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Abbot loin, it’s like she cannot be bothered to learn the names of things, she does it with Gousto pronounces it gusto, it’s goooosto you moron also let’s not forget the corpse paint that her garden is covered in. Get in the fuckin bin beggy! 🤡
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She’s definitely become like QVC. Is this really what people want to watch on Instagram?! I find Hinch more bearable to watch these days and that’s saying something!
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BINGO off to livis boutique tomorrow 🎉
Look love you don't like football, your husbands not home so stop trying to be relatable and go and watch what you want on TV. It's not big and it's not clever!
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The bag is vile, the fucking barge boat flip flops are vile, the Scribble top is absolutely fucking atrocious, get in the bin, her absolute tone deafness towards flaunting her spending habits are off the scale, also money can’t buy taste beggy, remember that, just because it’s “designer” ie the bag, can’t remember the maker, doesn’t make it nice, if a designer made a T-shirt’s as a joke with a massive dog turd on it, she’d buy it, just because it’s designer, god she pisses me off! 🤬🤡🤣
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Sofa spud

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I reckon the room full of clothes are hers and Brookes combined and she sends most the stuff she orders back (except the 1000 Primark vests and jeans) as it's just for content. You never see her wearing any of it.
I think you have hit the nail on the head, you never see her wear most of what she buys, I’ve followed her for a few years now, she always goes mad in the end of summer sales but you never see her wear it the next summer.
All for show…..
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Chatty Member
Another bingo 🙋🏻‍♀️
I knew she would be gifted cake.
Greedy, grabby, disgusting fucker. She'd take the steam off your piss if you gifted her it.
She will NEVER buy from that small business, nor will she mention them again, but hey she is supporting them by taking freebies, what a fucking saint she is!!

Was just going to say you were right about the gifted cake! You’re also right about her being a greedy grabby disgusting fucker!!

Did anyone notice that she didn’t even say thank you?
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This is the impression Becky gives. Sad really. He gives this vibe out tbh. Begay. Get a job, stop the insta pretence with snippets of your reality, stop relying on him financially and get out.
From personal experience, I massively disagree. Whilst he might have his issues from his brain injury, it’s clear who runs the show in that house and it isn’t him.
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Running a competition so her followers increase, she does something like this everytime her numbers dwindle.
She is so transparent 🙄
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Oh my those cows udders . She’s like the character out of Little Britain Bubbles with them knee touchers . I bet she can tuck them in her canoe converse 🤣🤣
Is she not getting bored with her Friday shite ? So it’s 6 months until Christmas . Only that selfish bitch could post that . Has it still not sunk into her bird brain yet that some families haven’t got a magic money tree growing in a scout hut like her and Jaysun have and we’ve been in another lockdown , She is seriously one self centred old bag .
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So it’s going to piss down tomorrow and only 6 or 2 households allowed inside. Hope you got your brollys ready Beggy. We know where you live remember and you don’t want to be breaking COVID rules do we, you know the pandemic we are all in and continue to suffer from.
Happy Reading

Going to make it even clearer for you, taken from the government website.

Meeting friends and family indoors (rule of 6)
It is safer to meet people outdoors. This is because COVID-19 spreads much more easily indoors. However, you can meet up indoors with friends and family you do not live with, either:

in a group of up to 6 from any number of households (children of all ages count towards the limit of 6)
in a group of any size from up to two households (each household can include an existing support bubble, if eligible)

So you have 6 coming, plus you and Jason oh and Brookie bless her counts too.
She's not given a single fuck from day 1, barely wearing a mask, not distancing and mixing with far too many people - she's a scumbag! 🤬

I've barely seen anyone, not been inside or outside or inside anyone's house except for my parents and although I sometimes feel lonely that's ok as I'd rather keep myself as safe as I can seeing as I'm working in a very busy store and unable to keep my distance from customers. 😞 A friend has asked me to come over to her house, but I said I want to wait until the 3 weeks of my second vaccination has kicked in so I've got full immunity before mixing (I'm not completely immune then, and will still keep safe, but I'll need to slowly start doing more as there's no point in being vaccinated otherwise - anxiety is a bitch 🥺) - it might be too cautious for some, but I don't care, I've kept myself safe and covd free for this long, so another few weeks before I start to get myself out and about a bit more is ok with me. 😊

Says it all when she shouts out this twat 🙄 all the one brain celled huns have been sharing his shitting content this week
Ohhh..... he's a right cretin! 🤬
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VIP Member those words just make me what to shoot myself in the face
People of Felixstowe please please please don't get your eyelashes done at the salon she uses they are fucking awful. Why are they so clumpy do you think she puts mascara on them?!
I'm pretty sure fire alarms are a legal requirement I mean don't quote me but I definitely don't need some thick twat telling me to check my smoke alarm and whilst I'm pushing the button make sure I get a smear! What an absolute cockwobble
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It’s been pure bliss without that old hag gurning on Instagram today . I see the Brooke bless her has regained consciousness from her sick bed and is back in business , trout pouting at its finest . Like mother like daughter 😂
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She does this every so often, she’ll remind us all to check our fire alarm batteries and book a smear test. Does she think we’re all as thick as her?
She doesn’t give two shits if anyone has their smear tests or not, and she also doesn’t give a shit about peoples house burning down! Can’t believe she’s used those poor peoples misfortune for content…unbelievable.
It would be different if she was encouraging people to donate to help them but she isn’t.
Like a previous poster pointed out, why isn’t she donating her freebie meat, clothes or anything like that?
She is so bloody self absorbed it’s frightening to watch
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How many fucking times does she need to tell us her coleslaw recipe? Just fuck off you crackpot, creaming your knickers cos you're going to get pissed up this afternoon, what a pathetic, gross oxygen thief you are.
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I've followed her for about 5 years now and I used to really like her, now its just all about codes and swipe ups and shes just coming across as a desperate mess and so boring...shes lost her way and her mental health I fear is suffering too.
The quotes and sayings she is posting makes me wonder if she is crying out for help. She doesn't look happy, keeps posting stuff about not knowing what others are going through so I do think something has happened. She has lost her way, who she is and has become an insta puppet. Always desperate to be part of the crowd and have to copy other accounts. She will never be happy. She associates happiness and wealth with material goods. The more handbags I have the richer I appear and the truth is that it doesn't makes you look like a spoilt materialistic grabby person!

The swipe ups have increased so either job loss or hours cut down.
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Sofa spud

VIP Member
I’m just off to work and if I lived next to her I would leave my Alexa in my garden with a Jack hammer noise on all day but then to wrongs don’t make a right do they.
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She's done 2 more Tik where she painted the hallway from grey to grey and added that black screen thing and one showing off her flip flops and dressing room. Neither of which have any comments 🤣🤣🤣
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