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She's obviously been up to something tonight, no stories for 5 hours then it's time for bed?
Where is the "love you lots like jelly tots" phrase begs?
I feel let down, I'm not sure how I'll sleep tonight without reading that you love all of the random people on insta like you love a kids sweet. .. 😭

Ah I just realised.... She had that best pal over didn't she.... My bad, obviously no usual 50 boomerangs with this friend 🤔
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I quickly came to the conclusion when I first started watching Beggy’s stories - she loves TAT!!
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How her friend said orphan was the best film she’s ever seen 😂 I’ve seen that film and yeah I liked it but I wouldn’t go round telling people it was the best film I’ve ever seen like it’s some Oscar worthy blockbuster lol like someone said the way Becky then goes on insta telling everyone like none of us would have ever heard of it and arnt we lucky we have her giving us these great recommendations 🙄
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Pink waffles

Chatty Member
The hypocritical bitch

She won't be rushing out anywhere.....coming from the person who has shopped throughout lockdown and rushed to non essential shops as soon as they opened.

Also how disrespectful is it to be celebrating still not being able to go back to work

Prized cunt at 7.48am
I was soo tempted to message her but realised you can’t react or message from that story 😩
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VIP Member
From 10th July it's mandatory to wear masks when you go shopping in Scotland.
In my opinion they should have the same rule in England as well. There are too many Beggys around who don't give a shit and go around spreading their germs to everyone else.
I agree but would be pointless with Beggy still touching and grabbing everything in sight 😠 at least you wouldn’t be able to smell her rotten breath
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Penny for them

Chatty Member
She is trolling😂grown adults watching Christmas films all day in the week , it's not even a day off work! She must be joking -she won't have any self worth literally wasting her days on this earth
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Why didn't she check the reviews on those products before shelling out her money like she tells all her followers to do.
And also, if the products have broken send them bloody back, that's more shite thrown into landfill courtesy of Beggys shit buys.
Because she's a massive hypocrite and can't practice what she preaches
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Michael is a lovely young guy who mentioned he didn't think it was appropriate (in the middle of lockdown when Covid was at it's peak) that she was #gifted a £600 BBQ. People were losing their loved ones, facing uncertainty about their jobs and future etc + she was carrying on like nothing was happening. Anyways, he messages her as he was getting homophobic abuse + really nasty messages. He politely asked her if she would address her followers + the messages he received + she said NO. Said it would make it worse for HER !!! Despicable woman. She's absolutely VILE
Wow x I missed that x that is disgusting x does anyone know if Micheal is okay x
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She’s just an all round cunt! I can’t think of a single nice thing about her. Her homes like an old people’s home, her husbands a perv, her daughters a pouty waste of skin, her cedar rooms a scout hut, her face is like a screwed up sweet wrapper, her tits are like bassets ears, her grass is crap, her teef are like an old cemetery, her feet are like flippers. Her cookings like a baby’s. She’s a disgusting human. She should crawl away and disappear. Her actions and behaviour during this pandemic has been atrocious. I,ll stop there cause I’m winding myself up😂🤣
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