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Every few weeks my partner and I take our dog down to Lido Beach and grab coffee from Blue Bottle (pandemic habit we started when we needed somewhere to drive to and they did mobile orders). That place was popping off with expensive looking people, people on laptops, women with frighteningly expensive handbags. I could not even imagine going there looking like a slob and pretending to be a newscaster in front of all these people.

I immediately got second hand embarrassment thinking about all the segments they’ve filmed there.
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What the actual f**k?! Just when I thought they couldn’t get any worse. This wasn’t a decade ago! She’s a grown woman in her mid 30s! I didn’t know she had a history of filming guests like this - I totally thought it was recent! Someone needs to send this to Disney (and after that to FRE and then Reddit) and have her banned from the parks! Making fun of and filming disabled Disney guests and then posting it online has to go against Disney policy! I feel so horrible for that man! 😢 I can’t help but feel like he was thinking “I hope that laughing isn’t because of me”. She is still that mean girl in high school that would laugh with her friends when you walk by and you didn’t know what they were laughing about or if they were laughing at you. Jesus.

I'm disabled. That's exactly what he was thinking.
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I know this isnt mondo thread I like the guy he cool person but is he getting bigger? I just worry that he is not taking care him self....
I knew nothing about Mondo (besides his name). So I gave into my curiosity and found this is one of his most popular videos ever from his channel :


Let me guess. Vlogging at Disneyland is his full time job too?

Disney seriously needs to stop enabling these 🤡’s that just pirate off their brand and Intellectual Property.

Adam the Woo can’t show extended clips of MLB games on his channel to drive revenue for himself. Why are all these “influencers” allowed to just try and profit all day off of Disney’s work? Is it that it is just too hard to enforce?
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Hmmm, so that Stan ‘enjoys calling out someone’s crap’ but objects to others doing the same. That kind of hypocrisy sounds like classic KT.
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Mouse Daze

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She claimed to everyone watching yesterday that she is the QUEEN of DISNEYLAND.

KT............just sit down!!!!!!

Now if she wanted to say she was KT the CLOWN of DISNEYLAND...........that would be more believable.
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And this was deleted already Damm
This could have been an opportunity to at least try and do some damage control. We all know it would all be bull, but apologizing would be good for her image. But if it's deleted, it was never posted right?

Full disclosure, I didn't see the live last night. I've only seen clips posted here, and read comments posted here. I know as a former viewer I'd get pissed watching her act like an idiot. This behavior will irritate people, and they might start seeing why BLAB needs a team of moderators. She's not helping her channel, or her relationship
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Barnes Wallace

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Liz, I know you read here.... I'm almost certain of who you are, and I am sure you probably don't give a shit what I think, but BLAB is a grenade waiting to go off, in fact, they are going off and have been for a long time.
The damage they will do to Davids "Brand" doesn't bear thinking about. I've always liked you, and have stuck up for David many times here, but yeah I was incredibly disappointed you "chose" to pop up in the video (and you did chose to do it) You were used as a prop... and you know it deep down.
Once you'd gone the "Oh that's our great friend Liz" ect ect..... I could smell the bullshit through the screen it was pathetic.

There aren't 6 degrees of separation between BLAB and Fresh Baked, there is One Degree..... people google Best Life and it's a fucking train-wreck of lying, cheating and scamming.... and you are associating your husband and his livelihood with that, especially since he quit work and it's his full-time job.

Now maybe you think KT is your friend..... she's not. Ashlie was her friend.... you know what happened there right? Or maybe you just heard KTs one-sided bullshit explanation of things and didn't bother to listen to Ashlie. Sure you feel some kind of false loyalty to KT but she is by her own admission incapable of having female friends. You're a puppet, a prop, I'm sure KTs wearing of the friendship bracelet you made her, let yourself be manipulated by her as she has done so many others.... but think for yourself..... your husband's channel is on the line here, not just your friendship with KT. David has been smart enough not to feature them.... you let him down on a day when they were rude enough to release a Churro video 2 hours after his own. So do what you want Liz... but these two are taking food off your table... and tarnishing your own honesty (because i do believe you're honest, just a little naive and misguided). I'm sure Ally has bought you and KT back together, going in on the gift basket was sweet, but it would have been nicer off just you and David alone, considering KT took ALL the credit on social media for it.

