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Miss polar

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I must be in the minority, but I didn’t find the series traumatic.
There’s no doubt that it’s a bit unsettling, but I’m sure Gadd took a fair bit of dramatic license.
He said himself he would have done anything to be famous!
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There’s 15 posts about her next door neighbour (I won’t mention his name) accusing him of multiple crimes and calling him lots of names.

I do think she needs help, but in an institution. She shouldn’t just be allowed to torture people and spout pure hatred without any consequences, just because she’s ill.
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She seems to post obsessively about something in a relentless fashion once it’s in her head. She won’t stop now. She should have said nothing and not mentioned any of it. People would have soon got fed up of her posting other rubbish and moved on but by referencing Richard and Baby Reindeer she has verified that she is 100% Martha
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This is what I find quite troubling.

She’s so seriously mentally unwell that no one will believe anything she says - what if the cafe part really didn’t happen? I have no doubt she did stalk him, she’s as good as admitted to it and that in itself is simply awful, as is the language she uses to talk about minorities, but how much of what was portrayed in BR was fiction and included for dramatic effect?

I think that topic of BR is so important but I feel like it should have been made as a factual documentary really. I really can’t decide how I feel about RG’s motives. It’s all very complex
This is my increasing feeling too. We don't know where the line between fiction and reality actually is.

When I first watched BR, I was horrified and appalled at what Richard Gadd had been through. Felt hugely sympathetic to him even though it was clear he'd not behaved well himself at times. I took it at face value that he'd been on the receiving end of some really intimidating stalking.

But given that it was a blatant lie they'd made Martha 'unrecognisable', inevitably we start to wonder about other things. Was the real Martha just an oddball (most pubs have one), someone with extremist and unpopular views, who RG saw as potential 'material'. An easy, socially isolated target - because he knew that people would read her social media and think it was entirely possible she could do all the stuff shown in the programme.

Did she actually stalk him relentlessly as we've seen, mistaking his kindness for something more, and did he actively encourage her? (whether through self destructive impulses after what had happened to him previously, or because he thought it would be good material, having found out about her past - one thing we do know is that she had stalked a former employer, but that was late 90s/ early 2000s, some time before the events of BR). Was her stalking at or near the level that's been portrayed or something far more mundane? Just going to the pub when he was working, turning up and his gigs etc and researching him obsessively online rather than following him to his home and gaining entry, contacting his parents, attacking his previous and current partners, making threats to his parents?

This sounds as though I'm making excuses for her - I'm not. Based on the available facts and her FB feed, she is clearly a bigot, doesn't seem to be a very nice person and has a history of stalking. If she did most or all the stuff in BR, then that's appalling, but how much of it is true and how much exaggerated for dramatic effect?

I agree this was probably better either as a documentary, or 'inspired by true events' kind of thing - making it clear that some or most of it was fiction.
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I’m afraid I still don’t feel any sympathy for her. She could have deleted her account if she didn’t want to be recognised. She’s obviously a deeply disturbed and unpleasant individual. How ironic that it’s her being stalked now! Still think she likes the attention though! Who knows what RG’s motives were but he’s perfectly within his rights to make the series and not do a great job in conceal her identity! Serves her right imo!
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Chatty Member
I really enjoyed this, so different to anything I’ve watched. I don’t know if I’m just mean but I hated Martha 😂 I had no sympathy
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I actually think she was portrayed with reasonable sympathy on BR. She’s bat shit crazy on her fb with racist and homophobic views! There were times during the series that viewers would have felt some empathy with her, like the time she was sat outside the bus stop for days on end and he took her back to her home and he also alluded she may have been sexually abused when she was younger!
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Ended up binging it.

I thought the final two episodes had some truly excellent and moving moments.

He still annoyed me sometimes with doing some very illogical stuff when he has been stalked for so long.

Had a tiny amount of sympathy for Martha in the end, living as someone like that must be horrendous . But she shouldn't be out in public either.
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I'm starting to think Richard Gadd is a bit of prick who's obsessed with fame. He could have changed the script most stalking victims are scared of being murdered and it starting up again. He's obviously not scared of Martha he's choosing to mostly target her not his rapist because she is more vulnerable and has less power. He's fanning the flames for his shot at fame and money.
Totally agree. I also dont get how hes not only relived his trauma by writing it to be re-enacted but actually played the part himself.

Then part of me thinks this is all an elaborate black mirror/hoax and the twitter posts were done 10 years ago since in prep for this- played the long game.

Either way, he's got the fame it seems he s desperately craved.
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Let’s be fair, she’s not ‘Martha’ she’s whatever her name is.

There are many elements of the show that have been added/taken out to sensationalise it for Netflix. Nobody apart from Gadd and the people knows what these are. Did she go for him and his girlfriend physically? Did she torment his parents? Did he wank over this woman he was terrified of? Did she grope him? Did she go to court? We know the court thing is untrue but what else is isn’t.

Gadd using real text and tweets has left a breadcrumb trail to this mentally unstable woman who is now being treated as the person we saw in a tv show which only has elements of truth in it. I don’t believe this was accidental
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I have to say I absolutely loved it and while some parts of it were deeply uncomfortable and dark I was totally hooked until the end and thought those parts were really well portrayed.

I know previous posters have said why didn't he just tell her to fuck off but I suppose cos he had so much of his own trauma to deal with he probably saw what he considered his own 'fucked up ' parts reflected in her, IMO
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