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VIP Member
Someone called him out on his selfish prick ways.
Note the smarmy cunts sarcastic reply to her at the end.
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I've also been doing my part ? What exactly you fucking cunt ! He is more than able to cook his own dinners because lets face it he's not working the lazy fucking bastard..... his 'what an angel' comment sounds so patronising - if I was her I'd unfollow is ass ... annoying me more each day so may have to unfoll0w his smuge bastard face !
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Im new here but fell into the last thread from beginning to here and he seems pretty shady. He is so self centered how does he even have time to be a decent husband or father. I mean his wife isnt well and hes posting photos from the actual hospital so he can get a wee attention boost. Pay attention to your poor wife. When me and my baby were in the hospital my husband whos life centers around food certainly wasnt swanning off for £1 lunches or complaining about how busy he was going back and forward. I dont know his wife but she seems like she deserves better and to be the center of someones universe instead of playing second fiddle to a slimming club. Genuinally never seen the likes. Imagine being that obsessed with a diet plan he clearly cant stick to. Just be honest about weight on or off. Thats the relatable content we all like to see. All it takes is one lie or omission of the truth and people will no longer trust you and find reasons to pick you apart. You reap what you sow.
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I hate how all the "big" insta accounts like to tag one another so they can all have their insta dicks sucked....

ben, snaresy and dangermouse make my fanny itch and I don't even have one.
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he should just admit hes with the other 100000 insta z listers who promote slimming world to the hills but hide behind the gram when they put the weight back on because it does not work!!!
Slimming world does work as long as you realise its a life long plan and not just a quick weight loss gimmick!
I strongly believe those who loose massive amounts quickly are more likely to struggle keeping it off as they where way too constrictive with the plan to get that loss ,
I didn't have a massive amount to shift but did it slowly and 11 years on im still at target
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Blimey! 😮 That makes me feel better about my half a stone gain! 😂 I've lost 4.5 stone - 3 on SW, 1 on WW and half a stone extra by calorie counting and am proud of myself and how I've maintained, but dont feel the need to waltz around like a nob 'ed, taking selfies every minutes and thinking I'm some sorta queen! We all gain weight here and there, and mist get it back off unless we gorge too much - keeping the weight off is bloody hard, but like I just said in the Pickard thread, you need to be transparent when running a SW inspired page, and not hide any weight gain because you're ashamed - we'd rather honesty that we can relate to than blatant lies, dishonesty and bullshit! 😑🖕
the 2 stone in question was over christmas.

asda must have gifted the cunt a fully stocked supermarket for a gain that big.

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Going in hard with the " home food technology "

Ben, you made cakes for fucks sakes.

why not teach them the art of the beg? or how to try and cheat on your wife amd not get caught or perhaps my favourite lesson of them all...

how to contort your body in a photo you look like you've been put back together by fucking air crash investigators.
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New member
Yeah course left overs are for dinner Ben, that’s why ya put 2 stone back on.. and Nooo he doesn’t Laura 🤦🏻‍♀️ Christ sakes can you imagine.. restraunt Al-a-begging cunt 🤣 🤣
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Imagine being that insecure and immature that you have to open up troll accounts 😂 What an absolute Cnut.

Ben - I know you read here, I hope your wife leaves you for a real man 👍🏻
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I just don't get it... posts all this shit talking in the third person, "you got this, you can get this back...blah blah blah" sob story was getting so bad I expected simon cowell to fucking pop up.

he then proceeds to fill his face with fucking cake...then who can forget his espionage mission for a fucking cornetto in ikea...

we all struggle ben, so do I... I have today, the kids wanted some chips from the chippy...a massive trigger for me... especially the leftovers because I hate waste.

did I eat any ben? no... I plastered them in washing up liquid to stop me....


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Chatty Member
How can this bastard think he has had it harder than his wife these past few days. Aww poor ben you had to take some responsibilities be an actual parent and visit your wife?
Fuck off your wife is the one thats ill and works full time to support you. Don't see her hastagging the fuck out of the gram looking for sympathy so she can snake her way into people DMs.
She needs to kick him to the curb.
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Lol I'm a bit of a nosey thing so I've been following your threads on Ben for quite some time since I noticed a comment on his Instagram about tattle, he quickly deleted the comment though !
Thing is with Ben is he's just not very honest ,only likes the loving comments and always deletes the negative ones ,fake as hell and totally misleads people at the moment where he's at with his weight loss / gains.
He's the male equivalent of Fopperholic..... she only likes positive feed back and deletes/blocks 'constructive' feedback !
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out of his last 11 posts, 1 meal, 1 beg, 9 pictures about how great he is, 0 posts about slimming world.

let's add witworths to the list of brands I won't purchase because of this beggy cunt.

get to group and weigh in you wanksplash!!!
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VIP Member
So, another Friday without a weigh in? Why do you constantly tag Slimming World in your posts, Ben when it’s obvious to all you’re not attending meetings?
Of course, I might be wrong. Perhaps you’re going to class and not posting any results as you’re putting the pounds on. Man up, be more honest and relatable to your fan base, please. Tell us the truth.
I have laid a little trap to see if he actually does read here, even though we know he having said that, Benji, I'm back on instagram, block me username same as usual 😉

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