So be in all BLABs videos if you want..... goodwill from people here is running very very low for you, I hope they are worth it.
Florida Resident Edits are now featuring them in some of their best. videos yet, which means you are reaching all the way across the USA now...
good luck with all that comes with that, none of it is good, absolutely NONE of it is good!
Apologises for the long post.
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Barnes Wallace

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Taken from today's Live video.......
KTs Cringey Backpack Dance,
Classic comment from Spence who points out that no one asked her for the dance.
(Thanks @VAVAV00M for pointing it out)

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when kt interrupted, calling brickey a genius and laughing SOOOO hard at his lame comment about the starcruiser costumes, i cant believe spencer is just like oh thats her ADHD. no thats not ADHD thats her being rude and a bad partner. she's clearly just trying to get brickeys attention, literally flirting with him in front of her boyfriend.
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"very odd" if a CM tells you you cant do something, why would you even question it ? and this is coming from someone who claims they LOVE the back to CMs, goes to eat right at closing because its their job to be there anyways, sure you LOVE them
I'd be curious to see how she handled it, if someone asked her on a live not to film their family? Would she walk away and talk about it for ten minutes? Act like she was confused why they would do that in a theme park?
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Lalo Salamanca

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Looks like Checkbook Charlie cancelled plans with BLAB to go to the San Diego Wild Animal Park today 🤣 Just posted on KT story
The way I understood it, BLAB flake on Charlie…he still went, and alone from the looks of it. BLAB was most likely tired and hungover (food and alcohol) from Saturday night at DL. They are just a couple lazy slobs and horrible friends.

They stood up their sugar daddy…
He even wore their merch in anticipation of frolicking with Spencer all day at the wild animal park…sad face lol.
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SOMEONE NEEDS TO SEND HER “VLOGGING IS HARDER THAN NURSING” to Jasmine Obra I believe her name is. Panda’s sister. Panda was a nurse who got Covid and died. KT whipped up fake tears when he passed away. What a slap in her deceased “friend’s” face.
I totally get what you’re saying, but I don’t think anyone should bother her. She’s had to deal with enough just losing her brother. She doesn’t need the BLAB drama to follow her around, or to be reminded of the tragedy. I’m sure he’s on her mind every day.
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Making sense of this 6 year separation without finalizing the divorce because of the “Pandemic”. Anyone who has been through this knows what’s going on. She’s probably been collecting Alimony from her ex or temporary maintenance until the divorce is finalized. Maybe she recently lost it or trying to position her self to receive more in a divorce settlement. Oh I can’t work as Nurse my back pain. The channel is Spencer’s channel! And make sure everyone writes their checks to Spencer! So it doesn’t look like her income. This explains a lot of KT actions. I wouldn’t be surprised if the ex cut her off around the Woo apartment time. Would make sense. Yes in a non fault state someone can cheat and then come after their husband for money and that’s right up her alley. Classic dirt ball move. She probably has also racked up the debt during this time and wants her ex to flip the bill for it. Little does she know the term for trying to hide income and collect is referred to as Shirking and the court system does not like it one bit.
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Another riveting episode of BLOB's Monthly Guide to Disneyland !!

Don't forget folks they will be doing this every month! Spencer claims they will be sharing "insider info" that they have collected and know by being at the resort all the time. Yet later on states they don't have insider information when discussing trams. :unsure: Another complete waste of time as usual. The Stans love it and apparently they are not aware all this info is easily found on the Disneyland website, and places like Mouseplanet, and

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