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I didn't know who this fella was until I found Tattle, but these threads fucking crack me up! 😂😂 He seems like a complete and utter self absorbed dickhead! 😡 🤮
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Chatty Member
You know what? Fair play to him for replying. I laugh along at this thread and some of the posts about his antics are bloody hilarious, but that’s a genuinely nice thing to do as some of the bigger accounts must get loads of DM’s.

I feel slightly unclean for saying this. 😂
Someone on this thread said he outright pervs on girls so I wanted to see if he'd take the bait of a pretty girl asking advice...he didn't.

It's also worth noting the person who said Ben dm'd them has never shared screenshots even when asked if they would do with their ig tag edited out.
Am I saying they're lying? No.
but I think sometimes we have to be careful in not blindly believing something we want to believe because we dislike Ben.

Does this mean I like him now? NO.
Am I gonna stop joking about him? Fuck No.

but i've also got intergrity and i'm not willing to say he has done something wrong when, in this case, he hasn't.
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She reminds me of Mama June from that red neck programme. It’s the teeth to gum ratio. I’m going to hell in a handcart for saying that, but fuck it.
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He didn't look very injured when he was running his 10K with his own personal photographer a couple weeks back ! His motivation with showing off all his batch cooking didn't look affected either ?! As for the 'mental health' comment - I've been waiting for this... not saying he doesn't have issues as I know we all present/hide them in different ways but he seemed to be 'coping' OK on his jolly to Birmingham at the weekend meeting strange women and chatting away on the train and then meeting up with basically strangers who he's met online...... I know if I was going through one of my struggling phases I couldn't/wouldn't be doing that I'd be a home with my family feeling safe and supported ! He gets more disgraceful by the day !
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Slimming world does work as long as you realise its a life long plan and not just a quick weight loss gimmick!
I strongly believe those who loose massive amounts quickly are more likely to struggle keeping it off as they where way too constrictive with the plan to get that loss ,
I didn't have a massive amount to shift but did it slowly and 11 years on im still at target
amazing. and i bet you did it without any action shots, beggy mullers and fucking discount codes!!!

New thread Suggestion....

Ben Green #3 -Tried to bury his face in a pizza, attempted to chat up redlips and then meet her.
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Errrm, who was it again that has spent a couple days in hospital a few days ago?



on the mend from what? rejection from that redlips woman on insta or his latest failed beg?

also, What the fuck audrey?
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I'm still trying to figure out what it is he has "exposed" about me...

am I ben, the one that travels the UK meeting women on trains, adding them on instagram, leaving my wife at home, arranging meetings with other ladies, am i the one ben that lies to my followers (there are few of them yes, but at least I didn't pay for them) about how much weight I've gained?

Am I the one Ben that uses the mental health card to further my own instagram aspirations?

Shall I expect that tomorrow when I go to my group they are gonna have a picture in the window with my head on it that says you are not allowed here anymore...

the only thing being exposed here is you and you can't take that can you ben...
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For fuck’s sake. You look like a complete cock. Do you think you’re funny?
whan an absolute cretin.

A worldwide health pandemic and he uses it as a photo op any chance he gets.

he has absolutely no class.

you are scum, an absolute embarrassment of a human being, you probably took that out of your cupboard at home and took it with you.

be grateful that you managed to get some beans at all, there's probably someone out there tonight hungry and would kill for those beans.

you make me fucking sick.
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Chatty Member
Why don't we just keep the next thread title simple:
Ben Green #3: Narcissist, liar and manatee shagger.
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Chatty Member
Just want to show the person who was asking for more info about him yesterday.
have a look at the shrine room to himself at home.
I'm honestly suprised there isn't a big framed portrait of him in his James Bond costume with candles around it with a muller on an alter.
That'll be where he goes for some 'quiet time' of a night bottle of easter cream in hand to help things along...
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He’s acting the affable husband and father with a whacky sense of humour for the ’gram. Absolute tool.
It all really has gone to his head... quite sad really.

He's at home watching harry potter, whilst he'd much rather be out there being a dirty little rotter.

did I just suggest a new thread title? 😂😂
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How many weeks has it been now since we had a weigh in from benny boy?

It's gotta be at least 3 months.... and considering his entire account is based around slimming world/weight loss i think that is staggering...yet he still tags sw in stuff that has got more in common with the queens chuff than it does slimming world and why is that? because he will stop at nothing in his desperate search for insta how he was tagging the holy piss out of mind charity and they've helped him so much blah blah blah... funny tho, not a mention of it since the climb was postponed eh ben... the truth is you can't use it to further your own desperate greedy needs..

3 months of no weigh in... yet he finds the time to dress up as a bastard unicorn, put up a tent in his garden, fuck around in sainsburys using a GLOBAL pandemic as a photo op, but he cant take about 5 seconds out if his beggy schedule to weigh in at home? why is that ben? how is the "abuse you receive on tattle" (your words not mine) any different to you messaging people about me and telling them to stear clear or "giving them a heads up" (again your words not mine).. is it really to keep people away from me, or is it that you don't want the bubble to burst that you live in?

I'm no danger to you... you're doing a fucking stellar job of that yourself.
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