just started watching series 2 on You Tube. It was SO good back then! So much more natural and a great mix of people.
Didn't Penny get obsessed with Paul early on? Also can't believe Stuart was 36 which is my current age, he seemed so much older and boring.
Love Dean, can't remember if he turns out to be nice all the way through. Amma is scary. Love Brian, i'd forgotten how naturally charismatic he was.
I’m doing the same!!! I was 12 when I first watched this back in 2001! It’s so lovely and innocent!


VIP Member
Was Carole the one who’d been at Greenham Common ? There was another older lady called Lesley who was a member of the WI


Well-known member
Fight night was brills, I laughed all the way through that clip. Marco smirking as he wound Jason up and watching it all explode. The rest did not disappoint. What did Emma actually do to get chucked out, from what I can see they were both throwing things.


VIP Member
She also used to plead ‘please don’t take my fwends’ on eviction night. She got everyone onside in the house so never got nominated but the public hated her and swiftly removed her when there was a public only eviction. She had to leave in her dressing gown 😂😂😂
Haha amazing! I remember this so well now you have said. She was a right character 😂


VIP Member
Noooo, 2 minute nominations would be horrible - Kemal and Nikki were both hilarious in the diary room and used to give reasons for their nominations that went on for well over 2 minutes and they were funny to watch.
oh I think some can be funny during nominations but most waffle on about nothing/dont give real reasons.
So a time limit might mean they get to a proper reason quicker


Chatty Member
This may have been mentioned already but I just cannot get over that Emily Parr (who was evicted for racist comments) is now a Youtuber with almost 50k followers on Instagram. I doubt her followers have made the connection...
Just took a look and I didnt even recognise her. I wouldnt have made the connection if I found her channel.


VIP Member
If it was planned before covid then possibly but otherwise it may just be a celebration of what shaped the channel for its 20th birthday (and to fill screen time lol).
I’ve just thought, if it’s on channel 4 will they only be showing the channel 4 highlights or all of it? Hope all of it! Haven’t looked at the synopsis properly. Looking forward to it tho! There’s quite a bit of the channel 4 series I haven’t seen to be fair, my sister watched it obsessively but I just used to watch the first and last episodes and then dip in and out of the rest, i might have a week where I watched every episode and then the next week only watch two. I didn’t start watching it full time until channel 5 because my mum decided she wanted to watch it so I thought I would as well.